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(Y/n) PoV

That night I had zero sleep so in the morning I was equivalent to a zombie. Both Bella and I had coincidentally walked out the room at the exact same time. My appearance shocked her.
"You look like a...." before she could finish her sentence I walked into the bathroom and locked the door.
There was no way I was in the mood to talk.

The day at school was completely glum. I couldn't even focus on my classes. What did Jasper have to say to me? Would he come to school tomorrow? Only one way that I could find out.

After school, I drove the truck all the way to the Cullens now empty house. Confused I asked him what was going on.
"(Y/n) we're leaving and by me I mean my family and myself. Neither you or Bella will ever see us again."
Tears started falling from my eyes while he tried to get me to calm down and forgive him. There were a couple situations Jasper let me have control over my own emotions and this was one of them though he still used words to try and calm me down.

"Don't tell me to calm down. You think that everything we've been though.... everything we've ever felt was for nothing? Jasper what the hell happened to forever? You know how I feel about you. Without you I have no use for eating... or for breathing.... or for even living. You think you can just end it like this?" I cried.
He said one last goodbye with a kiss and then he left.

I ran inside the house and all the way to his room. Everything was gone. I fell to the floor and cried myself to I'm guessing sleep. When I looked up the sky was just turning into night but I didn't leave. Instead I just stayed there and thought about what I could do. I knew it wasn't Bella's fault but still I blamed her for it.

The next morning, I awoke still in Jaspers bedroom on the floor. Knowing Charlie would be worried I decided to go home. Bella was in her bedroom blocking out the world while Charlie tried talking to me. Without answering any of his questions I said one sentence to him. 
"I'm going to live with Mum."

Then I left to pack. My room was empty of  every memory of me and Jasper except one thing. A picture of the both of us on my desk. Tears rolled down my cheek as I picked it up and looked at it. On the back was a small note.
I'm sorry

Without hesitation I picked up the framed picture of Bella and I and replaced it with the one I had of Jasper. Then I continued to pack my bags. I didn't care how messy it was I just wanted to leave as soon as possible. When all my bags was packed I checked on my phone to see when the next flight to Jacksonville was in two hours. Enough time for me to get there and be ready but still not make me have to rush to much. I called my mum telling her I was on my way to which she told me she would get my room as ready as she could.

I didn't care what happened really but I couldn't stay in Forks with Bella for another second. Calling a cab, I left the house without even saying goodbye.

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