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You grabbed your red coat and took out a sticky note. You wrote;

'Hey boys. I'm going to the grocery store to find food for your fat asses. DON'T look for me and STAY inside the house.


You walked out before the boys could hear your footsteps. You entered your car and drove to the store.


You pushed the trolley around, looking for some random ingredients that would probably catch your eye. Your mind was somewhere else at the moment. Your feet just continuing moving and stepping forward. Going over a corner, you slowed down your pace.

So many cakes and cupcakes beautifully arranged on the display table. A few kids hopping around in excitement at the sight of the sweet delicacies.

You stared at them for a quick second before moving on and finally focusing on your grocery list. It did take some time to finish so you went home pretty late that time.


You pushed the door opened only to be greeted by darkness.

'The boys must be sleeping already.'

You struggled to bring in all the bags and into the kitchen. You switched on just one lamp and set the stuff on the island. After that was done, you washed your face on the sink to wash away the tiredness and sighed.

'Another year alone, huh?'

You gave out a small forced laugh and scratched your head frustratingly. You were going to head back to bed before a chorus of voices sang.

"Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~!"

All of the boys lined up in front of you with Jin at the centre and holding a huge chocolate cake with lit candles on it.

"Happy Birthday to (Y/N)~! Happy Birthday to you~!"


"Happy birthday, (Y/N)!"

"Make a wish!"

Jin held up the cake in front of your face, urging you to blow the candles.

"Come on, (Y/N).." Jin whispered, waiting for you to react.

You did nothing. You just froze there, eyes locked on the candles. Then, you scanned the faces around you. All of them there with you, celebrating your birthday that hadn't been celebrated for over 10 years.

A tear slipped.

"Omo!" Jin carefully yet harshly gave the cake to Namjoon next to him and gently hold your face. "What's wrong?"

By that time, all seven of the boys had already crowding around you in worry. You began sobbing and tried to keep your eyes open to look at them, fearing that if you close your eyes they would be gone.

You finally moved and pulled Jin into a huge hug. Of course, you told the boys to join as well so it became a group hug between you and BTS.

"I love... you guys." You whimpered out.

"We love you too, (Y/N). So much." Hobi replied and placed a kiss on your forehead.

All of your pulled away after a few minutes. Everyone smiled at you before Jin loudly gasped.

"Namjoon, where's the cake?!" He yelled in fear.

Namjoon had an innocent face on. "What?"

"Here." Yoongi appeared with the cake safe in his hands. He passed the delicious-looking cake to Jin who was inhaling and exhaling in relief. "You trusting this guy to hold the cake? Of course not. I took it right after you shoved it to him before an accident would happen."

"Awh... the candles burnt out." Taehyung pouted, looking at the not lit cake anymore.

"Don't worry," you grinned. "I don't need a wish."

"What? Everyone got to have something they want." Tae asked.

"I already have what I want." You wiped your tears. It was true. They were everything and maybe even more than what you wanted. You could not be even more grateful of these incredible seven human beings that is actually too incredible to even be humans.

You were tackled in a hug by a particular black-haired bunny boy who attacked you with kisses all around your face. You squealed in surprise.

"Kook!! Gross!" Both of you laughed.

"Yo. Yo. Yo. Okay... that's enough." Yoongi grabbed Jungkook by the back of his shirt and pulled his lips away from your face. "We don't want her face to smell like your stinky breath now, do we?"

Jungkook replied by blowing into Yoongi's face with some of his saliva with it. "Ah! You son of a-" Jungkook took off running before the granpa could finish his sentence who chased him immediately.

You can hear Jungkook's faint screaming through the hall.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" You ignored the two immatured boys and asked the other guys.

"We saw a pic-"

"We just know." Namjoon nudged Jimin on the ribs mid-sentence. You weren't dumb to not know what Jimin was going to say. But you let it passed.

"Thank you. You have no idea how happy I am."

"Glad we did that." Namjoon nodded and smiled, showing off his dimples.

"I can't believe I cried because of this." You laughed while rubbing your red nose. Jimin wrapped an arm around her neck.

"That's okay. We understand. You made us feel loved like we never felt before and now, we're just returning the favour." He gave an eye-smile.

"Awhh!! Come here!" You grabbed the ones that were available which was all of them except Jungkook and Yoongi and squeezed all of them into a group hug.

"I love you guys so damn much!"

A short one, I know. I just did this because it was my birthday not too long ago. But hey.. I UPDATED!! DO YOU GUYS STILL LOVE ME?!

You better forgive ChimChim cuz he's gonna cry

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You better forgive ChimChim cuz he's gonna cry.

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