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Jimin entered the store, an employee offering to put him in a mobility scooter. Jimin hesitantly agreed and he was sat in a chair. "I'll just put your wheelchair behind my counter. I'm counter number three so go there when you're ready to check out." The employee nodded, wheeling his chair to the place he said he would.

It took Jimin a second to figure out the controls, quickly understanding it. He made his way down the isles, first looking for the noodles. He found them in isle eight, being easy to reach at his height. He put two packs in the cart and continued around the store.

He made his way to the deli and picked out some beef. He spoke harshly to the man at the counter. The man shook his head but did his job. He reached over the counter and Jimin snatched the pack out of his hands.

Next to the deli was the bakery. There he picked up the whole wheat bread his mom asked for and bagels for himself. "If I have to go out, then I'm getting some snacks for myself."

He went to the fruits & vegetables section and got mushrooms and garlic. He had to ask a random person to grab him a bag since the stand was too tall for him to reach.

"What else do I need?" Jimin muttered, looking at the cart. He saw a group of people run in and spread out throughout the store. He looked down and shook his head at the childish behavior. He then felt someone bump into the chair, causing him to jolt forward. "I'm sorry." The man with a black mask bowed, not really paying attention to who he bumped into, and quickly ran of with who Jimin thought was his friend.

Jimin grumbled and continued on with his shopping. Some customers were wondering why a young boy needed the chair. A few were even thinking that he was a disrespectful, lazy young adult.

It was when he went to the dairy section where he had trouble. Of course the two kinds of milk he needed were on the top shelf, out of his reach. "God dammit." He mumbled. He already asked for too much help so he didn't want to ask again. He wanted to be able to do this on his own.

Jimin looked around and there was no one near him. He groaned again, cursing himself for being stuck. He opened the glass door and the cool air hit him instantly. With a shiver, he tried reaching for the milk. It was kind of helpless, seeing that the milk was still two shelfs above his arm.

Jimin was getting frustrated, not at himself, but at the milk. "Fucking hell! Get down to my level!" Jimin exclaimed out loud, making grabby hands for the milk. Embarrassed, he looked around to see if anyone had heard him.

But his hopes have been crushed when he saw six people staring at him. He recognized one, him being the one to bump into him. "Do you need help?" A familiar voice asked.

Jimin turned himself around and closed the glass door. The six seemed familiar but Jimin couldn't put his finger on it. "No, I'm fine." Jimin said. "Well if you say that shouting at milk is fine, then okay." One around his age laughed. Even that deep voice sounds familiar.

Jimin wanted to flip him off but he kept his cool. "I can get it. Leave me alone." Jimin moved, trying again to reach the milk. He felt six pairs of eyes on him, him groaning when they wouldn't leave him alone.

He tried a few more times before he heard shuffling. Footsteps came near him and he heard a soft voice say, "which kind?" Jimin looked up and it finally clicked where he knew them from.

"Wait, you guys are the ones that moved me to the sidewalk. Are you stalking me or some shit?" Jimin asked. "Yeah, but we aren't stalking you. Do you recognize us from anywhere else?" The one next to him asked. That's when the others moved to where the two were. The one speaking to Jimin seemed like the youngest of the group but clearly not the smallest.

He looked them up and down, "why would I recognize you from somewhere else?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Nowhere." A boy with orange hair who seemed to have a bunch of energy said quickly. "Now which milk?" The one with the black mask asked. He pointed to the banana milk and the low fat milk. The shortest one grabbed each item and put them in Jimin's basket.

"I didn't need your help." Jimin grumbled, rearranging his items. "Well it looks like you did." The short one crossed his arms.

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did t-."

"Yoongi stop being childish." The one with broad shoulders scolded. Immediately, 'Yoongi' retreated and stepped back. Jimin looked at all of them before stopping at the black haired boy.


"Me?" He looked around nervously.

"Yes.. You're Kookie right?" Jimin asked.

The others looked at Jimin in confusion, wondering how he didn't know who they were but knew his nickname. The boy cleared his throat, "um, yeah. My real name is Jungkook."

Something went off in Jimin's brain. The name was so familiar.

"Your name must be popular or something. I swear I've heard it before." Jimin shook his head. "Guess so." Jungkook chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." Jimin said, starting to move his chair forward. Jimin was happy, thinking that he was free when he heard feet moving towards him. He stopped the cart and so did the feet. He turned around to question them but the same black masked figure bumped into him.

"Way to go Joon." The orange haired boy snorted, clapping his hands. "Oh.. so you were the same person I bumped into earlier, I'm sorry." 'Joon' bowed again. Jimin rolled his eyes and looked at the broad one again, "why are you guys following me?"

"Easy! In case you need more help." The deep voice piped up. "I'm sorry that you guys get off on helping people but I'm done shopping." Jimin said, leaving them all in shock.

Jimin left before they could follow him, going to the third cashier. "You find everything alright?" He asked, scanning each item. Jimin only gave a shrug, still annoyed at the six people who wouldn't leave him alone.

Jimin payed and the two moved over to the side. Luckily, no one was behind them so no one had to wait. That just reminded Jimin on how much of a pain he was; disrupting someones work so he can be seated.

The guy lifted Jimin as if he was as light as a feather and when Jimin looked up from in the employees arms, he saw the six watching him. He gave them a scowled look and looked directly at them when being placed in the chair.

"All good?" He asked and Jimin nodded, giving a soft thank you. Jimin told the man to place the groceries in the storage box under his wheelchair. He did so and left to put the chair back.

Jimin looked at the place where the others were standing and they were still there. Jimin flipped them off and wheeled his way out of the store.

"Jesus, he is so rude." Yoongi groaned, "can't he just be grateful?" "Maybe he's just having a bad day or something." Jin shrugged. He looked around and counted each member. No one was missing but something seemed to be gone. His answer was given when Jungkook asked,

"Hey Hoseok Hyung, did you leave the cart in the milk section?"

Jin gasped and started smacking hoseok's arm. "Jeez! Stop hitting me! I'll get it now." Hobi ran away from the group. "That boy is so forgetful sometimes, I swear." Jin shook his head.

"He was too distracted by that kid in the wheelchair." Namjoon pointed out. "Oooh. Maybe Hyung has a crush." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows. Yoongi snorted at the thought.

"Shut up, no I don't." Hoseok exclaimed, hearing their conversation from a couple of feet away. He panted, tired after running to get the cart and back."Besides, I don't even know his name."

Dings and buzzes came from each of their phones. Taehyung checked and it was their manager telling them that it was time to go. They payed and left the store, soon forgetting about the boy.

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