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"Yeah.. I've talked to them before." Jimin muttered, already dropping his head. This was about to turn into a questioning game, although it wasn't a game to him.

"What? For real? Seriously? Are you sure it was one hundred percent them?" Jihyun stopped in his tracks, mouth agape.

"Yeah, they looked just like the people on stage. They were so annoying." Jimin dramatically sighed. Jihyun was freaking out. It seemed like the world was against him; paralyzing his brother and then that said brother meeting his idol's more than once.

"When we get home, you're telling me every last detail." Jihyun marched behind Jimin and began pushing him, despite Jimin's harsh words to stop.

Because the train was late, they didn't get home til around twelve in the morning. Their parents were already in bed so they had to be quiet when moving in the house.

Going to Jimin's room first, he helped Jimin into pajamas and put him in his bed, sitting him up.

"Spill." Jihyun eagerly jumped on the bed.

"Can't we just do this in the morning?" Jimin groaned. He didn't want to talk about it now. Actually, he didn't want to talk about it at all.

"No, I wanna hear about it now." Jihyun whined like a five year old begging for a treat. "Jihyun, no. I don't want to talk about it. Leave." Jimin started to lay himself down so he could sleep.

"turn off the light on your way out." Jimin said with closed eyes. Jihyun scrunched his nose, upset that he couldn't get his brother to talk about it. Listening to Jimin's orders, Jihyun pulled the string and the room went dark.

"Don't think you're getting away with this Jimin. I will get you to tell your stories. Even if I have to do it the hard way." He smirked evilly. Jimin, in return, gave a fake loud snore.

Jihyun went to his room and went to bed, tired from the excitement. He was sure to have post-concert sadness tomorrow but he for now, he slept peacefully.

On the other hand, Jimin was still awake, his thoughts keeping him from precious sleep.

How the hell were those six idiots idols? They don't even act professional. But holy shit.. their dancing. He didn't even pay attention to their voices because he was so mesmerized by their moves.

I bet if I could still move and dance, I could have been an idol.

Yeah right, maybe in a different universe or something, he scoffed.

He shook his head at his next thought. They were just helping him for their reputation. If any reporters saw, they would blow up in the news for their 'generous' act. If I ever see them again, I'm gonna fight them, he thought.

"Except I wouldn't be able to." He sighed out loud. Closing his eyes, he let sleep take over his tired body. And maybe he did have a dream where he was reliving one of his dance competitions.


Two days later, Jimin still wouldn't give in to Jihyun's pleads. "Please please please! I have to know what happened. Did you mention me at all? Did they say that they wanted to meet me?! Please say that they know I exist."

Jimin rolled his eyes and sighed. He has been bugging him non stop about this. "For the last time, no."

"Why not? I'll stop bugging you." Jihyun repeatedly poked his brother's shoulder. Jimin grunted after a minute went by, "you know, that's not gonna help me change my mind. If anything, it's making me lean more towards the no spectrum."

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