Make up

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Bella's PoV

As Charlie drove to the hospital, I thought about what had happened earlier that day and started feeling terrible about what I had said. It just seemed that I was loosing so many people and I was terrified of loosing anymore.

My thoughts just kept coming in dark as ever. First, terrified of loosing Jake, then realising how many people I was loosing, would Charlie be next? What about (y/n) or Edward.... Edward.... This was all because of my birthday when I had to get a stupid paper cut. Tears of grief and anger flowed down my cheek.

Within ten minutes we were at the hospital. I managed to stop the tears before Charlie saw but as soon as he looked at my face he saw.
"Bells? Have you been crying?" He asked concerned.
I stayed quiet. About five minutes had passed and finally Charlie had given up in waiting for an answer. We walked to the waiting room where Jacob, Billy and some of the others were waiting.

Jacob came straight over to me giving me a hug. Straight away, we had made up. Luckily, I didn't lose my best friend.  While Charlie went in to see Harry Jacob and I waited outside.
"How is he?" I asked concerned.
Jacob sighed and shook  his head.
"The doctors doubt he will make it," Jacob answered.

Only a couple times did someone speak trying to lighten the mood at least just a little bit but it never worked. Awkwardly, I sat there just silently thinking to myself.

A while passed and I was beginning to get tired. Charlie still hadn't left Harry's room. Now only a few people were in the waiting room. Me, Jacob, Seth, Leah, Billy and a couple other people who we didn't really know. I yawned.
"Tired?" Jacob asked.
I nodded. Taking of his jacket, Jacob told me to lay down and use his lap as a pillow. I obeyed. He placed his black jacket over me as a blanket as I laid on his lap.

Of course there was no way I would fall asleep with shinning, bright lights and a room full of grief and anxiety. The direction I was facing wasn't towards Jacob but rather towards a large window revealing the night sky.

From behind I felt Jacob stroking my hair almost equivalent to how Edward use to do it. This time I didn't flinch. The content strokes relaxed me realising me from some of the tension the room had created.

Charlie was in there for what seemed like a whole hour until he came out. I'd never seen him in a worser state. Knowing how he must be feeling, I told him to stay the night and I would go home.
"Are you sure Bells?" Charlie asked.
Before I could answer Jacob cut in.
"I'll take her home Charlie," Jacob reassured him.

Charlie trusted Jacob with his life and agreed. Before we left, I gave Charlie one last hug.
"You take care," I whispered to him.
"I will," he answered.

As Jake and I began to leave, Billy wheeled his chair over to Charlie. Leah and Seth watched as we left as well. I didn't know who to sympathise with more Leah and Seth or Charlie. On one hand, they were loosing their father but on the other he was loosing one of his best friends.

The drive was quiet like the hospital. Only small chats every now and then. What else would there be? I mean what else would there be. Both of us were just so worried there wasn't much else we could talk about. If we spoke about Harry it would just be about how worried we were which would eventually get a bit repetitive.

As we approached my house, we noticed a black Mercedes in the drive. Instantly, I recognised it.
"That's Carlisle's Mercedes!" I gasped.
Jacob was more skeptical toward the visitor.
"The only vampires that's been in Forks in months are Victoria and Laurent," he thought aloud, "It could be a lure Bella I'm coming with you."

I didn't argue after all he had every right to worry. Victoria had been trying to kill me for so long ever since James had been killed. She wanted Edward to feel the same pain.

Hey I just wanted to tell you that I have published a new book. It's called book updates and it just updates on anything that I am planning to write. If you want to check it out.

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