Chapter 10

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I put my payment in my savings box that was hidden away and grabbed a genjutsu book and decided I would go to Iruka, he would have more free time then Asuma or at least I hope.
"Iruka-san, are you home?" I called knocking on the door to his apartment.
"I'm coming" Iruka called back as he opened the door and blinked a little at seeing me before he smiled happily.
"Kuroki, what can I do for you? Oh come on, I will put some tea on" Iruka smiled as he ushered me in and I realised this was the first time that I was in his house, it was really beautiful. When I got to his lounge room I guess, I saw that Asuma, Kurenai, Izumo, Kotetsu and Genma were there.
"Oh kid how are you? Not trying to kill yourself with water jutsus again are you?" Asuma teased.
"No Asuma-san, after you showed me the chakra controlling exercises I do them each day so that I have good control. It is much easier to jutsus now" I replied as Iruka came in and placed the cups down for us and I gently blew on it before sipping the green tea feeling my muscles relax.
"So what is it you need? I mean you can visit if that is it, I don't mind having company over" Iruka said and I smiled a little.
"Sorry Iruka-san but Hokage-sama told me if I was going to train to go to you or Asuma-san, I thought Asuma-san would be busy with his team so I decided to come to you" I explained.
"Oh what is it you want to work on?" Genma enquired while chewing on a senbon.
"I wish to practice my genjutsu as well as kunai throwing skills" I said.
"Perhaps I can help then? Our team has a few days off after a mission and I am a genjutsu mistress" Kurenai offered.
"Only if it is no trouble, I don't want to put anyone out" I said.
"Kuroki....Is well is your team treating you well?" Iruka asked worried as he sat a plate of sweets on the table and I looked down. Iruka-san was one of the only people that I had never been able to keep the truth from. After all, he was like a big brother.
"Don't worry Iruka-san they aren't abusive towards me, I mean sure they don't really train with me and most times ignore me when I suggest something. They also won't work with me but I am fine, don't worry" I tried to reassure him with a small smile while looking at him.
"Have a piece of slice, I seem to remember you liking sweets" Iruka offered and I blushed a little, picking up a piece of slice and munching on it calmly and drinking my tea.
"So when did you want to start?" Kurenai asked, successfully changing the subject for now.
"I am ready to start whenever," I told her and she nodded before deciding we may as well get it down with so we went to a training ground.

"Okay do you want to practice using genjutsu or getting out of them?" Kurenai asked.
"Getting out of them first" I said and she nodded as I sat down.
"Don't let me know when you are starting it, I want to make sure that I sense when I am in a genjutsu without knowing about it beforehand" I explained and she nodded as she walked behind me. Soon enough I felt everything warp around and the chakra wrap around me so I started to work on getting out of the genjutsu.
"Traitor" Genjutsu Hinata spat.
"Weakling" Genjutsu Sasuke sneered.
"Waste of space" Genjutsu Shino scowled.
"Pathetic" Genjutsu Kakashi said. With everything ready I lashed my chakra out breaking the genjutsu making Kurenai smile a little. We continued with Kurenai putting me in different genjutsus while I worked on breaking out before she decided I had enough experience to get out of the genjutsus. After that I worked on casting the genjutsu making her somehow impressed with my abilities.
"You show a lot of potential as a genjutsu user ever thought of being one?" Kurenai asked and I shrugged.
"Not really I prefer to take my enemies head on, but I do want to be an all rounder so I guess Genjutsu is one of them" I said. She nodded before she scruffed my hair and wished me luck and told me if I changed my mind to come and see her before leaving.
"Well guess I should work on my kunai skills now" I decided as I started to throw them aiming for one place after another. Once I had thrown fifty of them with all of them hitting their target. I grabbed another kunai and held it while doing kata's with it.

"So how long has he been at it?" Asuma asked Iruka as they were sitting in a tree watching me.
"About three hours since he started using his kunai, he is adding chakra to the kunai knife now to make it more powerful. I'm sure if he tried I think that he would be able to add chakra nature to it, he is an amazing student and I can't wait to see what he will show everyone" Iruka smiled softly.
"Come on, I have an idea," Asuma grinned before they left. After I finished training I was panting and exhausted but I still got up and dragged myself to my apartment and took a shower before collapsing into my bed for the first time in a long time.

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