Cliff diving

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Bella's PoV

When I say I wasn't trying to kill myself please believe me. Though I had lost my boyfriend and was on the verge of losing my sister my intention was not to die.

I knew this crave for danger could kill or damage me but I didn't know what else to do. Whenever I was in danger I was able to hear Edwards voice and right now that's what I needed.

Not wanting anyone to stop me, I decided to go at 12:00pm. Jacob usually came to my house at 12:30 so I decided to leave before his arrival.

When I reached the edge of the cliff I took a deep breath and counted to 3.
I jumped straight of the cliff. Edwards voice had followed me. He had tried to stop me beforehand but I didn't listen to him.

What happened next? I'm not quite sure. All I remember was laying beside the lake, dripping wet while Jacob was giving me CPR. When I awoke I saw his musically chest and wet body.
"Are you crazy or suicidal?" He asked sort of as a serious joke.
"Crazy," I joked back.

One of the other wolves (which I had found out about during this time) gave Jacob a towel to wrap around me.
"You scared us Bella," the wolf then spoke in a serious manner.
"I'm sorry Sam I just...." I didn't know how to finish my sentence to I just cut it short.

Just then, I realised something. Jacob had just given me CPR!
"Y... y... you gave me CPR?!" I stuttered standing up and walking away, "Our lips touched... what about Edward?"

He stood up and started walking towards me.
"Bella I was saving your life and even if it was a kiss Edward hasn't been here for months and he won't be coming back."

His words bought back so many emotions resulting me in being pissed of. While I was screaming and shouting Jacob was staying calm and trying to reason with me. At that current moment, my emotions were flying all over the place only causing me not to be able to think straight.

Dripping wet, I ran all the way back to my house where Charlie was waiting.
"Bella why are you...." He pauses, "Never mind go get dressed we're going to visit Harry he's been hospitalised."

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