Chapter 3

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The next morning I got up at four before having a shower treating my hands again and then heading to the training grounds yawning a little bit tired. When I got there Shino was already sitting down leaning against the tree with his eyes hidden behind his glasses though I could hear the small chitter of his bugs wings, Hinata was sitting against a tree nearly asleep and Sasuke was standing leaning against a tree not looking any different.
"Morning" I greeted quietly.
"Good morning Kuroki-san" Hinata returned shyly while the other two stayed quiet, making me frown a little. I sat down next to Hinata getting my book out and reading it some more but this book was on some water jutsus. Soon enough I was asleep, my eyes drifting closed as I leaned against the tree with my book in my lap.

"Kuroki-san," Hinata whispered, poking me and I jumped a little, blinking and looking at her.
"It is nine o'clock you have been sleeping" Shino stated and I nodded blushing a little.
"Sorry about that" I apologised looking down bright red.
"Good morning, sorry I'm late I ran into a black cat on the way and had to take the long way around" Kakashi lied, making us all raise an eyebrow at him, even Hinata.
"Right, well today's test is to get one of these bells," Kakashi explained, holding up three silver bells on red strings.
"There are only three though" I said my mind working a mile a minute to work out what this is about.
"Of course whoever doesn't get a bell is tied up to this post and I eat their lunch in front of them and they get sent back to the academy" Kakashi smirked making all of our stomachs growl.
"Ready? Start," Kakashi called and we all jumped away.
"You are good at hiding, that is for sure lets see how well the first rule of the ninja way is taijutsu" Kakashi said as he walked around his head in his orange book.

I worked on calming my breaths so that they would be one with the wind as well as putting my chakra levels down while I was still thinking on the test. If I was to go in alone there is no way that I would get a bell but then if I got help from my teammates we would maybe get the bells but even if we did then one of us would go without lunch and go back to the academy. Kakashi is a Jonin so there is no way freshly graduated genins are able to take him down not even if there are clan geniuses we would have to work together but then why only three bells and four people. Wait a moment, that was the whole idea we had to work together. The reason there are only three bells is to make it so we would be less likely to work together. That has to be what it means. With that thought in my head I jumped off to find Shino first. After all, if I had him with me the others would more than likely listen to me.
"Hey Shino, do you have a second?" I asked, jumping down quietly and he turned to me.
"I know it might be crazy but I think that this test is a trick and that the real test is to work as a team" I told him.
"That is incorrect as there are only three bells, do not try to distract me" Shino said, jumping off and I was a little hurt but I sighed, the Uchiha was next. 
"Sasuke, listen I think we should work together, I mean Kakashi is a jonin we don't stand a chance" I tried and Sasuke turned glaring at me.
"Speak for yourself, I don't need or want any help" Sasuke spat making it hurt even worse, lastly was Hinata.
"Hey Hinata, do you want to work together? I am sure we can take Kakashi down then" I once again tried looking at her.
"S-Sorry Kuroki-san I have to prove I am strong" Hinata apologised, leaving to fight Kakashi in a taijutsu battle.

I was a little impressed with Hinata's skills but she got taken down by a genjutsu in the end. Sasuke then came out with a fire jutsu to engage Kakashi in a ninjutsu battle before getting buried into the ground with just his head out. Last Shino came in with a kunai and taijutsu before he ended up hanging upside down by his foot.
"Now I have beaten three of the duckies but the fourth is yet to fall" Kakashi taunted, spinning a kunai around his finger so I jumped down quietly with a kunai and ran towards him but he easily turned and blocked the move.
"There the fourth ducky is" Kakashi eye smiled at me.
"Why did you jump down you idiot? You should have thought of a plan" Sasuke snapped.
"What does it really matter? Kakashi is a jonin and I am only just a genin. How do you think I would beat him? No matter what plan I had it wouldn't work because one genin can't take down a jonin. I tried to tell you that but you wouldn't listen" I growled gripping my kunai tighter.
"May I ask before we continue what happened to your hands?" Kakashi questioned looking at my bandaged hands.
"Would you believe that I managed to trip on the way home yesterday and I grazed my hands all up. Therefore I put healing balm and ointments on my hands to heal them up they are still open so I kept them bandaged" I said smiling a little, I didn't want anyone to learn that I was learning lightning jutsus after all they could be dangerous and the people might try to stop me from learning them.
"Hm" Kakashi hummed, eyeing me and I could tell he didn't believe me at all. We continued to clash out kunai's letting off clangs. When Kakashi added a little force to the kunai I hissed and dropped it my hand throbbing. I didn't get a chance to do anything as he swung around pinning me to the ground and unwrapping my hands against my will.
"Hm....These wounds and burns are from lightning jutsus being overpowered," Kakashi noted, making me blush a little as the others looked at me startled and shocked.
"Hey get off me" I yelled as I started to struggle against his hold but of course I didn't get anywhere fast.
"Not until you answer me how this happened" Kakashi demanded, looking serious.
"I was practicing raiton jutsus yesterday okay? And I kept putting either too little or too much chakra into it so it kept backfiring. I ended up managing to do it of course and there is no permanent damage except maybe a scar or so it doesn't really matter" I answered struggling still to get up but then the bell rang making me sigh and look down a little.

We each sat near the poles waiting for Kakashi to give his verdict, I was kind of glad that the bell went off seeing as they had forgotten about my hands for now.
"I don't know what to say to you guys. The only one that has a hope in hell at passing is Kuroki. You Sasuke were too stuck up to think of helping anyone thinking you were better than a highly skilled jonin rejecting a hand held out to help you. Hinata, you just wanted to prove you are strong. While that is good to have you should have accepted that you needed help and taken Kuroki's hand. Shino, you were so sure that Kuroki was wrong you didn't even give teamwork a second chance. Finally Kuroki you offer teamwork and you also managed to hide yourself pretty well all four of you have been put on a team together so that you would work together......Some of my best friends are on this rock the KIA stone I am giving you one more chance after you eat lunch you will try and get the bells again" Kakashi told us before he left us with our bentos. Hinata, Shino and Sasuke started to eat, making me wince a little as I opened it and tried to hold the chopsticks but because my hand wasn't bandaged anymore I couldn't hold them.
"Kuroki-san....May I see your hand?" Hinata whispered and I blinked a little, holding my hand out as she got some ointment out.
"It's an ointment that I crafted that helps with chakra burns and rejuices scars," Hinata explained, blushing as she rubbed it into both of my hands.
"Give you hands here now" Shino said and I turned and he wrapped fresh bandages around my hands.
"Thanks" I smiled looking at the ground happily.
"Open" Sasuke huffed, holding up some food for me making me blush but I took the food and chewed on it happily.
"I am happy to say you passed." Kakashi beamed reappearing, making the others jump and me to blink a little, my head spinning from the appearance of chakra in my vision.
"Huh?" We all asked, looking at him, more than a little confused.
"You pass, if you had left Kuroki to suffer then you would have failed but you didn't. You have to remember this one thing, those that don't listen to rules are scum but those that abandon their teammates are worse than scum" Kakashi said and I smiled a little, Hinata smiled blushing and pushing her two fingers together while the boys both smirked even if I couldn't see Shino's face I know he was smirking. Once Kakashi had left Hinata, Shino and Sasuke left as well, making me sigh a little and head out to my train grounds. I wasn't fast enough to ask if the others wanted to train with me. 

When I got there I grabbed my lightning jutsu book out and read the next jutsu a raiton strike. I went through the hand signs and then started to add chakra into my hands. I took a breath in and was about to try the jutsu, soon enough I was laying on the ground twitching and a little fried before I got up again and tried again. It took me thirty times before I finally managed to redirect the lightning without hitting myself to the tree, making me smile tiredly and I swayed on the spot before falling backwards and fell asleep.

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