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Stunned, everyone looked at me, but being to preoccupied with my phone I didn't notice. "Sorry mom, what did you say? I had to do something real quick."

"Honey what happened? I heard you yell!"

"Don't worry 'bout it ma, I was just receiving. No big deal."

"What?! You're playing while on the phone?! Honey, in that case I can call you later! Baby, I know you love your volleyball so I'll go, you go on and play."

"No ma, it's fi-"

"No, no it's alright honey you go on and play, I've got to get going anyways. I'll call you later, I love you. Now go!" She ends the call.

"Bye... Awe man.." I turn off my phone and turn to the others. They're all staring at me. "What? Have you not called your mom before?"

"I have but not while receiving a jump serve from Kageyama!" Hinata shouts walking up to me and shaking me slightly.

"Oh that? That wasn't hard." I say. I hear Tsukishima scoff and start giggling.

"Hey! Boke!" Kageyama shouts at him and shoves his finger into Tsukishima's chest.

"What? Can a peasant not laugh?" They start arguing. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sawamura whisper something to Kiyoko-senpai. She nods and leaves the gym.

Everyone talks amongst themselves. Third years and second years alike are talking to each other and the four male first years are fooling around. Hinata trying to high five Tsukishima and the tall boy trying to avoid the shorter one until Hinata finally high fives him. I hear Tsukishima whimper a little saying "He'll be infected." Little Miss Miko-chan, is another story.

"I bet Tobio-kun didn't even serve that hard. He probably just feels bad." Little Miss Miko-chan scoffs while looking at her nails. Jesus woman, can't you just accept that I'm better?

"Is that so?" I ask rolling my eyes and start packing some of my things up.

"Mmhm. He's too manly for you." She sneers and walks away to the other first years. They see her coming and I see them grimace amongst themselves. Well, at least she's off my back.

I see Kiyoko-senpai walk in with a box in hand. She sets the box down and opens it.

"Everyone gather around." Sawamura says. We do and he hands us all a black jacket. I put it on. It's a bit too small but I really like it. Hinata, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi try it on. They look good but I haven't seen one other person do it.

"Put it on Tsukishima!" Tanaka yells.

"I'll put it on later." Tsukishima says monotonously. Everyone pesters him to put it on and he finally does. They cheer and I look at the boys. They look really good. I smirk a little.

"Welcome to the team." Sawamura says smiling. We bow and thank him. After that, I walk to Kiyoko-senpai and I ask her for a bigger one.

"Senpai, can I please get a bigger one?"

"Sure." She pulls out a small. I hand her the one I had and I put the new one on. It fits perfectly.

"I'm sorry senpai, but if it isn't too much to ask, can I get a bigger one?" I ask. She looks kind of confused.

"That one fits perfectly. Why do you want a bigger one?"

"I really like oversized things. If I get something, I need to get them a size bigger. Well, except pants of course." I giggle a bit. She does too. She takes back the small and hands me a medium. I slip it on and the arms are too long. They run way pass my fingers. The jacket itself was hanging at around mid-thigh. Perfect.  "Thank you senpai, it's perfect." She smiles and pats my head.

"No problem. You look cute." She says smiling. My face dust out pink and I stutter out a thanks.

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