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Date is May 9th


Jihyun and Jimin were hanging out in their hotel room. The rest had rehearsal's for their concert tonight. It was their last night in California. They would be leaving soon after the concert was over so the day was bittersweet.

Jihyun was busying himself with his blog and Jimin was trying to find something on tv that he would understand. Nothing caught his eye so he ended up turning off the tv and huffing.

Jimin would miss Hoseok and hated the thought of going back to not seeing the older for a really long time again. At least the tour would be ending in less than three months.

"Are we doing anything before we leave for the airport?" Jihyun didn't hear him, too engaged into scrolling and reading. Jimin smirked, thinking of a mischievous plan. He took the tan pillow next to him and aimed it at the younger.

With a quick movement, Jimin launched the pillow. It flew and hit Jihyun right on the side of his face. It made the younger gasp, dropping the phone onto the bed in shock. He rolled his eyes at his older brother.


"I asked if we are doing anything else today."

Jihyun lied back down, phone in hand. "Yeah, we are." Jimin perked up. He was so bored of staying in the room all day.

"What are we doing? Is it with the others." Jihyun hummed, "yeah. I just don't want to say what it is though. It's supposed to be a surprise."

Jimin groaned. He hates surprises. He was the one who liked to know the plans but also liked to go with the flow at times. It was a weird little quirk about him.

"Tell me." He whined. Jihyun snorted, "Sometimes I forget that you're older than me." "Hey!" Jimin reaches over and lightly hits Jihyun. "Besides, I won't tell you."

Jimin decided that the best thing to do was wait. Wait until he could think of a plan to get Jihyun to spill the tea. However, upon thinking, he managed to fall asleep.


"My voice hurts. Can't we take a break for a little bit?" Jungkook complained into the mic. Their manager shook his head, "sorry Kook, we are running late on schedule. Maybe later."

Taehyung patted the younger's back for sympathy. Jungkook gave him a tired smile. "Alright, you're doing DNA next, get into position."

"That's our cue. Let's go Kook, the sooner we practice, the sooner we can relax." Jungkook smiled, "and then we can see Jihyun and Jimin again."

Jin overheard the two talking. "It's still a surprise for Jimin, right? You two haven't spoiled anything?" Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jin.

"Of course not.. mom." Jungkook teased. Jin yelled, "Yah! I told people to stop calling me that, I hate it." The older's ears were red. He hated that nickname the members and fans gave him.

"Alright, stop bugging Jin Hyung guys, we need to practice." Namjoon said while in leader mode. Jin silently thanked the Gods for making Namjoon intervene. The two left to get in their spot with a smirk, the won on the last note.

Jin sighed at their nonsense. His thoughts didn't linger long, the music began to play. They did the first bit and he moved to the side for Taehyung's opening.

He did his part perfectly, the same way since their first ever practice of the song. Jin was slightly jealous, he wished he could learn songs quickly.

The almost four minute song went by quickly, but by the time they were finished, they were tired. Some of the members were giving each other high fives.

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