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Day 60

10 days.

It had been 10 days since you saw the boys. They only go out when you're in bed. You noticed because you didn't really get any sleep but decided to just leave them alone like they wanted you to.

You were laying on your bed in a fetus position. Cheeks stained with dried tears. Eyes bloodshot. Runny nose. Bags under your eyes. Hair tangled all over. You had stayed in your room for straight 3 days. No food. No water. You felt like dying. You wanted to die. Your room was a mess. You haven't taken a shower yet. No point of being presentable if the boys were now disgusted by you already.

'What time is it?'

"Ugh..." It was the first sound you made in awhile. You picked up your phone that was under your pillow for the last few days.

'When I want to use it, it'll run out of batteries after like... 20 minutes.'

Your eyes were blurry but you can tell that someone had sent you a text. You can't see the name that had sent you the message. You rubbed your eyes to get clearer vision.


"LEE?!" You shouted out.

With that you sat up straight and started pacing around. Colourful words flying out of your mouth. You stopped moving and took a deep breath. You forced your eyes to the text.

Mr. Lee 😪

I'll be there to pick up the boys in 10 minutes. Make sure they're ready.

Tears started to form in her eyes yet again. It was sent 6 minutes ago. Her eyes bulged out and threw her phone onto her bed. She took a quick shower and destroy any evidence that would lead them to know that she had been crying.



The doorbell rang and her heart almost dropped eventhough the sound was light. She stared at the door with her heart hammering against her rib cage. She snapped out after awhile and opened the door hesitantly.

The familiar not-too-tall man stood in front of you with 4 bodyguards behind him. You stepped out of the way and lead them to the living room. You fiddled with your fingers.

You saw Mr. Lee nodded his head to one of the guards and the unknown man lifted a suitcase he was holding earlier towards you. You just stood there. Eyes swapping from the suitcase and the man.

'Just do it. (Y/N)'

You stood up straight.



Mr. Lee's thick eyebrows lifted high and he chuckled incredulously. "No? What do you mean; no?" His sarcastic chuckle turned into an angry frown.

"I'm not taking the money."

"We made a deal!" He pointed his index finger at you while exclaiming loudly. "You bring me the boys and I give you the money. If you don't give me them, say bye-bye to your 2 million bucks."

"I told you. I don't want your damn money." You spat out the same amount of venom as his.

You guys were glaring at each other for a moment until he let out a deep growl and stepped back. "You are really going to regret this. You just put the boys in more trouble. Good job." He exited, not forgetting about the suitcase that was filled with the huge amount of money.

He left but the other 4 didn't. The began to surround you with knifes and guns. You cracked your neck and hands.

You didn't realise someone was hiding behind the wall, watching what had happened.

The one with the knife charged first by throwing the sharp knife towards your direction to distract you from the other one behind you but you were quicker. You ducked from the hit and jumped onto the next one. You positioned yourself on his shoulders and stragled him while doing so. He ran out of breath and was falling so you jumped off of him but nor before grabbing his gun.

Another one was swinging the damn sharp knife towards you crazily. You kicked the knife out of his hands up to the air and the next guy crept behind you but you grabbed his arm and twisted it, making him yelped in pain you grabbed the knife that was in air and stabbed him in the stomach. Then, you shot the guy in front of you. The one that was holding the knife earlier.

Before you could look up again, a fist made contact with your face, catching you in suprise. Your head tilted to the right slightly. The guard that had punched you looked at you in disbelief as you just acted like it was nothing.

You turned you head back towards him. "Ouch." With that, you pulled your own fist back and punched him square in the face, causing him to knocked out cold.

After that was done, you stepped back and observed the area. One stabbed. One shot. Two knocked out. You beginning to cry again.

'I'm not changing.'

You set your head downcast. Ashamed of yourself. The person that had been hiding made himself visibled and you quickly turned. Seeing Jin standing there, fright and worry were written on his face. You wiped your tears and sniffed while walking towards the kitchen to get a butter knife.

"C-Come here. I'll p-put the tracker off a-and you ca-an lea-" He pulled you into his embrace. Then you broke down. Sobbing and crying in his arms. Tears falling like a river. "I'm sorry." You whimpered and repeated your apologize countless of times.

"Shh..." Jin hushed you and stroked your hair. Kissing your forehead like a child.

"Don't leave me please..." You choked out between your tears. "Stay." He placed his plump lips on your forehead again but this time, he let it linger there for a moment.

"We won't"

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