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"So you're telling us, that we're going underground?" Jin asked you. He had been the one who talks to you more since breakfast. You were happy about it, seeing that you are growing on one of them.

"I did say that, didn't I?" You teased. All of you waited patiently in the elevator. Everyone was in their sports attire to play basketball. Yoongi was going to show you that he is not one to mess with which you can just laugh about. Just because you're a girl, doesn't mean that you don't know how to play sports. You spent most of your time practicing ping pong, badminton, netball, basketball and whatnot. You didn't spend your money on courts for nothing.

"Wait, so that means you have a basketball court in your basement?" Jin asked you again. You just shrugged in response.

"How big is this goddamn house?" You heard Namjoom whispered to Taehyung.

"Bigger than you think." You laughed. He flinched. He did not expect you to hear him. Good thing he didn't piss you off or something or he would have to hide behind his hyungs his whole life in that house. Preferably, Jin, he seems like a good shield for everything. Hey, what are moms for?

The elevator let out a 'ding' and the door opened, revealing a floor that looks like a freaking stadium.

"Fuck." Yoongi cursed which Mama Jin did not approved that resulted him to slapped the back of Yoongi's head.

"This is way more than a 'basketball court'." Jimin said as he stared at the gym section with astonishment. It was like calling him to come over there and work the shit out of himself.

'Soon, baby, soon.' He thought.

You looked at him with a smile. It was kind of funny how he was attracted to the gym like other guys are attracted to hot girls. He saw you looking at him and immediately looked away, his chubby cheeks flaming.

'Ooh, Chimchim is shy~' You giggled.

You looked back at the others that was still looking around the area. You jogged to the ball rack and chose a ball. You ran into the basketball court. "You coming, Grandpa!?" You yelled at Yoongi. He got the message and jogged towards your direction. "Oh, so you accept the fact that you're an old man?"

He just scoffed at you in reply. "I won a gold medal in a basketball competition before." He said cockily. He didn't even know why he wanted to impress you.

"Oh, yeah?" You faked impressed. "I didn't remember asking." You sassed and shoved the ball into his chest, earning an 'oomph' from him. The others snickered but stopped instantly when Yoongi shot a glare at them. Yet, Yoongi couldn't prevent the smile that was appearing on his face. You noticed this.

'Finally getting out of your shell, huh, Grandpa?'

"All of you ready?" You asked the others. They finished tying their shoes and jogged to where you and Yoongi were. You divided your groups. You were with Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok while Yoongi was with Namjoon, Jin and Jimin. "Who's gonna go first?" You asked.

"Well, ladies first." Yoongi smirked at his own attempt of being a 'gentleman'.

"Okay, then," you shrugged. "Go ahead." You went into position and smirked back at the man who was holding the ball.


Yoongi's face was priceless. Hoseok and Taehyung bursted out laughing loudly while the others were covering their laugh and biting their fists, trying to hold in the desire of laughing at Yoongi's face. A few chuckles and snickers escaped, though.

'Yoongi-hyung just got owned by a girl!' Jungkook thought as he covered his mouth, preventing himself from laughing.

"Yah! Shut it!" Yoongi snapped. They all went serious again. "I ain't going to go easy on you." He looked back at you.

"I don't want you to, anyway." You mumbled.

And the game started.

Yoongi ran passed you and towards the net while bumping the ball. His eyes sticking to the goal greedily, wanting to score as fast as he can. You laughed in amusement and ran after him. He didn't even gave a glance at his other teammates. He's playing as if he was the only one againts you.

'That's his mistake.'

Yoongi kept bumping the ball against the floor and eventually stopped on his tracks when he didn't feel the object hitting his palm. He looked around. "What the..." He saw his teammates running pass him and he turned around. He saw that the ball was in your hands and you were passing it to Taehyung. You were getting closer to his net.

'Oh, hell naw.' He thought as he sprinted towards the ball's direction and tried to took it again. He wasn't used to this but he was satisfied to be playing 'real' basketball. He felt challenged and it was in a good way.

Your scores were chasing each other as you would always catch up on Yoongi. Everyone was enjoying themselves. It wasn't a very serious game, anyway. It was filled with jokes and laughters. Especially when Jimin would tripped. That clumsy mochi.

Seeing them happy like this made you feel like you just accomplished all of your goals. Their faces looked so pure with those wide grins on. They all looked more charming with their smiles on if that's possible.

Taehyung with his box smile.

Jimin with his plump lips stretched out.

Jungkook with his bunny-like grin.

Seokjin with his melodic laugh.

Namjoon with his dimples.

Hoseok with his pearly white teeth.

Yoongi with his grin that shows his gums.

'This. This is what I've always wanted.'

'The feeling of joy surrounding me.'

'The sound of people as if they are having the best time of their lives.'

'And I was included.'

In the end. You did won. Just a couple scores ahead of Yoongi. Surprisingly, he wasn't even mad. He admit, it was the best feeling to be spending his time with his gang this way than practicing their songs and choreography. He couldn't be more thankful.

Everybody was tired, indeed but they were still laughing from the series of Jimin falling on his butt.

"How's the Jibooty, Chimchim?" Namjoom asked while sipping on his water bottle. Everyone laughed again. Even Jimin.

You wiped off the sweat on your neck with your mini towel. You spotted Yoongi sitting on a nearby bench gulping down his water. You decided to join him. You walked to him and sat down beside him. You just stared at him with a playful look gesturing to the board that shows the scores. He looks at you back.

You thought he would give you another of his smart remarks but instead, he laughed. "What?" He asked innocently. You shrugged.

"Oh, nothing," you looked away. "Just so you know, I just whooped your ass in your own game." You uncapped your water bottle and chugged it down. His laugh was heard again.

"I admit, I would have never thought of getting beat by a little girl." His statement made you puffed your cheeks in annoyance.

"I'm not that little~" You whined like a child which he thought was adorable.

"Have you seen yourself? You're so short I could have mistaken you as a dwarf." He teased more. You softly puched his shoulder.

"Yah! Don't be so mean! I just took your spot in basketball so don't test your luck."

He rolled his eyes playfully. It was quite for awhile. Both of you stared at the other members who were pushing each other and flexing out their muscles trying to show whose were bigger. You know, boys. You smiled a bit. It was peaceful until Yoongi broke the silence.

"You know," he stopped and turned his body so he was facing you. You lifted you eyebrows, telling him to continue. He gave you a graceful smile before turning his gaze back to the boys.

"Being locked in here is not as bad as I thought it would be."

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