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Jimin opened the door to his home. Surely, his brother would be asleep. His parents both working the night shift, his dad a security guard and mom a store clerk wouldn't know of him coming home this late. It was at least two in the morning when Jimin got back from the liquor store. He decided he should treat himself tonight.

Jimin wheeled his way to the kitchen cabinets. With some struggle, he managed to get ahold of a shot glass. He smirked and went back into the living room. He set the shot glass on the table and made himself comfy in his chair, or at least as comfy as he could. He twisted the cap off the Fireball and poured it into the glass.

With the tilt of his head, the lukewarm liquid went down his throat. He grimaced, shaking his head at the cinnamon flavor but started pouring another round.

Three more slide down before Jimin just resorted to drinking from the bottle. "Agh, I'm so pathetic. Drinking on a Monday at two in the morning? That's fucking sad." Jimin groaned. He hated himself for doing this but this is what he did at least once a week. Luckily, no one has caught him before, starting this habit when he was only eighteen years old.

It felt good to feel like this. Everything just seemed to lighten up. His mind was free from the hell that was his life.

He went to grab the drink when his hand missed the bottle and accidentally dropped to the ground. A loud crash was heard and Jimin was silent, listening to see if anyone woke up. To his relief, he didn't hear any shuffling.

He didn't care to clean the mess, only going into the plastic bag to grab some soju bottles. He popped the cap off and took a swig.

He let out a sigh and looked around the room. Every time he moved his eyes, the room shifted a little bit. He wasn't drunk just yet, only on the verge of past tipsy.

He then turned on the tv, flipping through the channels. He settled on a random show, it being about a cooking competition. He grabbed his beer and took another sip, placing it back on the table. A few minutes go by when there was screeching on the tv.

It brought Jimin out of his trance and Jimin focused on the show. A fire was set in the kitchen and everyone was evacuating, one of the judges calling the fire department.

Something seemed to trigger in Jimin's brain and started sobbing. Maybe he was now reliving his accident, something that happened often. Jimin shook his head, which in return made his whole body and chair shake with his cries.

What Jimin didn't know was that Jihyun stood and the doorway of the living room, watching Jimin drink away his problems. But now here he was, watching his brother crying. He couldn't just stand there.

Jihyun entered the living room softly, quiet not to freak out his brother even more. "Jimin-ah shush, I'm here." He cooed, trying to pull his brother in for a hug. Jimin pushed back, looking up at his brother with teary eyes.

"I don't need your fucking pity. Go away." Jimin mumbled and wiped the tears on his left cheek. Jihyun kneeled to Jimin's height, looking him in the eyes.

"Now what kind of brother would I be if I did that." "One who respects his hyung." Jimin sneered.

Jihyun sighed and patted Jimin's thigh, "Come on, let me take you to your room."

"Fuck off, leave me to rot here." Jimin groaned out, moving to get the soju from the table. "Stop Jimin."

"I said leave me alone." Jimin whined, softly swatting away Jihyun's hand, "can't you see I'm having fun. Isn't that what you, mom, and dad want?"

"We want you to be happy again, not waste your life drinking and pitying yourself. We want the old you back."

"Well the old me expired in the fire."

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