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Jimin hobbled his way in the studio, stopping every few minutes to give his legs and back a little break. Each step sent tingles in his toes. There were a few younger kids there, probably for the 'littles lessons', who were staring at him.

"Mommy, why is he walking like that?" A small girl asked. Her mom was horrified and the question. It was quite a rude one to ask. "Baby, you can't just say stuff like that," her mother scolded and brushed a stray hair behind her ear.

She looked up to Jimin with a "I'm terribly sorry, Hee-young doesn't really have a filter and sometimes blurts out inappropriate stuff. I'm really sorry." She bowed from where she and her daughter were seated.

Jimin gave a soft smile, "it's okay, she's just a little curious is all." He crouched down to the little girl's level and set his bag on the floor. She had wide eyes, kind of like Jungkook's and a cute set of orange butterfly earrings.

"Do you like to cook with your mommy?"Hee-young nodded her head quickly. "I want to be a baker when I grow up!" Her cute little voice squealed, the earrings wiggling slightly. He gave a laugh, "and you should be! You have to be careful in the kitchen though, that's how I got my injury."


"How?" Hee-young nodded. Jimin hummed, "well, I left the stove on when I left the kitchen. When I remembered it was on, I ran and I fell." Okay, so maybe it wasn't the whole truth but he didn't want to scar the little girl.

Her mouth was in an o-shape. "You should be more careful mister." "You're right, I should be." Hee-young's wheels were turning in her brain. "Does it hurt?" Jimin took in a sharp breath but nodded.

"Yeah, in the beginning it did. But now I'm finally getting better. It doesn't hurt so much anymore." Hee-young gave a slight pout. "So why do you walk funny, mister? If it doesn't hurt, why walk like that?"

"I didn't get to walk for a really long time but now that I am, I'm a little shaky. But with more practice, I'll look and feel good as new." Jimin looked up at the girl's mother. She watched fondly at her daughter. She seemed quite younger herself.

"Your class should be starting soon, huh? I should probably get going." Jimin stood up. His knees ached from being in that position for a really long time (them trembling even) but it was worth it.

"Oh!" Hee-young kissed her mother's cheek before jumping off her chair and running to the door of her room. She waved goodbye to Jimin, "bye mister!" Jimin waved back and then she closed the door.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that." He turned back to Hee-young's mother. He gave her a smile, "it's alright. She's very cute." Jimin giggled. "I'm Kim A-Yeon, by the way." She holds out a hand.

"Park Jimin." He gives the soft hand a shake.

"So do you dance here? I haven't seen you around before?" A-Yeon asks with interest. Jimin shook his head, "I used to go here when I was in high school. Stopped going after my accident, which sorry about lying to your daughter, I didn't want to scar her."

A-Yeon shakes her head sympathetically, "no it's completely alright, I understand." Jimin gave her a smile, "but from my accident, I was left paralyzed from the waist down. I got surgery, my brother is the one who found the cure actually, and now I'm gonna try to learn how to dance again."

"You're really passionate about dance, huh? I bet your parents are proud of you, you know that right?" JImin nodded, "I can't thank them enough for not giving up on me."

It was silent for a second, the two both left in their thoughts. A-Yeon was wondering how a sweet boy like him could ever been hurt so badly. She was happy though that things were better now for him.

Jimin was thinking about his family, all the times he hurt them and how he ignored them. He realizes now how petty he was back then. He wish he could fix his mistakes but without mistakes, there was no room to grow.

"Well, I should get going. I only have the studio for an hour." A-Yeon shook her head, "yes I'm sorry for holding you up." She bowed again. Jimin was all bashful, he didn't deserve all this respect. She's probably the same age as him.

"It was lovely talking to you, hope to see you around." Jimin smiled. A-Yeon returned the expression, "likewise. Bye Jimin-ssi." He waved bye to her, picking up his blue duffel bag from the floor.

With one last wave, he turned the corner. She was sweet, cute daughter as well, he hummed. Jimin was walking past a room, turning to look out of interest. He gasped when he saw the person though, it was his old dance instructor.

Immediately, he stopped outside the room. Would it be rude to knock? I really want to say hi to her. With hesitation, he knocked on the door. The music stopped, Min Jee telling the group to have a break. Min Jee came up to the door and opened it.

Her eyes widened at him. "Jimin, oh my goodness, what are you doing here?! And you can stand?! Please come in, come in." She hurried him inside. She gave him a bright smile. "Class, this is Jimin, he's one of my old and most dedicated students."

The teenagers turned towards him and gave him a slight bow. "Hello Jimin-ssi." He blushed at the class who then went back to socializing with their friends. He swore he heard something along the lines of 'bts' and 'together.'

"I came to say hi.. and learn how to dance." Jimin scratched the back of his neck. Again, he thought forlornly. She gave him a sympathetic smile. "That is amazing Jimin, I knew how much you loved to dance. Better yet, why don't I teach you again?"

"Wait, really?" "Yes! How could I not offer it to my favorite student? I was so upset when I heard about what happened. Not just about your lost potential but because of how much you changed. I'm so glad to see you turned out alright."

"Yeah.. It was a struggle at first. But I really am okay nowadays. Thank you so much for the offer. How much?" She shook her head, "How much? Hun, you won't even have to pay a single dime. I wanna do this because I want to help you."

Jimin couldn't process what was being said. Dance lessons for free? With his favorite teacher of all time? Jimin went to drop to his knees when Min Jee stopped him. "There's no need for that silly. How is Saturday?"

Jimin nodded, "yeah Saturday works. Definitely!" Jimin was delighted. He couldn't wait to share the news with his family. "I'm sorry dear but I have to get back to class." Jimin nodded, "no that's alright, I was the one who barged in here."

"Nonsense, your presence is always welcome."

Jimin smiled at that. "And maybe," Min Jee added, "if we work hard, maybe you could help out in my class. I'd even pay you." Jimin waved his arms in a motion that said 'no way.' "Just you helping me learn how to dance again is enough."

"Alright dear, we'll discuss it more on Saturday. Bye Hun."

"Bye Ms. Jeon."

By the time Jimin got to his studio room he rented out, there was already another class in there. Jimin wasn't mad though. Talking with A-Yeon and Min Jee was enough for him. Jimin couldn't wait for Saturday to come.  

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