Chapter 12

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When I got back to my house I paused to see a bird sitting on my veranda so I walked over to see a scroll on its leg so I took it off and the bird flew off making me blink before looking at the note.
"Kuroki, I require your presents in my office, Sarutobi," I read before shrugging and putting the scroll in my weapons pouch and headed to the hokage's office. All I really wanted to do was stay home and rest after my day of training but it was not everyday someone got a summoning from the Hokage.

When I got there the secretary let me go straight up so I knocked on the door he asked me to enter and I walked in.
"You asked to see me, Hokage-sama?" I said and he nodded.
"Yes, now I understand that Kakashi has told you about the chunin exams and that you will be entering correct?" Sarutobi enquired and I nodded.
"Yes he has, he informed me that you have allowed a team of four to be entered" I explained.
"Good I am informing you that you will not be with team seven since part of the test is about teamwork, you shall be working with team ten. I do not want you to fail just because they refuse to work with you. If all goes well you will become a permanent member of team ten" Sarutobi informed me and I was a little shocked but then I nodded. I knew that I would be placed on a different team, I just was expecting it to happen this fast.
"Is team seven aware of this?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I will be informing them once you leave therefore they will not have time to harm you" Sarutobi explained and I nodded not even denying the fact that they would probably attack me. They were a team of clan heirs that were use to getting everything that they wanted so when something didn't go their way, they lashed out. With our meeting finished I bowed to him before thanking him and leaving to my house to do some meditation.

The next morning I woke early, yawning as I headed to the kitchen getting some fruit and eating it before grabbing all my supplies before heading to the first test room to wait for the others.
"There he is" someone spat and instantly I was grabbed and slammed into the wall making me yelp a little closing my eyes. I opened my eyes, my hand on my head looking to see Sasuke was the one holding me while Shino and Hinata were glaring heavily at me. Looks like Sarutobi's worries about me getting attacked by my old team were justified.
"What the hell?" I demanded rubbing the back of my head.
"Shut the hell up! You just abandoned us as we are about to go into the chunin exams, what do you think you're better than us now or something?" Sasuke snarled, glaring even worse.
"You should get your facts correct considering that you were the ones that abandoned me first" I snapped.
"You think I abandoned you? Don't make me laugh, you never treated me like a teammate, you always looked down on me because I am an orphan and not a clan member or clan heir. Even Kakashi always looked down on me, every time I asked you to train you would say no then you would turn and train with Kakashi without even thinking to invite me" I growled.
"You bastard" Sasuke hissed and he clenched his fist and I closed my eyes waiting for the beating to come.
"Shadow possession complete" a lazy voice said and I cracked my eyes open to see that Shikamaru had taken Sasuke's shadow over, Choji was glaring at Shino daring him to move and Ino looked like she was ready to murder Hinata.
"What the hell do you think you are doing to Kuroki?" Ino demanded with a fierce glare that reminded everyone around who her father was.
"This is none of your business so get lost" Sasuke huffed trying to fight the shadow possession but losing.
"Like hell it isn't, Kuroki is now on our team" Choji said.
"Lets just go unless we want to be late for the chunin exams, they aren't worth you guys getting worked up over" I said trying to defuse the situation and they nodded before we left team seven on the 'third' floor that was actually the second floor as we went up.

"I can't believe I ever felt something for that complete jerk, what a stuck up bastard" Ino snapped stomping her feet as we walked.
"Calm down Ino its fine," I tried to comfort them, making them turn to me in shock.
"In no way is that fine, did they always do that? Tell me" Shikamaru demanded grabbing my arm and his eyes boring into me, promising death to anyone that had hurt me.
"No that was the first time" I said and they sighed a little.
"What's wrong?" Asuma asked as he walked up to us from where he was standing a little ways away.
"Sasuke, Hinata and Shino had Kuroki against the wall and were going to hit him" Ino glared, still looking angry.
"Just put that out of mind now time to get on with chunin exams, don't worry we will make sure that they learn their lesson but for now we have more important things to worry about" Asuma said and we nodded handing him our forms and headed in.

"Hey Kuroki, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji," a voice said and we turned and saw Kiba, Sakura and Naruto making us wave and walk over to them.
"Hey guys" I greeted, smiling lightly.
"Is everything okay?" Sakura asked, looking at me as I started to open my mouth.
"No it's not, don't let him lie his way out of it, Sasuke, Shino and Hinata cornered him and were going to beat him" Choji huffed and I looked down.
"Honestly I don't understand Sasuke anymore or the other two, they have changed way too much. I mean they used to be nice, well nicer but now they are acting like jerks" Sakura snapped at the end.
"You guys should be quieter after all this isn't a picnic" a guy with silver hair said, making us turn to him to see him looking at team seven.
"Like you know anything" Sasuke sneered.
"You know since you're rookies how about I help you out a bit, I have these info cards that I have collected. Is there anyone you wish to know about?" the silver haired guy questioned holding up said cards.
"Tell me what you have about a guy called Kuroki," Sasuke demanded, making my eyes harden a bit. It seemed like they were going to be targeting me now.
"Okay let's see here, Kuorki is fourteen years old, male obviously, AB type blood, Kuroki was on team seven of the leaf consisting of Kuroki, Hinata, Sasuke and Shino with there sensei being Kakashi Hatake the copy cat nin but at the moment is in the middle of changing teams, forty eight D ranked missions, one C ranked bumped up to A ranked mission, it is known that he has life debts from Zabuza Momochi, Haku Yuki, Gozu and Meizu the demon brothers, he has been seen practicing chakra control and training a lot, that is all I have on him" the silver haired guy read.
"So he is just a weakling" Shino stated, making Ino glare and ready to say something but I grabbed her hand and shook my head.
"Okay magots take your seats," said Ibiki, making everyone take the assigned seat that they were given. I was next to the redhead from Suna, Gaara was his name I think and a grass ninja that was giving me the creeps.

"Now listen up you have a written test in front of you, to pass you must answer the questions, if you are caught more than three times cheating you and your team will be kicked out. The tenth question will be asked at the end once everyone is finished, does everyone understand? If not too bad" Ibiki explained and the test started making me turn the page over and look at the questions.
'All of these questions couldn't be answered by a genin there is no way that they would know the answer, also they said that anyone caught three times cheating would be thrown out so therefore the whole idea is to cheat since there are four different people that have chakra levels over chunin. There are a few things that I could do to chat but oh well guess I will just answer them since I know the answers' I planned to myself as I started the test going through all the answers before I turned the sheet of paper over and laid my head down.
'That boy, the chunin aren't even finished yet' Ibiki thought and another person that was watching me in interest had the same thoughts.
"Okay time is up. Now you get to choose if you take the tenth question or not" Ibiki called.
"What do you mean choose to take the question? Thats a stupid question" Kankuro huffed.
"Well genius if you choose to take the question and you get it wrong you are not only disqualified but you don't get to try the chunin exams again, you will be genin for life. You guys are unlucky that you got my rules this time, now I will ask again, does anyone wish to leave? Keep in mind your whole team will be taken out" Ibiki reminded. Team after team started to cave until there were only twelve teams left, including the four from the leaf, the one from Suna, one from sound and the other had that strange grass ninja the chakra kept fluctuating like they were suppressing it but not normally.
"Okay to everyone that is still here, congratulations on passing" Ibiki congratulated though he wasn't smiling.
"HUH?!" everyone yelled looking at him.
"The first part of the test was to test your ability to gather intelligence and not getting caught, those that got caught easily were eliminated. The second part well you can't back out of a situation even if you are told something about the mission you don't like, you still have to do the mission even if that means you get torture or killed" Ibiki explained and he removed his headband showing his head making most gasp. I didn't even react after all torture was something common in the ninja world unfortunatly so I had studied it before and had seen the aftermath.
"Alright gaki's, I am your next instructor Anko so you better get down to training grounds 77 now" Anko smirked as she entered through the window with a log and scroll of paper that was put up over the board.
"You're early again Anko" Ibiki sighed from behind the sheet Anko had put up.
"Anyway training ground 77 now" Anko said ignoring Ibiki and we left down the stairs instead of the window heading to the training grounds.
"Hm I wonder" Ibiki whispered before he approached the desk and grabbed my paper and looked at it before his eyes widened and looked towards the door before smirking and chuckling a little.
"This brats answers are even better than the chunins that we put in here and they aren't copied from the text book either.....This is going to be an interesting chunin exam" Ibiki smirked before he collected all the sheets of paper.

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