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"This one," you held up the blue t-shirt. "Or this one?" Then, you showed Hoseok the yellow blouse. He stared at them both for awhile, eyebrows scrunched up in concentration. He took his time to answer.

"Both!" He smiled cutely under his mask. You gave him a look.

"You're not helping."

"Why don't you just buy both of them?" He asked innocently.

You giggled. "Alright, then."

You gave both of the tops to the staff that was standing next to you. You looked around and spotted Jungkook and Taehyung playing around in the hat section, trying on some oversized sun hats while laughing. Namjoon was looking at some shoes with Jin while Yoongi was rummaging through the jacket racks.

Jimin was doing different kind of poses in front a big mirror while trying on some weird shaped sunglasses.

'I'm not even going to ask.'

"You don't wanna buy anything?" You asked Hoseok who was sitting on the couch looking around while humming a song. He shooked his head.

"Nah, I'm good. I didn't even get to check most of the clothes in the closet, anyway." He replied.

You ended up buying two pairs of skinny jeans, four shirts and a sandal. Namjoon got a pair of sneakers and two t-shirts. Jimin got two sunglasses and a black hoodie and Taehyung got a maroon scarf.

"That would be 12,727,690 won." The cashier told you. It was a very branded boutique so you weren't suprised. You were about to pull out your credit card when Namjoon pushed your hand down.

"I can pay for it. It's fine." He said and pulled out his wallet, making you smile at how sweet he was being. You looked passed his shoulders and your eyes widened.

"Someone recognised you." You whispered making him snapped his head towards the direction, expecting to see an ARMY (*Slaps knee*) of fangirls running but he sees none.

"Gamsahamnida! Come again." The cashier suddenly said. He looked back and saw that you were taking the paper bags from the staffs. He then, realised that you were just distracting him from paying.

"Are you kidding me? I was being nice!" He took some of the bags from your grasp. The others did, too.

"I know, but I have too many money anyway, so it's not a big deal."

All of them insisted on taking all of the bags so you don't have to carry anything. They said it was the least they could do.

"Anyone hungry?" You asked, making Jin perked up.

"I thought you'd never ask!" He literally dragged you into a restaurant nearby. You didn't care much of it. As long as you can get him happy, you let him do anything he wants.

You got a table and looked at the menu. You've went to this place a couple of times before so you ordered your usual. The others gave their order to the waiter.

Jin ordered way too many food, though. The waiter had a hard time keeping up with all the orders that got thrown at him. Poor guy. It took like 10 minutes for him to repeat the order. Even you couldn't catch up. You know he eats a lot but this is out of a normal human's limit.

The food came by fast enough. Everyone started to dig in except you who was staring at Jin's plate, silently comparing yours to his. It was like 1:1000. No kidding. Jungkook saw you staring and he cleared his throat.

"He, uh, really likes food." He patted the back of Jin's back with a guilty smile.

"Yeah... I figured." You said. Jin turned bright red. You smiled back but your mind was processing on how is he going to stuff all of that in his stomach.

'How can a man eat this much but still be very skinny?'

(A/N The one question I ask myself almost everyday)

You decided to not overthink and just ate your meal.

You and the boys argued again about who was going to pay but you won the battle when you said that you were not making them those fluffy pancakes that they love so much if you didn't pay. You gave them a smug look as you handed the waiter your platinum credit card.

He gave you a 90 degree bow and bid all of you goodbye. You politely said farewell back. He was nice. You visited the game station to buy some video games for the maknaes and bought some stuffed animals for Hoseok and Jin.

Namjoon broke a glass plate when you were walking pass the area which got him into a whole session of scolding by the manager. But you solved it by offering him some money for the damage. Money fix everything. Almost everything.

Everybody had an amazing time and decided to go home when they had everything they wanted. During the ride back home, the boys sang out loud to some songs that they knew which include their own songs. You joined in as well and did some silly dance moves with them. Not too much, though. You were driving.

The car was so loud that you received some weird looks from the people by the streets and and the cars around you when you were waiting for the traffic light to turn green. You didn't give a single damn about it. It was a very lively day that you had completely forgotten about the mission and acted as if you were best friends with the seven boys.

Even the boys forgot the fact that they were having fun with the person that had kidnapped them a few days ago. It was weird to be this close to their kidnapper but what can they say, you were a fun person to be around with.

They made you think about how would it feel like to be a normal adult with friends to hang out with. Having a normal job with a normal payment that always wasn't enough. Having to work the shit out of yourself to get a promotion so you could increase your fee. Having to only have free times on weekends and going out on dinners to celebrate your accomplishments with your work buddies.

They made you feel like you were a part of a family.

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