< 7 >

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Over at the bangtan apartment, each of the members were asleep. This was there first time in weeks that they got to sleep in, usually having to get up around 4:30 am for practice. Sadly, that silence was disrupted when Hitman Bang was banging on each members doors, telling them to meet him in the living room.

Jin, who was rooming with Yoongi, had to be the one to wake up the beast. Moving to his bunk, he shook Yoongi's shoulder until he was awake. Luck was on his side when Yoongi got up without a word and left the room. Jin gave a sigh of relief and left to the designated meeting room.

When Jin arrived in the room, the other five were only waiting on him. In front of everyone was coffee, everyone except for Taehyung. Instead, he just settled on some orange juice.

"I want to congratulate you guys on your last concert. I'm proud of you kids." Bang Si Hyuk began. Soft thank you came from around the room, each members voices still laced with sleep.

"With that being said, you guys are getting a break. Our team discussed and we are giving you two months to do whatever," the five silently cheered, " but you guys have to meet up at least twice a week to do run-throughs on existing songs, at least four hours each rehearsal." They agreed with that, the deal seeming fair.

"Afterwards, for two months, you guys are going to be recording new songs and learning new choreography. Son Sung Deuk will be helping you guys out again, but Hoseok, you need to be the  captain when he's not around. Be sure to focus and take dance practices seriously." Hoseok nodded, already feeling the weight of stress. That made him appreciate Namjoon even more, being a leader and all.

The seven, including PDnim, discussed the schedule more before ending their little meeting. Jin and Jungkook offered for their manager to stay and eat but he said he had other work to do.

One by one, the members left the living room. Yoongi was first, going back to his room to sleep. Jin and Namjoon got ready and went out to eat together, having a breakfast date. Jungkook and Taehyung went going to play overwatch in Jungkook's room. Lastly, Hoseok was the only one left in the room.

He decided a little tv time wouldn't hurt so he lied down on the L shaped part of the couch and flicked through the channels. He settled on a cooking show that first aired a couple of weeks ago.

During the competition, a fire broke out and everyone had to clear the building. A male judge was most likely calling a fire department. The next scene cut to their reactions after the firefighters extinguished the burning flames. Soon after, Hoseok got bored of the show and turned it off.

Going to the kitchen, he made himself breakfast and hung out with the two youngest for the rest of the day.


A couple days into their break, the six were already bored. It was a good bored so they can rest but they wanted something to do. They were all in the living room, somewhat having a good time.

"I'm bored." Jungkook whined. Namjoon rolled his eyes from where he was cuddling Jin on the couch. "We know. That's your sixth time saying it." "We can go out?" Jin spoke up. They all shrugged at the idea, not really feeling in the mood to leave their apartment.

"Well.. we can watch Namjoon try to make us lunch. That'd be entertaining." Taehyung snickered, Yoongi smirking along. Namjoon gave him a glare, "I'm not that bad anymore. Jinnie has been teaching me lately."

"Lunch does sound good though.. Want to help me Namjoon? You can make a basic salad." Jin asked, and of course, his boyfriend agreed. The two got up and that left the four others.

"They're probably gonna get saliva in our food from making out all the damn time." Hoseok sighed.

Jin called out from the kitchen, "once lunch is done, we're gonna watch a movie." It all went to chaos when Jin said that. Jungkook and Taehyung were fighting over which movie they will watch, Hoseok screamed and yelled what was happening like a sports broadcaster reporting news. Yoongi was on the couch recording the whole thing with a smile on his face.

He opened up twitter and posted the video, the caption being

"This is what happens when we try to have a movie day. -SUGA"

Immediately, responses came flooding. Some said that they loved them. Others were laughing at the two wrestling on the floor and the rest were sending memes of them.

Enough was enough when Yoongi interrupted them. It was silent as Yoongi got out the disc to his favorite movie, Tazza, and put it into their ps4.

Now they were yelling at Yoongi how it was their turn to pick out a movie but the eldest in the room didn't listen.

The two on the floor huffed but easily started talking again. Apparently about some new horror movie showing in theaters soon. Hoseok jumped on top of Yoongi and watch the older scroll on his phone. Normally, Yoongi would say "get off me horse face" and push him off but today, he didn't really care so Hobi was taking it for advantage.

A few minutes later, Namjoon and Jin came out of the kitchen with bowls in their hand, their lips bruised and puffy. No wonder they were in their for so long, Hoseok thought.

Jungkook grabbed the controller and pressed play on the movie. Jin was sitting on Namjoons lap, Hobi got off of Yoongi but still was seated close to him, and two the youngest were on the floor with their backs pressed against the couch.

They ended up staying that way for the rest of the day.


"Hoseok! Stop yelling!" Jin yelled at the boy who was running around the dorm. Taehyung was chasing him with a fake snake and that caused the the orange haired boy to start screeching. It was giving everyone else a headache and they just wanted the noise to stop.

The two were now in the kitchen on either side of the table island, facing opposite of each other. Yoongi had enough when Taehyung threw the snake at him and Hoseok gave out a jumbled scream.

He got up from his bed, opened the door, and marched straight through to the kitchen. Snatching the snake from Taehyung's hand, he went into the living room. Hoseok and Taehyung trailed behind him, curious as to see what their Hyung was gonna do with the snake.

Swiftly, Yoongi opened the window, dangling the snake outside it. "No more." He dropped the snake.

He watched in silence as he saw the toy snake falling from five story building. Taehyung screamed as he watched his snake become a spec on the ground. "Sasha no!"

Yoongi and Hoseok watched as Taehyung hurriedly put on some slides and left the apartment. "I question his age at times." Yoongi shook his head and pointed his finger at Hoseok, "yours too."

With that, Yoongi left to go back to his room to do who know's what. Jin sighed, knowing he wouldn't be allowed to go in there. Yoongi always locked the door whenever they went into their shared room so he would have to wait until he comes back out.

Jin wished that his lover was here but he was busy with Hitman Bang. They were only a week into their break but their manager already wanted to speak with him for some ideas that they have.

"Wanna go to the park? It's nice out today and we've been in the building for the majority of break so far." Jin turned to Hoseok. "Sure, it'd be nice to get out for a bit."

They put on some shoes and before they left, Jin asked, "should we ask the others if they wanna come?" "Nah, I kinda just want to relax for a bit." And with that, the two left. They were walking away from the building, passing Taehyung who had a toy snake in his hand and was distracted by a yellow flower.

Hey! i just released a new book today! i would love for you to check it out. it's a short story and will be updated 3 times a day. and it's also vmin. check it out and let me know what you think ❤️

Ahh I don't really know how to feel about this chapter. Sorry that it was short but this was just to help establish the next chapter/ the rest of the plot line. Regardless of that, hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

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