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Date is June 11th


Jimin's body jerks with each bump in the road. Jihyun could see it in the rearview mirror. What Jimin doesn't know is that he's in a car, essentially kidnapped by his brother.

It was late at night, around four am. The streetlights flashes, brighting his face for a moment before disappearing, the cycle repeating. Occasionally, he would glance at Jimin, making sure that the older was still fast asleep.

The car rolled to a stop, the light turning red. He tapped his fingers to an imaginary tune. It was too risky to play music, Jimin could wake up. That would ruin the surprise.

There were many cars out at the time, as expected when you live in the capital of South Korea. There were businessmen sitting on the bench, waiting for the next meeting, very early morning joggers, and other shops getting ready for the day. 

The red light became green and Jihyun pressed on the gas. The engined rumbled with life, creating a soft humming in the car. The headlights from the car in front of Jihyun was starting to make Jimin wake up.

Jimin scrunched his eyes. He didn't appreciate the rude awakening. He rubbed at his eyes and yawned. When he did manage to open his eyes, everything was blurry. His contacts were out and he had no glasses on. 

"Jih? Where are we going? What time is it?" Jimin asked in a croaky voice. Jihyun didn't mind that his brother woke up, they were almost there anyways. "It's a surprise." Was all the younger replied.

Jimin sat up from his lied down position. He crack his back. His back ached from the seats. "Why at," Jimin squints to read the clock, "4:08 am." He leans back against the seat, closing his eyes again.

"Because, that's the time I say. We're almost there. You can go back to sleep if you'd like." Jihyun noticed his brother's tired appearance. Jimin gladly took on that offer, drifting back to sleep in no time.


"I am so glad to be back home," Jungkook groaned tiredly, grabbing his bags from the overhead compartment. He helped get Jin's down as well. "Me too, I just want to sleep." Taehyung had been having sleep problems. Since the South American leg of the tour started.

"Don't worry Tae, you got all the time to sleep now." Jin softly spoke. He had a small headache from the flight. Turbulence didn't help either. 

"Now you and Namjoon Hyung have all the time in the world," Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows, although, he was albeit disgusted with himself. Jin's neck had become red. "Jeon Jungkook!" Jin scolded after he bowed to the stewardess.

They were at the gate now with their suitcases. They all laughed when Namjoon almost tripped over his bag. Jin gave him a little nudge, "careful, don't want you to be hurt when we're on break."

"Stop flirting, I just want to be in bed." Yoongi groaned, moving his face mask over his mouth. He drooled when he slept so he didn't want the fans to see it when the exited. From their placement, they could already hear the chants.

"We aren't flirting, I'm just concerned about Joonie's health," Jin said matter-of-factly. "Jihyun is picking us up right?" Jungkook nodded, "I asked our managers and they said it's okay as long as we aren't spotted with them."

"Everyone ready? Wear smiles." Namjoon prepared. They went through the doors and the screams got louder. "Hoseok Oppa! I love you!" One girl screamed as they passed by. Hoseok felt bad he couldn't look at her.

Others had their phones and cameras out, ready to take their airport pictures. Clicks and screams were the main source of sound. Also the security ("go this way" or "turn left"). 

Most of the members kept their head down, including Hoseok. Others waved in general directions but not towards somebody. The security guards built a barrier for them to take to the side of the airport.

They finally got out view from the fans, their smiles dropped. They loved their fans but they were exhausted. They did a head count and went to the parking lot. Their frowns disappeared when they saw Jihyun outside his car.

Their faces lit up, especially Hoseok's. He would be able to see Jimin again. "Jihyun-ah!" Jungkook ran over to the slightly shorter male, shoving his bag for Taehyung to carry. Jungkook gave Jihyun a big hug, almost making the latter fall.

Jihyun squeezed Jungkook closer, closing his eyes with happiness. "Why do you have a van for eight when you're a family of four?" Jungkook asked when he pulled away from the embrace. Jihyun snorted.

"Seriously? We haven't seen each other for what, eight months and the first thing you ask is why I have a van?" The others finally caught up with the two. "Jihyun!" They exclaimed, a round of hugs followed. 

"To answer your question Kook," Jihyun looked over at the slightly younger one. "We got this car when Jimin had his wheelchair. Needed the room. The seats folded down so it worked." Hoseok gasped when he remembered Jimin.

"Is Jimin here?!" Hoseok exclaimed. Jihyun smirked. "See for yourself," Jihyun pulled the van door open. Hoseok peered in first. In the last row of seats was Jimin asleep. He mouth was open and his hair was in his face.

Hoseok let out a quiet squeal and moved out of the way so the others could see. Jihyun moved to the trunk and opened it, he started to put the bags in the car. Namjoon helped as well. It took less than five minutes to pack everything up.

"Alright, I'm gonna sit Jimin Hyung up. The person next to him will have to deal with Jimin sleeping on their shoulder. So who's sitting next to him?"

All the members looked at each other and stepped back, leaving Hoseok in the front. Jihyun snickered, he could see how much Hoseok liked his brother. After Hoseok entered the car, everyone else piled in.

They stared at Jimin for the first five minutes of the ride, waiting for him to wake up. It wasn't until they Jihyun did a speed bump too fast and Jimin groaned. "Mmm." Jimin's eyebrows were furrowed. 

He opened his eyes when he realized he felt heat on his body. He looked up and saw Hoseok smiling at him. "Oh my god," Jimin's mouth was hung open. He sat up and looked around. "Oh my god!" He said even louder when he noticed the other members. 

"Jihyun what the-?" 

"Surprise!" Jihyun smiled. Jimin gasped, "you sneaky bitch. I love and hate you so much." He wrapped his arms around Hoseok first, as he was the closest. Next was Taehyung, who was to the right of Hoseok.

He reached over the seats and gave Yoongi, Jungkook, and Jin back hugs as well. He points to Namjoon, who was turned around in his seat. "You. Just wait til I get out of this car." Namjoon laughed at Jimin's serious/pouty face.

Jimin was so happy that they were back home. Eight months was too long. Their visit was too short. He didn't have to worry about that now that they were back home.


What?? Two chapter updates kinda close together?? It must be your lucky day (if you like this book)! 

Seven more chapters left :-) 

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