H I D E & S E E K ?

814 44 5

"Groceries again, (Y/N)?" Jimin whined at you as you put on your knee high boots.

"Well, I would be spending more time with you guys if you don't eat all the food so fast like freaking vacuums." You shooked your head at their behaviour.

'And I'm the one who would have to skip my lazy days and go to the market since they can't take care of themselves outside.'

"Behave, okay? I'll be back in a jiffy!" You said in a Brittish accent while closing the door.


All of the boys turned to Namjoon who was peacefully drinking his banana milk, looking for an explanation.

"She said she'll be back."


'What to buy?'

You thought as you walked around with a basket on your arm. You had already grabbed all snacks that you would need for the next week. Knowing the boys, it would only take them 2 hours to finish it all. You didn't actually care. It was good to know that they were more than comfortable.

"Ooh! How about some filet mignon for tonight's dinner?" You asked yourself while looking at the beef section.

"What's the occasion?" A new voice entered you train of thoughts.

"No occasion, I just feel lik- Hey, you!" You looked at the man that was standing next to you. You recognised his face but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Uhh.. What's your name again?" You snapped your fingers as if it would help you remember.

The man just continued smiling as you searched your memory box. "It's uh..."

"Auaaauuhh???" He teased.

"Baekhyun! The delivery guy!"

"Yeahhh!! Didn't thought you would remember." He smiled.

'Huh. Another cutie.'

"Of course I do. I don't have visitors quite often." You said sheepishly.

"Jinjja? But you live in such a big house. I wouldn't be surprised if you threw parties 24/7." He laughed and I giggled too. "Speaking of big houses, where do you work to have so much money? You seem to live in a pretty easy life. Mind sharing?" He leaned closer to you. Your palms started to sweat nervously.

"Hahah...uhh... You know, what? It's nice catching up but I just remembered that I forgot to iron... my... dog. Yeah! I'll see you again okay?" You quickly said, not realising what you just said to the confused man. You scurried away, ignoring his calls.

You sighed in relief and paid for the stuff you picked. It wasn't much so you don't have to do second trips. You hate second trips.

You placed the plastic bags into your car and drove home, picturing the hungry faces of your favourite boys.


"Guys! I'm home!"


'Huh? Usually there would be Jimin and Hobi running to me like puppies.'

"Hey, where are you guys?" You sighed. Knowing very well where they were. Well, not really. You decided to leave them for awhile and set the groceries to their places.

Once in awhile, the boys thought it would be fun to play hide-and-seek in the big house. You almost had a heart attack the first time they did it. You almost cried, thinking that they were kidnapped or something, but they apologised and did a Netflix and Chill for you for a whole day. It was nice. You were used to it now and thought that you'll 'seek' for them later after you finished the kitchen chores.

You hummed as you arrange your groceries. Not long after, you were done. You were tired, though so you decided that you were too tired to play hide-and-seek.

"Okay, boys! Not today, alright?! I'm too tired." They, of course didn't come out because you said that before but as a trick for them to come out from their creative hiding places. You remembered like it was yesterday.

Jimin came out of the bean bag. He was in the bean bag. He got in through the zipper that the bag had. He left a small gap to open it back from inside when the time came.

Taehyung came out of a garbage can. Don't worry, it was empty.

Jin was behind a curtain while hanging on the grill so that his legs weren't visible.

Namjoon was between two wardrobes. Eh... He wasn't really into a game of hide-and-seek.

Hoseok was in a luggage. He surprisingly fitted. But you have to open the zipper for him. Though, you left him in there for about 20 minutes just to let him suffer and he got back pain for two weeks.

Yoongi was found sleeping on the roof.

And Jungkook came out of the air vents. Didn't know how he got in there but whatever. He was the Golden Maknae, he could do anything.

"Boys~! If you don't come down right now, you ain't getting dinner!"


Usually they would have come down by now when you threat them with food. You groaned and surrendered.

'These stubborn boys...'

You lazily went upstairs and crossed your arms, thinking about where to start searching first. You started with the bedrooms. Each of them. You checked every corner and listened closely if there were any noises. But you heard none.

A couple of minutes later. You kind of gave up and decided to just leave them be.

'They'll come out, eventually...'

You walked to your room to get some shut-eye. You opened your door and shut it back close. You rubbed your face and took off your cardigan. You headed to your dressing table to take off your bracelets and all when something caught your eye. It was a note You grabbed it and saw some words scribbled on it. Your eyes scanned the sentences.

You gasped and your eyes widened as you finished reading the note.

Thank you for taking care of the boys. Your money is under your bed, just enough. Your business with me and BTS is done. Have a nice day and stay out of my way.


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