Chapter 9

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"We are heading back to the leaf village now" Kakashi ordered and the villagers bid us goodbye while we were walking away, all of them had big smiles.
"You did something, didn't you?" Sasuke asked in a near growl as they looked at me.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I shrugged as we kept walking.
"If you had something to do with this Kuroki we need to know," Kakashi said.
"And as I said I don't know what you are talking about. You can't blame me for Zabuza and Haku finding out that Gato was going to betray them" I huffed.
"You spoke with them again even after you were warned," Shino stated.
"They simply stopped to say goodbye when they were leaving and said about how they owed me a life debt each," I said knowing that I couldn't continue to lie. My reply instantly made Kakashi choke on his own breath, after all having a life debt was a big thing but it was nearly unheard of having four of them at the same time.
"Lets just get back to the village" Hinata suggested and we were quiet the whole time including when we got back.

"Ah your back" Hokage-sama said and Kakashi reported what happened including how I got in the way and freed four rogue ninja.
"Kuroki, may I ask why you decided to do this?" Hokage-sama questioned looking at me curiously.
"Simple, they did not deserve to die so I was not about to let them die, let alone kill them myself" I answered and he looked at me with a small smile.
"I understand, thank you please collect your payment from the normal place" Hokage-sama said and we nodded.
"Kuroki, would you stay behind for a moment please?" Hokage-sama called, making me stop and turn to him before leaving as he nodded and I felt the ANUBU's chakra disappear.
"Now I am going to ask you two questions, Kuroki. I want you to answer them truthfully and to the best of your abilities. The ANUBU have left so we are alone and I have a privacy seal set up" Hokage-sama told me and I nodded.
"I will try my best, Hokage-sama," I said.
"The first question I have had this bouncing around in my head for a while but I want to know can you see chakra sources and souls?" Hokage-sama questioned and I stopped and looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.
"I can see chakra sources but not souls, in a way I can see souls but in a way I can't, it depends on what the chakra source is like. Every person's chakra source is different, I have the ability to see how much they have suffered, how much happiness they had, how much sadness they possess and such. While with Gozu, Meizu, Zabuza and Haku's chakra sources showed that they had suffered a lot as well as taken many lives, it also showed remorse and healing, they did not regret killing because that would make the peoples deaths meaningless but they did feel remorse for what they had done" I told him and he nodded puffing his pipe.
"I will keep this between us Kuroki since it is no one else's business, now my second question, are you happy on team seven? Are they treating you alright and equally?" Hokage-sama enquired, looking at me with a look which made me know that I couldn't lie my way out which made me sigh a little.
"Asuma-san spoke to you didn't he?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes he did as well as Kurenai, Izumo, Kotetsu and Iruka, all of them seem worried about you" Hokage-sama admitted.
"Well they aren't exactly the dream team, they don't really want to work as a team with me and they don't really train with me or anything. I guess it's because I'm an orphan and they are clan heirs or something" I shrugged not actually admitting my feelings about the team and I knew that he picked up on that.
"So you're not happy, they don't treat you right or equally" Hokage-sama said and I hesitated before nodding my head knowing there was no reason to lie to him.
"I will see about a team transfer but for now you are going to have to stay on that team but I had organised Iruka and Asuma to help you train" Hokage-sama explained.
"There really is no need, I mean I train using scrolls and books so I don't really need help" I said and he nodded with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, Asuma also mentioned to me about you learning that water jutsu," Hokage-sama said, giving me a look, meaning I wasn't getting out of it, making me shrink a little.
"Kuroki, I know you are independent and I don't want to take that away. All I want is to be able to help you....I should have given this to you a long time ago, I was waiting for the right time but I guess its time now. This letter was in the basket with you when I found you outside the gates of the village" Hokage-sama sighed and I froze a little before grabbing it and reading it.

'Dear who ever found this baby, He is a charming and cute little baby boy his name is Kuroki please take care of him for me, he will one day be a strong ninja that everyone looks up to and will bring about a change in the ninja world, so please take care of him, K.U' I read in my head. 

"Is there anyone recorded with the initials of K.U?" I asked, looking at him in hope.
"I have looked but I could find no one Kuroki, other than the Uchiha clan but all of them have been checked out" Hokage-sama answered, his head bowed a little. Seeing his head I knew that he was feeling guilty both for not telling me about this letter or telling me about it.
"I understand why you didn't give me this Hokage-sama, if you had given this to me when I was younger I would have thrown everything to the side and taken off trying to find this person. You were looking out for me and thinking of my future so thank you. Now that we have finished discussing this, may I leave?" I questioned and he nodded.
"Of course but remember if you want to train please go to Iruka and Asuma" Hokage-sama reminded me and I nodded bowing to him before leaving, getting my pay and heading to my apartment.

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