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It was Saturday and Jihyun was curled up in his bed with a good book. Sure, he stayed up til the early hours of morning to finish a paper on Multiple Sclerosis but the feeling of sleeping in made up for the stressful night.

He had been in this position for an hour now, his back and wrists becoming sore. Checking the clock on his side table, he figured that Jimin would be up and out of his bed already.

With a swift turn, he got out of bed, making sure to put the covers back in their place. He put on some joggers to accompany the white tee shirt he slept in. Multitasking, Jihyun brushes his teeth and washed his face.

"Today is going to be a good day and here's why. Jimin and I are going to go get ice cream and have a Disney movie marathon." He stared at his reflection in the mirror. Taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes and held his breath.

I won't let Jimin's words get to me.

With that thought in mind, he released his breath and left his room. Going down the blank hallway, he realized that it was quiet around the house. You could usually hear the coffee brewer and the weatherman on tv listing off the temperatures for that week at this time, which made him confused as to why it was silent.

He went to the kitchen, getting a glass out of the overhead cabinet. Using the sink to get water, he noticed a note placed on the counter. Bringing the cup to his light pink lips, he scooted the note closer to him so he could read it.

You're probably wondering why it's so quiet. Your father and I got called in for work. We were in such a hurry this morning, needing to leave at 7 but it was 7:15, that we couldn't get Jimin out of bed. Hopefully you're up early so he's not just sitting there.

Jihyun almost choked on his water. He felt guilty. It was at least 11:30am by then and Jimin was probably bored out of his mind.

Reading the rest of the letter, he left his cup on the table, quickly moving to Jimin's room so he wouldn't be scolded even more than he knew he was going to be.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry for making you-."

Jihyun looked at his brother in shock. Jimin was covered in a thick layer of sweat. His face contorting in his sleep. Needless to say, Jihyun was panicking.

Rushing over to his side, he shook Jimin awake. "Jimin-ah! Can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding up?"

Groggily, Jimin woke up and whined. "My head hurts. I feel dizzy." Jihyun was thinking of all the possible disasters. Could Jimin die? Could this affect his body so that he could never get treated? What if he never gets to walk again?

With those thoughts racing in his mind, he decided it would be best to take Jimin to the hospital. "Jimin, you're going to the hospital now!"

Jimin was trying to protest but the younger left the room to most likely get his keys. Jihyun wasn't paying attention to his brother though, only worried about how long it will take to get to the hospital.

"I don't need to go," Jimin coughed, "to the hospital." Jimin said when his brother came back. Jihyun gave him an unamused look, not taking that for an answer. Not even changing Jimin out of his pajamas or putting him in his chair, Jihyun carried Jimin bridal style and moved as quickly as he could to his car.

Fumbling with the seat belt, Jihyun managed to buckle Jimin in the passenger seat with much hassle. Despite Jimin's constant pleas, Jihyun wouldn't listen. Even if Jimin unbuckled himself, he couldn't get out of the car.

Jihyun backed out of their driveway and drove to the hospital in a hurry, even going as far as to run two lights. Rushing into the hospital with his brother in hands, Jihyun called out for a doctor.

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