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Curse words and crappy writing up ahead!

3rd Person's P.O.V

"P-please! I'll do anything j-just-" He was cut off by a bullet that went through his head between his eyes. Your hand was still gripping the gun that was aimed at the man's forehead.

'He just can't shut up, can he?'  You thought as you dropped your gun to your side.

A pain shot through you making you dropped your straight posture and gripped you side. You groaned in pain. "Damn it." You lifted up your shirt to see the ugly sight of your side that was sliced with a knife when you were beating up a guard earlier.

You tried to wiped the blood off with your shirt when you were interrupted by your phone ringing that you immediately pulled out and answered. "(L/N) speaking." You said through the phone.

"Did you finished the job?" The voice from the other line asked. You started walking towards your car with your phone held against your ear.

"Yeah." You grunted out through the pain. "He's out of the picture."

The man from the other side laughed in satisfaction. "Good." He sounded very happy making you smile a little. Despite being a payed killer you really like seeing people happy especially when you are the reason of them being pleased.

"Yeah, whatever." You mumbled. "Just transfer the money." You ordered. You never wanted people to know that you have a soft side. They don't have a reason to know anyway so why bother? Your car came in sight making you pulled out your car keys and unlocking the car.

"Right away." He replied. That was the only thing you needed to hear. You ended the call and went into your car. Immediately, you went through your bank accout. Joy was written on your face as your eyes saw the numbers increasing rapidly.

"Pleasure doing business with you." You said to no one in particular with a wide grin plastered on your face. You put your phone away and started the car. With that, you drove out of the area and headed towards your home.


You pushed opened the huge door and entered your house. You dropped all of your bags on the couch and headed towards the kitchen to make yourself a nice cup of coffee. When it was finished. You grabbed the cup and brought it to your lips and took a sip. You sighed in pleasure as you felt the warm liquid going through your throat. Turning on the television, you sat down on the very big and very comfortable couch staring at the screen.

Your house was very big. Scratch that, it's not a house, it's a freaking mansion. Yeah, it has everything you needed and wanted but you couldn't help but feel empty. It gets very lonely sometimes. All the time, actually. Sometimes you wonder; how does it feels like having someone to come home to. To have someone welcoming you back. To have someone accepting you for who you are. But you will never have that. Who would want to be with someone who kills for a living.

You are very pretty. Oh, you are gorgeous. You can't go anywhere without men checking you out. But you can't help but be disgusted by how they are easily attracted with looks that easily. It makes you feel disappointed with people nowadays making it easier for you to take out their lives. Which is good. You don't have to feel so guilty, right? Right.

Your eyes just blankly stared at the dead man you just killed a few moments ago that was displayed on the screen. The news was talking about how the man was brutally killed, saying that this murdering had been going on more lately and they had jumped into a conclusion that it was done by the same person. Well, they got that one right.

You groaned in boredom as you had nothing to do after the job was finished. Walking to your office, you took a look at the stacks of files that you received from your clients. You flipped through them lazily until one of them caught your eye. It was from a man named Lee Man Wong. Korean? You lifted an eyebrow. You don't usually have a Korean client but since you are living in Seoul currently, might as well take the job.

They don't really tell you what you have to do but the payment really caught your interest. 20 million dollars. You smiled in amusement. Not that you needed the money anyway, it's just that it must be a very interesting task if they offered you that much money.

You reached out your phone and dialled the number that was printed on the file. You held the phone against you ear without tearing your eyes away from the paper. The man answered on the second ring.

"So, finally interested in what I had to offer?"

Hello, there! To whoever that is reading this thank you very much for checking out my book! This is my first fanfinction so no hates, please! And also, I'm sorry if I have grammar errors or anything because I'm not fully American. Please leave a comment and vote if you think you should! That is all, thank you again!

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