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"You shoulddd.. dye your hair blue." Jimin giggled, playing with Hoseok's hair who was seated on the end of the bed "What are you talking about silly." The older gave an airy laugh.

"You would look so sexy with it though." While that made blood rush to Hobi's cheeks, it made everyone else in the room laugh.

"How was the surgery, did you feel anything?" Jihyun piped up. Jimin made a loud groan and rolled his head back. "Boring." He eventually answered. "I didn't even get to dream while I was asleep."

"That would be a strange dream." Taehyung snorted. The five members looked down at Taehyung lying on the floor. They should be used to this by now but he manages to shock them everyday.

"What's that?" Jimin points to a plant into the corner of the room. "That's a plant." His mom smiles. She knew that her husband was recording all of this for blackmail later.

"What the hell is a plant?"

"Language." Jin scolds. Jimin stares at him directly before yelling out all the curse words he knows.

"-shit! balls! Tater tits!"

"Tater tits?" Yoongi scoffed, laughing and shaking his head. "And I thought Jungkook made weird combinations." Another nurse entered the room to refill one of Jimin's IV bags but he was still swearing.

They tried to cover his mouth but you could still hear the muffled curses. Mrs. Park smiles apologetically but the nurse waves it off with a I've dealt with worse.

"Maybe you should sleep." Namjoon said once the nurse was gone. "Not tireddd." Jimin whined and stopped playing with Hoseok's hair.

Not listening, Hoseok got up and helped lay Jimin down. Jimin was squirming and if the rest looked close enough, the could see slight leg movement under the covers.

Hoseok hummed and rubbed his arm. He tried to fight it but it was useless. Rubbing his arms or legs always put him to sleep.

With one last kitten-like yawn, Jimin turned his head and went to sleep.


It was one am when Jimin woke up and his family were asleep in the chairs. He couldn't blame them. If he were stressed all afternoon and evening, he'd go fast to sleep too. The others probably had to leave due to the visiting hours. They only allowed family overnight.

Taking the time to himself, he sat up with a groan. His back was achy and he couldn't move it that much due to the pain. He hoped a night shift nurse would come in soon.

Even in the tenebrous, he could still see the white blanket draped over his legs. He wanted to try to move them but he was scared of the result. What if the surgery didn't work? The doctor told him there was a 30% chance of it not working.

With nervous movements, he shakily pulled the covers off his legs. On the outside appearance, it looked like nothing as changed. But when Jimin looked at them, he gave a sharp inhale. His lower limbs used to feel like blubbery weight however now, they actually felt movable.

He closed his eyes and focused all his energy to move his toes. He gasped when he felt little movement but was afraid to open his eyes and see the result. After mustering up the courage, he peeked one eye open and saw his big toe bent slightly.

Jimin covered his mouth with his hand and choked back a sob. To some, it wasn't much but for him, it felt like a start at the end of his life. A time where he can finally bring himself back to life.

"I can't wait for mom, dad, and Jihyun to see." He smiled to himself. Gently, he laid himself back down and close his eyes. The door clicked open, which sort of startled him, but he kept his eyes shut.

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