q&a {answers}

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Thank you guys for submitting questions and not making this a flop lol. Also this takes place before the last chapter.

Let's get started.



"do you need any help-." The interviewer went to stand up to help Jimin over but he gave her a glare. He noticed his rude action and softened, "no thanks."

He got himself seated, wiggling in the seat to make himself comfy. He smiled as he got distracted by the moving chair. The interviewer cleared their throat, making Jimin snap out of it.

"You ready to answer some questions?" "Mhm." Jimin said smiling, swaying his feet that didn't even touch the ground.

"So the first is from @_Shadow_Smith_ and they ask:

Are you excited to dance again?

Jimin's smile got even wider, if that was even possible. "Definitely! It used to be my favorite thing in the entire world.. before my family, of course. Hoseok hyung is even going to help me when he comes back."


When you get back to walk and dance, would you make a sexy dance with someone and who?"

Jimin blushed as soon as he heard the word 'sexy.' He's not sexy nor does he think he could make a sexy dance, especially with someone. He doesn't think he could handle that embarrassment.

"I-I don't know about the sexy part but um.. I would love to dance with Hoseok and the rest of the guys." He smiled, nodding his head. "Yeah, that would be really fun."

"Next is from @Hopexful:

I'm happy for you mannn. Also do you like Hoseok or anyone else?"

"Thank you," he gives a polite bow. "And yeah I really like Hoseok. He's a really good friend. Very caring and don't tell him that I said this but he's very cute and funny." Jimin giggled the last part.

"Oooh I heard that." Hoseok giggled from behind the door. "I think you're very sweet too Jiminieee." Jimin's hands covered his cheeks to hide his rosy, warm cheeks.

"Before we move onto the last question, let's invite Jihyun in here because it is for the both of you."

Jihyun came into the room and stood behind Jimin's chair, that being the only chair available. "You ready?" Jihyun gave a thumbs up, "ask away."

"The last question is from @yoongi-bear- and they ask:

How would he gave felt if the surgery did not go well?"

Jihyun's breath hitched as he thought about the questions. So many things could have gone wrong. As he was thinking of his response, Jimin went ahead and answered.

"I don't think I'd be as happy as I would be now." He fiddled with his thumbs, looking down. "I'd still be incapable and given up hope.. I don't want to be like that ever again, it felt like I was trapped in my own body."

Jimin looked up and smiled at his brother. "But Jihyun-ah is really smart and I didn't doubt him. I owe him so much, I don't know how to repay him."

Aww's outside the door, from the members, could be heard. Jimin rolled his eyes at them, but continued to smile.

"There's no need to thank me. I've always wanted to help you. Besides, you were the one to let me meet my favorite group, that's more than enough." Jihyun ruffled Jimin's hair, to which Jimin whined and fixed it.

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