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"Where are you taking me?" A confused Jin asked behind a blindfold mask. "And why at seven in the morning? We are on break remember? Why can't we just sleep in?" Namjoon gave a chuckle. "Now what's the fun in that?"

Seokjin hummed, "I could think of a few things." Jin could imagined Namjoon's reaction right now. True to his thought, Namjoon was taken aback. The younger cleared his throat, "maybe something else for now."

"But you never answered me this, where are you taking me?" Seokjin sleeps with a mask so Joon didn't really have to do much when he woke up. He helped get his boyfriend ready, who complained ("I have a better fashion sense") and brought him in the car.

From there on, Namjoon wouldn't say anything. "Sorry, can't tell you. It's a surprise." Seokjin could feel Namjoon's smirk, even from behind the mask. The older groaned, "not even a hint?" "Nope," Namjoon popped the p.

The engine abruptly stopped. "Shit," Namjoon muttered. "What?" Jin couldn't see the problem. "I did a horrible parking job," Namjoon laughed, switching gears to reverse. A few moments later, everything was straightened up.

"Can I take off the blindfold now?" Jin asked impatiently. He wanted to fix his hair, he doubted Namjoon styled it correctly and he desperately wanted to do so. "Yeah yeah, you can take it off now." He helped Jin take it off.

As soon as it was off, he flipped the sun visor and looked at himself in the mirror. "I can't believe you let me out of the house like this," Jin complained, fixing only one stray hair. Namjoon gave him an unimpressed look before kissing him on the cheek. "We aren't supposed to be mean on our anniversary."

Seokjin gave a hum, turning to look at Namjoon. "I guess you're right." They shared another kiss and were caught in the moment. Jin looked past Namjoon and scoffed. "You take us to a supermarket?" Jin raised an eyebrow.

Namjoon held up hands, "not just any supermarket. This is where we first started to bond when our manager took us to get groceries. Now come on, we got lots to do today." Namjoon got out of the car and jogged over to Jin's side so he could help the older out.

"You're so cheesy Joonie," Seokjin giggled, lacing his hand in his boyfriend's fingers. Namjoon's thumb rubbed the back of the other's hand. "I wish we could do this in public," he sighed, releasing Seokjin's hand once they started walking.

"Me too, but let's not get too upset yeah? Today is a special once." Jin said, smiling softly. Jin had pretended he was magical by flicking his hands right before the automatic doors open. Namjoon chuckled at his silly boyfriend.

"Sometimes it's hard to tell that you're the oldest in this relationship." Namjoon grabbed a cart from one of the many rows. It was just like old times, just the two of them shopping together. Now all they have is takeout or go to restaurants.

Namjoon thought it was cute, just the two of them playing games and finding the items needed. "So," Seokjin's honey-like voice brought him back down to Earth, "what are we shopping for?"

"Mmm nothing specifically.. maybe something for later?" Jin raised an eyebrow, "you tell me to shush but you can talk about it." Namjoon nodded, confirming Jin's statement.

"Now how is that fair?" They turned into the candy section, an assortment of chocolates greeting them. The couple were suckers for chocolate, however constantly fought which was better, dark chocolate or white.

"Because I said so." He turned to the older, who was now glancing at each brand. "Which do you want to get?"

"White chocolate obviously," Jin reached out for the squares but Namjoon grabbed onto his arm. "Dark chocolate is better."

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