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"Jimin-ah," Jimin's mom knocked on the door. She opened up to find her son lying down on his bed with some earbuds fitted in his ears. Hearing the music outside of his headphones made the woman scoff.

She tapped Jimin's shoulder which caught his attention, making him sit up and remove the headphones, "yes mom?"

"We are leaving for your brother's high school orientation now. Are you sure that you don't want to come along?" Jimin thought over the offer before softly declining. "Are you sure you don't want me to call Young-bae to come over?"

Jimin rolled his eyes and huffed, making his mother raise an eyebrow at his rude action. "Yeah mom, I'm sure. I'm sixteen, not five. Besides, he's probably busy with work and all." Young-bae was a family friend. Jimin's mom's best friend had a kid at seventeen. He was basically like another brother to Jimin and Jihyun, Jimin's younger brother.

"Okay jimin," his mom started before turning around to leave, stopping at the doorway, "we will be back around eight or so. Don't burn down the house or anything." Jimin snorted at the thought, "I won't burn the house down, I'll be fine." With that, his mom left his room, closing the door behind her.

Jimin watched from his window as his family piled into the car. Jihyun had a huge grin on his face, happy that he was soon going to be attending the same school as his older brother. Jihyun caught him staring and waved at him from the backseat. Jimin giggled and waved back until his dad started pulling out from the driveway.

He watched as the car disappeared from his view before going back to his bed and unplugging the headphones from his phone. Jimin pressed play on his music and started dancing to Got7's Magnetic, trying to emulate Yugyeom's dance moves.

He smiled as he saw himself dance in his dresser mirror. He had only learned the choreography a couple of hours ago and he already memorized it. The song came to an end and Jimin quickly replayed it, wanting to have fun with the moves again.

Time quickly elapsed as he moved his dancing to the living room. He checked the clock, and it had read 6:04pm. While going to the kitchen to get some water, his tummy gave a low grumble.

"Trying to talk to me, huh?" Jimin giggled and poked at his stomach. It groaned again and he laughed, "okay okay, let's find something to eat."

With no luck finding anything in the fridge that was to his liking, he went to the pantry. Looking at the rows of food made him more desperate for a meal to eat. A lightbulb lit up in Jimin's head as he pulled out a macaroni box. "This is quick and easy to make, sure." Jimin decided and pulled out a pot from one of the kitchen cabinets.

Within fifteen minutes, the water was bubbling. Jimin poured in the noodles and nodded his head to the music he was playing on his phone that was on top of the counter.

Jimin loved music. It always managed to express his thoughts. It made him feel like people understood how he felt in that moment. Music will always be there for you. There was only one thing he loved more than music.


Jimin loved to dance, especially contemporary. You could literally see the emotions flowing through his body. It was an escape. Just count the beats and listen to the rhythm. No worries. Just you and the music. It was a special bond between you and your soul. Where no one can interfere. Just pure freedom and release.

Jimin was lost in thought until a ding brought him back to reality. It was the timer he set for the noodles. Jimin grabbed a fork, picking up a noodle and blowing on it. He took a bite, testing to see if the noodle was soft enough for his preference.

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