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\\Time Skip Six Months//

The world tour that the boys were once prepping for are now one month into it and they've been busy. The fanmeets, performances, practices, you name it. They were going to be leaving Korea soon but they wanted to check on Jimin before they left.

Jimin was currently in therapy. With each visit, his walking abilities grew better and better. He was walking very slowly on the treadmill with the instructor hold him up with the help of a harness.

"You're doing so well Jimin!" His therapist praised. Jimin didn't pay attention though cause he was too focused on picking up his feet when he walked.


Jimin still couldn't get used to the fact that he can start walking again. He thought that he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. At least now, he could be independent as he wanted.

With independency means he could learn how to drive. He had his accident while taking his driving classes (started later so he wouldn't get his license until he was almost seventeen )so he never got to really experience how it was to drive. But thats far into the future. For now, he needed to focus on getting into shape.

The movements on the treadmill came to a halt and Jimin was sweating slightly. It took a lot out of him to do a simple (to most) task but it was excusable. "Your progress is great. I'm gonna let you sit down for a bit and rest before continuing." He smiled.

Once helping Jimin to the bench, Mr. Pai's, Jimin's therapist, phone began to ring. When he looked at the caller ID, he smirked. "Let me just take this real quick." And he stepped out of the room.

Jimin got his phone out of his duffel bag and checked his messages. He got a few from his brother asking how therapy was, to which he replied 'tiring but good.' He was really hoping to see that one of his friends had texted him but nothing.

It's been a month since they have last texted him. He knows they've been really busy with their tour and all, but it would be nice to hear from them once in a while, even if it was only said, 'doing good' or something along those lines.

Jimin sighed and placed his phone next to him. He looked down to his feet and rolled his ankles around. To think that months ago, he could barely wiggle his toes was crazy. He's come such a long way.

He heard the door click open but he didn't look up from the spot on the floor. There were lots of footsteps and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. Looking up, his jaw dropped.

After two months of irregular hangouts and talks, here the six boys were in the flesh. His mouth opened and closed and he didn't know what to say.

"Holy shit."

Hoseok bursted out laughing and ran to Jimin, pulling him in a tight hug. "I miss you." Hoseok whined and hugged Jimin tighter. "Thanks but.. I need.. to breath." Jimin huffed out. Hoseok realized how tight his grip was and immediately let go.

He looked at the others and smiled. "Jeez, you guys look all different now. It looks good though." "You re-dyed your blonde hair, it looks great!" Jin noticed and started messing with the younger's hair.

Jimin leaned away from Jin's touch and motioned for the rest to come over too. "It feels like forever. You guys can't leave me on read like that again." Jimin grumpily flicked each member, even Yoongi.

"We're sorry. We will try harder. We all miss talking to you too." Taehyung pouted. Jimin easily forgave them because he wasn't even that mad in the first place. He guessed they would be busier and work harder than they appear.

"How's therapy? Your therapist said you were doing really good when we called a couple of minutes ago." Hoseok asked. Jimin smirked, "watch this."

He made sure they were looking when Jimin bent his knee and straightened out his leg again. Quiet gasps and 'oohs' filled the room. "Woah, that's awesome Jimin-ah." Jin exclaimed. "Yeah," Namjoon smiled, "soon you'll be walking in no time."

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