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After what seems like hours, they left Jin alone who was passed out on the floor. Blood and bruises everywhere. By that time, all the boys had stopped crying because they ran out of tears.

Mr. Lee stretched his hands. "Wasn't that nice." He commented with a wide smile taped on.

What he said snapped something in Jungkook. The maknae looked up at Mr. Lee with a crazed look. It was one of the most terrifying sight ever.

"You listen here, yo-" He didn't finish his sentence as an explosion took place and the room shook.

Everyone looked around, trying to figure out what was happening.

Suddenly, The door creaked opened, letting out a very annoying sound.

"Ms. (Y/N)" Mr. Lee sighed and turned around to face the door, right where you were standing.

You stood there, at the door with an empty look in your eyes. Blood were dripping down from your hands and was splattered across your face and shirt. It was obviously not yours. You were swinging around a bat in your hand like it was a toy. You looked like psychopath.

More like Harley Queen.

Still psychopath, tho.

"You know," You spoke. The boys stared at you, with their eyes wide as saucers, surprised to see you there and how you looked. "Beating someone with a bat feels amazing. Want to give it a try? Don't worry, you won't feel anything after awhile."

"Kill her."

"Welp," you shrugged. "Save the best for last, am I right?" You swung the bat at an incredible speed and strength at the nearest men, breaking his skull. One of them pulled out a gun but you kicked it off instantly.

"Tch. What a bunch of pussies." You grabbed his hand kicked the back of his legs, sending him kneeling on the ground as you held tight on his arms, twisting it as far as you could. Another one charged behind you with a knife. He went to stab you but you switch positions with the one you locked, making him stabbed his friend's shoulders who screamed. You shoved him over and side-kicked the one who held the knife earlier under his chin, sending him backwards.

Another one round-house kicked you, making you fall to the floor. You quickly grabbed his legs and pulled him down next to you. You got up and twisted his legs until a satisfying long crack was heard. He groaned loudly in pain. You took his gun from his pants and shot his head. You did the same to the rest, making sure they were dead.

(A/N I'm not good with fighting scenes, sorry)

'Haven't done this in awhile.'

'Now, where's Mr. Le-"

A click was heard beside you. Another gun was pointed at you. You smiled. "Mr. Lee." The gun was pressed firmly on the side of your head, leaving a cold feeling from the metal.

"Shoot me." You ordered.

"Go ahead..." He didn't move. "Scared?"



His body fell limp onto the floor. Jungkook was standing behind him, with a gun in his hand. His chest rose up and down rapidly from his fast breathing.

Both of you locked gaze. "Noona..."

"Kookie..." He ran up to you with full speed and tackled you into a big hug. He sobbed in your arms.

"Hey..." You called out slowly. You tried to hold his shoulder to see his face but he stopped you with a kiss on the lips. "Mmph!"

'Oh... MAIGOD'

You were about to close your eyes when saw something.


"JIN!" You pulled back and yelled.

You realised that you just basically rejected Jungkook's kiss so you get back to him. "Sorry!" You pecked his lips and continued running to the injured Jin.

"Jin!" You held Jin's face. Which was still handsome as ever. "What happened?!" You looked to the other boys and gasped as you landed your gaze on Namjoon and Yoongi. You ran to them now and untied everyone. "Oh my god, what did he do? I'm so sorry." You untied Taehyung.

"It's not your fault, (Y/N)." Taehyung smiled softly at you and went to help the others.

You thought about something. "Jungkook... How did you get out?" You asked him which he replied by flexing his biceps. You gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Couldn't have done that earlier?" Hoseok asked Jungkook as he walked to Yoongi to help him stand up.

"There's something called adrenaline boost?" Jungkook said with a bitchy tone.

"Okay, okay. Now, help these guys. I'll carry Jin." You stopped what seems to be the beginning of a bicker.

"I'll carry Jin." Taehyung offered but you put your hand up to stop him.

"No. I got it. That's okay. You can help Namjoon." He nodded slowly and did what you told him to do.

"Oh, Jin." He was still unconscious.

'I'm so sorry, Jin.'

You held back tears. "Okay. Let's hurry up outside and get Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin to the hospital." You ordered them and they obeyed. "There's the door." All of you ran to the other door.

One by one, they exited the room. You passed Jin to Jungkook. "Come on, Jimin." You called out to him as he was the last one to get out.

Before Jimin could make a step to the door,

He was shot on the shoulder.

Yeayyy... You saved them <3 But it ain't over yet!

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