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Important(ish) A/N at the end.


"Are you sure we should be doing this? Is it really our place to be here?" Namjoon asked nervous. Before he was confident about talking with Jimin but now he was anxious.

"Of course we should, those two deserve love." 

Jin knocked on the door with confidence. It was silent for a few minutes. Jin went to ring the doorbell when the door opened. Jimin was the one who answered. He was shocked to see the two standing there

"Jimin," Namjoon moved closer, only to have the door slammed in his face. "Well that was rude," Jin scoffed. He knocked on the door multiple times. "We know you're in there Jimin! Open up!"


"You can't just leave them out there," Jihyun scolded his older brother. Jimin was freaking out again when Jin and Namjoon showed up. "Yes I can! They'll get bored eventually."

Jihyun rolled his eyes. "Well you can't ignore them forever. Besides, what if they don't know anything about the situation with you and Hoseok Hyung."

Jin's call from outside interrupted them, "We know what happened with you and Hobi! We just want to talk."

Jimin gave his brother an unamused look. "Baloney." 

"Okay well.. maybe they know but at least talk to them." Jihyun sighed. "No," Jimin walked off to his room, "and that's final."

"Looks like I have to do this." Jihyun murmured to himself. He went to the front door and opened it. "Jimin!"

"Jihyun, actually. Sorry about my brother, he's a little.. overwhelmed. But come on in! He doesn't know I'm letting you in." He stepped out of the way to let the older two in.

He would like to give himself a pat on the back. He's gotten really good at not fanboying in front of them. Also for helping his brother into a relationship. He knew that they would love each other from the beginning.

"So where is he?" Namjoon asked, looking around the home. "In his room, so you should probably chat there." 

"Alright, pray for good news, yeah?" Jin smiled and Jihyun returned it. "Yup, Jihope fighting." 

"Jihope?" Namjoon asked, matching with Seokjin's confused face. "It's a ship name, for Jimin and Hoseok Hyung? You know.. Jimin.. J-Hope.. yeah." Jihyun sighed. There goes his slick skills. He walked them to the outside of Jimin's room.

"I.. like it. It sounds good." Namjoon hummed. "Okay okay, go talk to Jimin. Plan Jihope is in go."  Jihyun saluted and walked off to his bedroom. 

Namjoon knocked on the door to let the younger know they were coming in. "What Ji? I thought I said no." Jimin whined from his spot on the bed. He was covering his face with a pillow.

Jin cleared his throat, "Jimin." 

They saw Jimin tense up at their voice. Slowly, he uncovered his face from the pillow. "W-Why are you in here? G-Get out." His voice was a mixture of uneasy and upset. 

"We just want to talk about what happened." Namjoon spoke softly, opting to sit on the bed with the latter. "Well I don't. So leave." Jimin pouted.

"Why are you so upset anyways? I thought you liked Hoseok." Seokjin asked, also going to sit on the bed. Jimin placed the pillow on his lap, squeezing it occasionally. "I do but, like, I don't think I like-like him." He shrugged.

"Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you're around him." Namjoon asked. Jimin rolled his eyes, "isn't that some cliche nonsense?" 

"Just answer the question." 

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