Chapter 6

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I smiled slightly when I felt the two chakra sources disappear away from us. Don't get me wrong I am a leaf ninja and a proud one at that but I do not believe in killing innocent people that are just doing what they need to do to survive. It was nearly 100% possible that I was the first person to show them really kindness, then again I guess I knew what it was like to not have anyone to be nice to me. When we were on the boat Tazune explained about Gato and how the business tycoon was after the wave village and no one would fight back so Tazune was building the bridge to free the wave village and give them hope back.
"This is as far as I take you" the boat driver announced and the bridge builder nodded thanking him before the boat driver left. We started to walk with Shino being an idiot and throwing kunai around at everything until he nearly hit a white rabbit making my eyes widen since rabbits shouldn't be white. I instantly felt two large chakra sources flare up and I dropped to the floor as Kakashi yelled to duck and took Tazune down with him.
"Hm so this is why the demon brothers had such a hard time huh? Sharingan Kakashi" said the guy on his large sword that was sticking out of the tree, his back to us but his head turned so he was looking at us. He had short black hair, tanned skin, had no shirt on, a pair of striped pants on and a pair of cow printed leg warmers.
"Sharingan?!" Sasuke yelled looking at Kakashi.
"Zabuza Momochi," Kakashi said.
"Ah so I am in your bingo book as well?" Zabuza smirked.
"Lets go" Shino said going to dash at Zabuza but Kakashi stopped him.
"He is a much stronger enemy, get in the manji formation around Tazune. I will be fighting him" Kakashi ordered and Hinata, Sasuke and Shino got in a circle not even leaving room for me to join them. Then again since they had been taught it without me I wouldn't even know what to do so I sat above them in a tree.
"Before this fight gets under way, which one of you is Kuroki?" Zabuza inquired and I felt two more chakra sources appear near the other one that was hiding in the trees a little way away from me.
"That would be me" I called out, making them look at me and Zabuza looked at me, his eyes narrowed and curiosity in them.
"I have a question for you boy, why?" Zabuza questioned looking at me, without giving anything away.
"Because everyone deserves some sort of kindness, no matter what their past is, no matter what their eyes have seen or their hands have done, everyone is still human no matter what happens no one can change that" I said without even needing to think about it.
"Very well our fight starts now copy cat ninja" Zabuza accepted and I watched them fight. Then Zabuza explained about how he got his nickname and such while Kakashi was trapped in a water bubble.

Sasuke then went on about not leaving a teammate behind or deserting them since that is what Kakashi had told them.
"HAHAHAHA, you leaf genins really are preachers but you don't practice what you preach do you?" Zabuza roared with laughter.
"What are you talking about?" Sasuke glared.
"Only that from what I see, is that you have already abandoned a team mate or are you that stupid?" Zabuza sneered but didn't share anything else but I knew what he meant by that.
"Like you would know anything" Sasuke glared before he and Shino worked together to free Kakashi. Watched from up in the tree not even bothering to help seeing as they had been ignoring me basically. When I saw Kakashi about to land a killing blow on Zabuza I dashed over and put my body in front of Zabuza's, shocking them.
"Enough" I stated.
"Kuroki," Kakashi said, stopping his kunai.
"What are you doing idiot?" Sasuke snapped.
"You don't need to kill him, you can already see that Zabuza is down and can't fight, there is no need to kill him" I told them while still shielding Zabuza with my body.
"He is a rogue ninja, he has killed a lot of people," Kakashi said, gritting his teeth.
"And so have you what gives you the right to take a life and judge who gives to live and who dies?" I glared at him fiercely.
"I will only give you one warning, get out of the way" Kakashi warned but I stood my ground not letting him scare me. Before I could think about it I was laying on the ground with my cheek throbbing from where Kakashi had back handed me and I saw he was heading to Zabuza again so I got up and dashed in front of him or I tried but Shino and Sasuke pinned me down.
"Let me go," I snapped trying to get free from them but they still held me back. Suddenly three senbon came out of nowhere and pierced Zabuza's neck making him go down and my eyes widened a little.
"Thank you for your help. I have been trailing after Zabuza for some time," said the mist hunter nin as Kakashi explained hunter ninja before the ninja left with Zabuza's body making me smile a little before Kakashi collapsed. Rolling my eyes I grabbed Kakashi placing him on my shoulders and getting Tazune to lead us to his house.

"What were you thinking, Kuroki?" Hinata asked as she, Shino and Sasuke looked at me, more like glaring at me.
"Why don't you mind your own business?" I snapped.
"This is our business, you are our teammate," Shino said, making me scoff.
"Since when have you ever thought of me as a teammate? To you guys even to Kakashi I am nothing but a burden, a no named orphan" I growled.
"That's not true," Hinata protested.
"Then tell me why is it that when I invite you to train with me you say no? When I try to help on missions you reject it? When Kakashi decides to train you guys you don't even bother giving me a second thought? It's because you are clan heirs right? So you think that you need more training right? What pathetic nonsense" I huffed before turning and leaving out of the window.
"You know....Kuroki is right, every time we train we never invite him neither does Kakashi and when he trains we always reject him even on missions we work together but we don't include him" Hinata said looking down.
"We don't need him," Sasuke growled. "Hm" Shino hummed in agreement to what Sasuke was saying.
"But he could be a clan heir we don't actually know what Kuroki's last name is after all no one even knows who Kuroki's parents are. Who knows he might even be related to us somehow" Hinata tried.
"Fine when Kakashi wakes up we will try and train with him" Sasuke sighed before they sat to wait for Kakashi to wake.

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