< 13 >

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"Soon Jimin," Jihyun groaned, "you won't need my help changing." Jimin was really persistent on wearing black skinny jeans and Jihyun was struggling to put them on. "I'm so excited! But also really fucking nervous. The surgery is tomorrow."

"You wanna eat a lot at dinner. You won't be able to eat after midnight, basic pre-op order." Jihyun sighed in relief when he finally got the pants on. "Good thing the operation is in the morning then. How long is the surgery?" "They said five fish hours? Just be glad that it's not seven like others."

Jimin looked up at Jihyun worriedly. "Will you be there waiting?" "Of course I will! I'm your brother after all. I canceled all my conferences that day so I could be there."

Ever since Jihyun found a cure, he has become famous for his discovery. Everyone wanted to interview him. The press were shocked to hear that it came from an eighteen year old. Researchers who have been studying this for decades couldn't even find it in that short amount of time.

Jimin smiled at him, "I still can't believe that you're the one who found it out. People are already calling you The Miracle Medic and you're not even done with your schooling."

"It's still a shock to me. But really, it's all thanks to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have stayed hours inside that cramped lab looking for something to help. You were my motivation."

Jimin scoffed and laughed, "alright, I love you and all but let's stop being sappy." Jihyun laughed. "What I can't believe is that you're friends with idols. How did you even manage that?"

"Honestly, they just wouldn't stop clinging to me." Jimin shook his head, remembering the day Hoseok and Jin found him in the park. They never did leave him alone in public so Jimin had found that unfair.

"What's the first thing you want to do when you can use your legs?" Jimin thought for a moment. "It'd be nice to piss standing up." Jihyun laughed, expecting something from his brother. 

"You'll need lots of therapy though. It could be months or even a year until you can walk on your own. It all just depends on your recovery." Jimin nodded, remembering what Doctor Shinn said.

Jihyun the left to go to the store and Jimin stayed in his room. Yes he was excited for the surgery but at the same time, a lot of things could go wrong. It's still in the early development stage so there are still a lot of risk factors.

Thinking about it so much caused Jimin's heart to race with nervousness. The thought of this potentially not working was eating at his mind.

With rushed movements, Jimin pulled out his phone and went to a familiar contact. He pressed the call button and it began to ring.


"Do you really have to greet me like that every time." Jimin laughed.

"Of course I do! Are you excited for the surgery tomorrow?"

"More scared than anything. This is a parlous treatment and I'm one of the few to first test it out."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. You told me that this wasn't a life risking surgery, right? There's nothing to worry about."

"Yeah but like.. it could mess up my spine. It could make it so that I won't be able to ever walk again."

"I'm sure that won't happen. Jihyun said that he got the best doctors, they'll make sure that you'll be okay."

"I don't know.. I'm still nervous."

"Me and the other guys will be rooting for you! Jimin fighting!"

Jimin chuckled and his friend. Hoseok suddenly gasped.

"I can teach you to dance again! Yeah you will probably know all the stuff but you have to get it into routine again." Hoseok made an inhuman sound of excitement. "I could teach you our dances too. Jiminieee this is going to be awesome."

Jimin bit his lip to try to hold back his smile. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"What are you talking about silly? Of course I want to."

Jimin started to feel a bit better about the surgery. He knew he had the support of his family and friends and that was enough to push past the anxious thoughts.

"Thank you, Hobi."

"Remember I'm your hope. I'm your angel." Jimin could practically hear the smile on his face.

"Yeah yeah, okay." Jimin playfully rolled his eyes.

"I gotta get back to dance practice now, I'll text you tonight."

"I'm sorry to disrupt you. Have fun, drinks lots of water and be sure to stretch well afterwards."

"Will do. Bye Jiminie."

"Bye Seokie."

Jimin smiled. Hoseok never failed to cheer the boy up. He looked at the time on his phone: 12:30 pm. In less than 23 hours, he would be going into surgery.

He shivered in excitement and left his room. His mom was in the living room reading some gossip magazine.

"Jimin-ah, are you ready for the surgery?" "Of course! I'll be able to dance and move again."

The more Jimin thought about it, the more happy he would get. He already started making a list on all the songs he wanted to learn the dances to. Obviously, the first on top of his list is any BTS song.


For the rest of the day, he talked to each of the members individually on the phone. They talked about all the things they were gonna do together and how they'll be there when he wakes up.

By the end of the day, the nervous feeling was as small as an atom. Now the anticipation was powering over the negative.

At dinner, Jimin ate enough for two people. They celebrated with having Jimin's favorite meal, kimchi jjigae. The dinner table was filled with laughs and jokes.

Never once did any of the family members think that this was possible, to be a real family again. But with all the determination, they were now closer to each other than before the accident.

Ahh this is such a shitty chapter but oh well. It's only 1021 words but that's alright cause I'm updating 3 times this week. The next chapter will be exciting so see you then 🖤

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