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The date is April 21st

Also holy shit, thank you for 2k reads. You guys are seriously amazing. Thank you for supporting me, here's a chapter, I hope you enjoy.

The six members were now five months into their tour and two months since they last talked. Jimin shouldn't be this worried about them though, he knows they're busy but at the same time, he doesn't think that they are so busy that they can't even send a simple 'hello' text. 

It was nine pm with Jimin laying down in his bed, the only light emitting from his phone. He would turn on the lights but it took too much effort to get up. And his arm crutches were sitting against his desk, out of arms reach.

Jimin pouted, puffing out his cheeks as he fiddled with his phone. He was questioning if he should call them. Was he too clingy?

If he was, he's always been like that. He loved the comfort and reassurance of the people around him. He likes to know how people are and if they need help or anything. 

So when none of the boys were answering him, he was worried. What if they are working themselves too hard? What if they hate me? What if they think I'm annoying? 

The insecurities started building atop of each other. He hasn't been like this in months. Jimin needed to talk to them. Just to make sure they are okay.

He went to the familiar contact, Sunshine Boy ☀️. His thumb hovered over the FaceTime button. Jimin bit his lip as he pressed down.

It rang.. and rang.. and rang, until it showed that the call was declined. Oh, maybe that was by accident, Jimin thought, pressing call once again. Once again, there was no answer. "Should I try one of the others?" He thought out loud.

One more try, and then he'd try Jin. Jimin pressed call again, the ringing taunting him. This was his only connection to Hoseok yet the phone wouldn't go through. 

Much to his relief, Hoseok picked up right before it was about to end. His smile disappeared though at Hoseok's greeting.

"What Jimin?"

"U-um I was just calling because I wanted to make sure that y-you were okay." He nervously messed with his hair. Jimin could see his annoyed face, which made him upset. "I hope I'm not bothering you.."

"Yeah, well, you are." 

"Oh.. well, how are things? We haven't talked in forever." "Jimin," Hoseok growled, "I'm not in the mood."

It was silent. Jimin was questioning whether or not he should end the FaceTime. Clearly Hoseok was unhappy but Jimin wanted to make him feel better.

"Are you okay? You seem upset. Is there anything I can do?" Jimin pouts. Hoseok sighs heavily, why was he still talking to him?


"Alright if you ever need anything I'll-."

"Okay Jimin, I get it." Hoseok rubs his eyes annoyed. 

The older was just tired from all of their practice. They've been learning more dances and it was really difficult and stressful on him. He couldn't say that though because he would be letting the group down.

He's been staying up til three-four in the morning trying to perfect them to make his members proud. It hasn't been working though, the only change being his frustration skyrocketing. He was just tired. 

".. Are you sure you don't want to talk-"

"Yes, Jesus fucking Christ Jimin. You're so goddamn clingy." Hoseok anger finally getting the best of him. He heard Jimin gasp loudly. 

"I'm sorry I was just trying to help." 

"Yeah, well you're only making it fucking worse."

Jimin was mad now. He tried to look past his Hyung's rude behavior but now it was out of control. He didn't think he did anything wrong to get this type of treatment. 

"You don't have to be like that. I'm only worried about you."

"Okay well I said don't. End of conversation so you can just drop it." The elder rolled his eyes. That ticked Jimin off.

"I don't think I'm clingy."

"Yes you are. You're being a clingy bitch and it's pissing all of us off. Constantly texting us, spamming us if we don't reply in ten minutes. 

Calling every time we are practicing in rehearsal, making it stop the music and only hearing your ringtone. That's clingy."

Jimin laughed sarcastically, "okay I'm sorry for actually caring for you and the rest. Tell them to not even bother talking to me, same to you. I'm done. You're just like all those other fake idols."

Jimin pressed the end call button with a bitter look on his face. "Fuck them." He angrily said out loud. He took a pillow and screamed into it. The angry shouts then turned to angry tears. 

He sobbed for another couple of minutes, sniffles the only thing left afterwards. 

"Fuck them," he spoke softly, face still pressed in the snotty, wet pillow. He wipe his tears away and used the back of his hand to wipe the snot. Gross, but it worked.

He was lying down now in his bed in silence. He was cuddling a (clean) pillow and tried not to think of Hoseok. It took an hour but he finally fell asleep, sad.


Jimin just ended the call and Hoseok groaned. He was really annoyed at the younger who was back in Seoul. He was in Bangkok, two hours ahead of Seoul (11 pm). Him and the guys just got finished with practice but Hoseok was still there.

He was practicing the dance but just couldn't get this one part right. Jimin had called him right in the middle of his serious, frustration time. 

In the back of his mind, he was guilty and felt bad. But for now, all he focused on was how annoying Jimin was and how he shouldn't have befriended the younger. 

That last statement was a little far fetched but that's how he felt at the moment. It wasn't even the younger's fault. He just wanted an excuse and took it out all on Jimin. 

Hoseok sighed once again. He has been up for twenty-eight straight hours with no sleep and little food. His body ached but was forced to keep going. Hoseok didn't know when to call it quits.

Instead, he got back up and connected his phone to the speaker again. He stood in front of the mirror as the music began to play. In the mirror he watched his quick, sharp movements.

Not good enough, work harder. Work til your feet fall off. Maybe then they would give you a break. I hate being the main dancer.

Three hours later was when Hoseok's knees gave out on him. He fell to the wooden floor, exhausted. His lungs felt as if they were on fire. His brain was racing with how much coffee he had consumed. 

Maybe a bottle of suju too, but no one had to know about that.

Hoseok grudgingly got up from the cool floor and went to pack his bag. He would have to shower in the morning to make it less suspicious to the members, meaning that he would have to sleep in sweat.

I'm just so tired.


Wow, what a sad chapter to celebrate with lol. Anyways, sorry if that sucked. The Q and A answers will go up shortly so keep your eyes peeled. Thanks for everything, love you guys.

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