Chapter 7

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Meanwhile I was out in the forest practicing my calming methods as well as looking at a book of records from the wave village since I wanted to see if there was anyone matching my description born in the year I was in this town with my name. I sighed when I saw that there was no one and sat the book near the tree trunk so it wouldn't be damaged and grabbed out my earth jutsu scroll that I had recently brought.
"Maybe I am just not meant to know about my parents? I will never find out with the way this is going. I want to know about them, like there names, did I get my eyes from my Father or Mother? And my hair it is so spiky and untamed when I have it out of the plait, does that mean that I got it from my mother? but maybe my father had messy hair? Is it too much to look for answers?" I asked no one in particular, thinking of my strange eyes. My right eye was a dark onyx that was nearly black while my left eye was a really light silver nearly white while my hair was pitch black and down to my hips but I always kept it bound in a plait when out of the house or a ponytail when in the house so that it wasn't untamed and no one could use it against me.
"I don't think that it is asking to much at all" a voice said and I looked up to see a guy there that looked femine his hair down and with a pink Kimono on, his chakra was also familiar as well.
"Is Zabuza okay Hunter nin?" I enquired looking at him and he smiled a little.
"I should have known you would know, my name is Haku by the way and Zabuza-sama is simply resting and exhausted as well" Haku introduced.
"That is good to hear" I sighed and he nodded.
"I have a question for you," Haku said.
"Oh?" I asked, looking at him already guessing at what he wanted to know.
"Why did you save Gozu and Meizu? And then even put yourself in front of Zabuza-sama I don't understand" Haku said and I reached up to my cheek knowing that there was a bruise from where Kakashi backhanded me.
"I guess it would be hard to understand in a way I don't understand myself but I can't in good will let someone die or take their life it is not who I am. I keep thinking, what about their families? What about their precious people? Am I taking away someone's reason for living? All of these things went through my head and I could never take a life. Pretty pathetic for a ninja isn't it?" I chuckled humorlessly and looked down.
"Not at all I think it is very noble and amazing" Haku smiled and I nodded.
"I wish more people would realise that it is pointless to kill others, it's not like you are getting anything out of it" I said and Haku nodded.
"I should be getting back to Zabuza-sama" Haku noted, looking at the sun that was beginning to set and I nodded.
"It is fine, please give him this, it is a piece of paper but feel free to check it yourself if you wish" I said and Haku smiled a little.
"I am sure you have earned our respect and trust," Haku chuckled while taking the paper before leaving and I smiled a little watching as he left before I looked up at the sky, my smile fading.
"Mother, Father.....Is there anyone out there missing me? Is there anyone out there wanting me back?" I asked myself before I slapped my cheeks and got up with my earth jutsu book and started to study it. 

When it started to get dark I headed back to the house seeing that Kakashi was up and about now.
"Where were you Kuroki?" Kakashi enquired looking at me.
"Out training" I said.
"I don't want you going out alone" Kakashi decided and the others nodded in acceptance.
"If you are saying that because Zabuza is still alive, I already know" I sighed and Kakashi's eye widened.
"If you knew why did you not stop the Hunter nin from leaving with him" Shino demanded.
"As I have said before it is not my right to judge and deal out death, that is for fate to decide" I said.
"You do realise being a ninja you will have to take lives?" Kakashi questioned and I nodded.
"I am aware of that and when it comes to that time I will do it without worry" I said.
"How? You just said that you don't decide who dies" Hinata recalled and I nodded.
"I won't kill unless they try to kill me first and even if they don't if I am ordered by my village to kill the person I will do so because the village is the one deciding the death of someone and they will have to face that in the after life not me" I told them.
"This is pathetic, a ninja's job is to kill those that oppose their village. Are you telling me you would not kill someone that was going to hurt the village?" Sasuke sneered and I raised an eyebrow.
"Think this through Uchiha, a ninja's job isn't to kill. A ninja's job is to be a tool for their Kage to manipulate and use to their whims and goals, perhaps you should see why I didn't let Zabuza, Gozu and Meizu die before you go and accuse me. Perhaps starting with why they left the Mist village" I growled before turning and leaving to head out to the forest again. My team and I were like oil and water. We would never mix well though I was trying my hardest, they weren't even trying to see my point of view.

When I got into the trees I decided to focus on taijutsu for now as I started to punch and kick the tree practicing trying to add chakra to make my strength like the legendary sannin Tsunade with her large strength. By the time I stopped practicing I was panting heavily and my feet were bare and my hands were bleeding from the amount I was doing, making me groan a little before laying on the grass looking up at the stars.
"Is there someone out there missing me when they look at the stars as well?" I whispered, reaching my hand up before I placed it down and started to sleep.

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