Chapter 13

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When we got to the forest of death we couldn't begin yet since Konohamaru, Mogi and Udon were here to interview a few people for the school newspaper as well as us having to sign wavers so the leaf couldn't be held accountable for any deaths.
"My Dad mentioned this place and about how creepy it is," Ino shivered.
"It's not really creepy, just troublesome" Shikamaru sighed and Choji was still happily munching away on his chips.
"Actually it isn't creepy or troublesome, I have studied maps of this place. It is said that there are trees in there that are thousands of years old and have their own sort of consciousness. They are known as the ancients. It is how the Leaf village got the nickname Leaf because back when Hashimaru-sama was still alive he would work with the ancients to hide the village away when needed. There are also a lot of wild animals in there as well" I told them making them look at me.
"So don't hit the trees and be careful of the animals?" Choji asked and I nodded.
"Okay everyone get to your gates and get ready" Anko called.
"Think you can lead us around? Since you studied this place" Ino questioned and I nodded.
"I remember the way to the middle, the thing will be getting the scroll we need" I said and they nodded before Anko yelled start and we took off into the forest.

"It will be a two days run or two and a half walk to get to the middle but then again we are better off walking, it will save our strength as well as give us time to think of a strategy on how to get the scrolls" I informed them and they nodded.
"We will walk" Shikamaru decided with a yawn making us all chuckle. While walking we decided to chuck ideas around about what we should do to get a scroll, it was Choji that thought of the easiest thing.
"Well why don't we just wait near the tower for someone that already has both scrolls, they would be exhausted after battling so we could take the scroll" Choji suggested before munching on his chips making us nod.
"Good idea" Ino cheered.
"It should work but we should have a back up plan in cae" I praised him but then something caught my attention making me turn and look behind us.
"What is it Kuroki?" Shikamaru enquired seeing my attention was elsewhere.
"Nothing must be the forest messing with me" I said before catching up with them. What I didn't let them know was that the ninja from the grass with the fluctuating chakra was following us. 

"Geez how much longer" Ino groaned after walking for a few hours.
"Still a while" Shikamaru said and they started to bicker. That's when I felt a rise in the person's chakra close to us making me instantly turn.
"Doton wall" I said, slamming my hands into the ground and instantly a wall made of dirt and rock was in front of us taking the wind jutsu that was thrown at us making me narrow my eyes, it was actually damaging my wall meaning it was more powerful than a genin.
"Okay my wall will only last another fifty seconds so get ready to jump to the trees" I said and they nodded.
"Now" I ordered and we all jumped to the trees as the wall collapsed under the strong winds.
"How interesting" a voice said and we looked to see the grass ninja on the branch across from us.
"Hey what's the big idea?" Ino yelled, fuming. "Ino not now" Shikamaru warned his eyes wide and focused.
"Someone that uses a jutsu like that is not a genin, who are you?"Choji asked, putting his chips away.
"Kukuku, how amusing you want this, don't you? After all you have a heaven scroll so you're after my Earth scroll right? To start off with I was going to go after Sasuke-kun but then I decided I wanted to test the boy out first" smirked the person looking unnatural.
"We don't want to fight you, so why don't you leave and go our separate ways?" Choji offered.
"How unfortunate I was hoping I would blow you pests away but it seems that Kuroki-kun is much more talented than he seems," the grass nin hissed before he disappeared.
"Behind us" Shikamaru yelled and we all jumped up and off the branch onto the ground, our backs to each other.
"How can he move so fast?" Ino questioned, shaking a little.
"He is not a genin, no genin or even chunin could move that fast" I said my eyes narrowed, first I had to figure out who this person was then work out how to get out of this.
"This is going to be fun. I always wanted to see how the Ino-Shika-Cho trio worked, guess I will find out now" the grass ninja said before he rushed at us making us get ready only to realise that he had summoned a snake. "Wait a snake summon....No way" I whispered as I dodged the hit and looked at the snake.
"What is it, Kuroki?" Choji asked.
"The only snake summoners are Anko who is directing the exams so it wouldn't be her and....And the snake Sanin Orochimaru," I said, making their eyes widened.
"Well you are the smart one aren't you" Orochimaru grinned as he basically peeled the skin of the grass nin off. This was bad. We were only four genins and he was a sanin, no matter how good we were I wasn't sure we could beat him but we might be able to at least survive this battle.
"Formation four, Kuroki just try and do anything you can, we will focus more on teamwork after we survive this" Shikamaru promised and I nodded my head as they got into their formation and I grabbed my kunai. Without waiting I jumped into the tree racing towards Orochimaru with the kunai that I held, making him raise an eyebrow but I kept running at him before I jumped over him turning midair and throwing the kunai. As soon as my feet touched the tree again I grabbed another kunai turning and going at Orochimaru only for him to block with my own kunai.
"You will have to be better than that if you want to beat me," Orochimaru sneered as he overpowered me, forcing me out of the tree and I landed on my feet looking up at him. Then I heard a shriek and turned to see Shikamaru, Ino and Choji had gotten rid of the snake summoning.
"Hm I will have to hurry this up if I still want to catch Sasuke-kun up" Orochimaru hummed before he disappeared making me turn fast only to see him grab Ino and flung her away into a tree making her scream.
"Ino" I yelled before racing at Orochimaru as Choji and Shikamaru were getting beaten.
"Raiton strike" I yelled after doing the signs making the jutsu hit down on where Orochimaru was only to see he was gone again.
"Nice try but not fast enough" Orochimaru said and I felt a foot hit my back. I looked to see Choji beaten up badly and passed out while Shikamaru looked like he had hit a rock that had now trapped his legs while Ino was dazed from hitting the tree.
"Shikamaru.....Choji....Ino" I whispered, looking at them with a hand reaching towards them.
"Kukukuku I thought they would be better than that but guess they are just weak" Orochimaru laughed and I clenched my hands.
'This is my fault, Orochimaru was after me. They were innocent, they didn't need to get hurt, I couldn't do anything, I was weak and there was nothing I could do' I thought to myself.
"Hm I wonder how the Yamanaka will scream" Orochimaru said as he showed up near Ino and grabbed her blonde hair ripping her up from it.
"Leave her alone," Shikamaru roared, trying to get free.
"GAH!" Shikamaru screamed as Orochimaru turned around and slammed his foot onto the rocks pushing them further onto Shikamaru's legs.
'Weak, weak, we are all going to die because I am weak, because of me' I thought, my mind was spiraling out of control.
"Kuroki" Ino whispered and I looked up seeing she was looking at me with tears on her face showing how much pain she was in.
"I know, you can do it....Kuroki" Ino said before she reached a hand up with her kunai knife and cut her long hair short.
"Hm stupid girl" Orochimaru huffed before he grabbed Ino by the throat making her gasp and struggle to breath ripping at his hand.

"Let her go," I whispered, getting to my feet.
"What was that?" Orochimaru taunted.
"I SAID LET HER GO!" I roared out and instantly chakra burst out around me, I didn't know where it had come from but my eyes felt different and I could suddenly see so much better including the chakra points.
"I am going to kill you for hurting them! I'll rip you apart!" I screamed as I raced towards Orochimaru.
"Oh now what is this?" Orochimaru questioned dropping Ino making her gasp in breath and cough.
"Doton quake" I said hitting the earth making it break up but Orochimaru just jumped.
"Futon great wind" I said, sending a large gust of wind towards Orochimaru.
"Suiton: great water dragon" I yelled as I managed to pull water from the thin air and sent it straight towards Orochimaru.
"Water really" said Orochimaru looking at me but I just smirked.
"Raiton strike" I said aiming for just behind Orochimaru for the rest of the water so it would carry on to Orochimaru. In a split second Orochimaru disappeared.
"Nice try" said Orochimaru as he grabbed me only for me to disappear.
"Nice try" I said before using Katon: great fireball jutsu, sending it straight for him.
"Tch guess you are more talented than I thought, being able to use all five elements....And that doton I have never seen it" Orochimaru spat before he appeared behind me and I went to move using substitution when I realised my chakra was basically all gone but I had large reserves what happened......The blast of chakra. When I let my anger out I condensed my chakra within my body instead of flowing it through my body I put it out into the air so I could track him better. I couldn't move as Orochimaru grabbed me and sunk his teeth straight in my neck making me scream out in agony that was going through my body.
"Kukuku, let's see how you deal with that," Orochimaru laughed before he left us there laying on the ground.

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