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Two days later, Hoseok found himself in the practice room once again. He was working on the same dance that he was the day he and Jimin fought. The words spoken given him a bitter taste in his mouth.

He was frustrated, not towards Jimin, but to himself. He was surprised at how he could say those hurtful words so effortlessly. There were many factor that night, but that didn't excuse Hoseok from what he did.

He let out a groan, stopping the music. There was no way he could work in this sort of mindset. Hoseok needed to fix this, he just didn't know how to. And that lead him outside a hotel room door.

He knocked and hoped that the member was still up. Maybe he has headphones in. Hoseok knocks harder. "I'm coming, hold on a sec." There was a bang before fingers fumbled with the lock.

The door opened, Hoseok looking at him with a sad look.

"Namjoon, can we talk?"


Jimin was angrily cracking eggs into a bowl. Him and Jihyun were making pancakes, the older making the batter and the younger working on the stove (Jimin still refused to be by it).

"You're gonna get eggshells in the bowl."

Jimin grunted.

Jihyun turned over his shoulder again and Jimin was still doing the violent action. He sighed, turning the stove on to low. "Okay, what's up?"

Jimin snapped out of it, noticing that he put way too many eggs in. "I ruined the fucking batter." Jimin sighed. "I don't care about the mix, what's going on with you?" 

"Why should I tell you?" Jihyun was confused. "Hey, don't shut me out again. You were better, what happened? Who should I fight?" Jihyun joked the last part.

"Hoseok." Jimin spat. 

"Fight Hoseok?" Jimin nodded, arms crossed with a disgusted look on his face. "What happened between the two of you?" Jihyun didn't care that Hoseok was apart of his ult group. If he hurt his older brother, Hoeseok would never see the light of day again.

"We had a fight. Apparently I'm too clingy." Jimin sarcastically laughs. "Fill me in, what's the whole story." He sat him and Jimin down.


"Jimin called me while I was in the studio, you know, practicing the dance," Namjoon nodded. Hoseok licked his in nervousness. 

"Well, we haven't talked in months. You know why, we are really busy right now." Namjoon hummed in agreement. "Well, he kept calling me while I was practicing and I got pissed.

I was frustrated because I could get the dance right, home sick, tired, hungry, etcetera. But when I answered Jimin finally.. I went off on him." Namjoon sucked in a breath. He knew that when Hoseok was mad, it got ugly.

"I'm guessing you said something bad to him? What was it?" Hoseok squeezed the firm hotel pillow, afraid to tell the leader. He knew he was going to be scolded greatly.

"Well, I was just rude to him in the beginning, saying that he was bothering than me," Hoseok shrank back against the bed, "I then called him.. a clingy bitch."


"And so I told him and to tell the other members not to call me anymore. I also called him fake." Jihyun listened with full attention. Hoseok sure fucked up. "You don't know what he was going through. He could have-."

"But that doesn't give him the right to act like that!" Jimin exclaimed. Jihyun bit his lip, an old habit, this was a bad situation.

"Have you talked to him since?" Jimin shook his head. "Why would I talk to him again?" "Maybe he wants to apologize? Have you checked if he's sent you anything?" 

"No, I blocked his ass." 

"You guys should really talk. You guys are really close and I don't want your friendship to go to waste. I bet he's sorry." Jimin snorted.

"There's no way in hell that he's sorry. He once told me that he never regrets anything he does, because in the end, it brought him to where he is today. He won't regret this."

"Just try to talk to him okay? You never know." Jihyun went back to the stove and flipped over the slightly burnt pancake.

Jimin scoffed, "no way in hell. He causes too much drama. Anyways, I'm going back to my room, you can work on the rest on your own." Jimin, without help, shuffled out of kitchen.

He is just too stubborn, Jihyun thought. He's not even giving Hoseok a chance to redeem himself.. although I do want to punch him for making Jimin try.

I just hope they make up before the surprise.


"Well shit, I wouldn't want to message you again either." 


"It's the truth. Jimin.. he just needs that reassurance after all he's been through. You've fucked up big time." Hoseok covered his face with his hands, rubbing slightly. "I know, I know. But how do I fix it?"

"Why don't you call or text him. You need to talk it out." Hoseok looked at him as if he had five heads. "Are you crazy?! He probably hates me!"

"Which is why the two of you need to talk. And don't expect him to forgive you right away. You were really harsh." Namjoon points out. Hoseok groans, "I don't know."

Namjoon sighs, no one is willing to make the first move. He sees where Jimin is coming from he would probably act the same way. He hopes they make up though, this affects the whole band. Plus Jimin is so cute, he doesn't want to stop talking to him.

I hope they make up before the surprise in two weeks.


Ah this chapter is short I'm so sorry. It didn't even pass 1K words but I am gonna continue a schedule now and the book will be finished before august 2nd (maybe the epilogue will fall on that day). 

What do you think is the surprise? What do you think's gonna happen??

Anyways thanks for reading, as always, love you guys. See you in the next chapter.

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