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"Come on! We are going to be late!" Jimin hurriedly dragged his brother into the venue. Jihyun only laughed at his brother's whipped figure.

"I swear you're more of a bigger fan than me since Hoseok Hyung became your boyfriend." It was true. Jimin has completely become an obsessed ARMY.

They skipped the merchandise line this time, knowing that they could get it from any of the members now. Hoseok was just as whipped as Jimin was.

Needless to say, they were still both in their honeymoon phase. Completely absorbed with each other and all giggly.

They made their way to the front row, already familiar with the staff running around. Every once and a while, one would come up to them and say hi.

Some were too familiar with him, a few catching him and Hoseok making out in the corner. Jimin would shyly blush and wave at those who have.

He laughed when he saw Hobi scan the front row for him, him lighting up when their eyes met. Hoseok waved discreetly from behind the curtain, hidden enough so that other fans wouldn't see.

Jimin excitedly waved back with a big smile. He just knew they would do perfect as always. After the concert, he would be sleeping over at Hoseok's.

It was their one year anniversary today, of course they had to be together for it. Both wouldn't miss it for the world. It was just a perk that it would also be on a concert day.

The performance would be starting any minute now. Hoseok slipped behind the curtain, sending Jimin one last smile. Jimin sent him a thumbs up.

Jimin leg bounced in anticipation. He was excited to see Hoseok on stage once again. The start of the tour just started and Jimin would be coming along for the ride.

Jihyun cried for two reasons, he was happy for his Hyung but he was also sad that he wouldn't see him for a long time. They talked it out and scheduled times where they could chat.

Of course his parents were happy for him. Although they were busy with work, they loved their oldest son like crazy. They were happy that he was finally happy.

When they first met Hoseok, Mrs. Park held onto his hand and thanked him for making her boy so happy. Mr. Park gave Hoseok a hug, he always tended to be affectionate type.

Jimin was thankful that he was in a close environment filled with friends and family. He doesn't know where he'd be without them. Today, he is shocked that they never gave up on him.

The lights lowered and the light beams lit the stage into a nice purple setting. ARMYS around him cheered, shaking their ARMY bombs around.

Jimin quickly followed, clicking on his light-stick as well. He and his brother hollered along with the audience, the atmosphere becoming more energetic.

A video on the big screen was playing, introducing the concert. Every time a member's name would appear, the crowd would cheer. Jimin made sure to scream extra loud for his Hobi.

The six arose from under the stage, their silhouette's being the only thing visible from behind the smoke. The cheers became louder when they appeared.

"Hobi!" Jimin called out when said man was next to him. Hoseok looked in his general direction, smiling and waving to the crowd.

He stopped on Jimin and his smile became impossibly wider. He pointed at him and waved. Taehyung was and waved as well.

Jimin blew a small kiss to Hoseok, who blushed, and walked away. Jimin wasn't offended, obviously Hoseok couldn't linger on him forever. Other fans deserved love and attention as well.

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