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I walked down the street deep in thought about the current situation.

I might be being too petty. However, on the other hand, ugh I can't believe he's doing this to me. I mean come on! Who spent a week trying to help Kageyama and Hinata? Hm? ME!! Not some blonde with no skill. Oh yes, skill level is way different than position. Position is where you are. You can be in multiple positions, for example you can be on the middle of first row. It is officially a 'blocker's' position, but it doubles as a spiker's position too. You cannot and will not call yourself a middle blocker and spiker because of your position. Names require skill to be earned. As if on perfect cue, someone yells my name. I'm almost impressed because I'm halfway home but it gets clouded by anger as I look to see who it is.

"Shiruko-san!" Sawumara runs to me. "Shiruko-san please forgive me, I was being insensitive, but please, at least come and watch."

"Come to see your powerful duo crumble?" I say walking passed him. "Glady." I can't wait to see disaster, and I'm front row seats.


Dumbass.Why? Why is she even here? Why? I cannot watch. That's a lie. I'm enjoying every minute of it. Serves you right for replacing me with an imbecile. Currently, the game is on its first set. Score? 20-6. Oh, scratch that, 21-6. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's team are winning. Effortlessly. The perfect duo? A disaster. They can't proceed with their quick when there is no good enough receive. Obviously the opposing team took advantage of little Miss Miko-chan. My, my she is doing wonderfully. She is doing one of three things when the ball is spiked or served to her. Missing the ball, avoiding the ball or hitting it out. "No! No, I got the next one it's fine." is her excuse to poor Tanaka. Without using any more vulgar language, I'd describe her as an airheaded pig with a high social status. It's not harsh enough, but it will have to do for now.

A smug look is plastered on my face. Oh, how much will this team suffer? My legs and arms are crossed, and leaning on the bleachers. Finally it's over. 25-7.

"Shiruko-san," Sawamura says in a desperate voice. "Please play the next set." An even more smug smile appears on my face.

"Why, of course Sawamura-kun. Wouldn't want the firs set to repeat right? So many miss receives. What a shame." I say crossing my arm and smirk at him. My voice sounded like they were babying a child. I turn and see Miss Miko-chan march towards us. Oops, somebody heard me.

"Hey! You know all their serves are hard! They put so much power into it, it's impossible to receive!" She screams. My, my, I think my ears are bleeding. What an annoying brat. What does she mean by hard, impossible serves? They did underhand for most of the game and she couldn't even receive that.

"Maybe actually try and receive them instead of bouncing your breasts in front of the boys hm? This is a club, not a whore house." And with that, I left to go change.

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