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Day 33

Your P.O.V.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). You'll get better soon. Not everyone is natural in playing the piano. You're improving, anyway." Yoongi grinned reassuringly. You stood up and pat imaginary dust off your pants.

"Right. Thanks again, Yoongs for willing to teach me. I had fun so far. You're a great teacher." You pat his shoulders and walked out of his room. "Bye~"


Entering the living area, you saw Hoseok switching the channels on the television. "Yo, Hobi." You greeted and sat down next to him. He gave you a wide smile.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He beamed, making you giggle.

'Bubbly as always.'

You watched him changing the programs. Different scenarios playing on the screen. You sighed and puckered your lips in boredom.

"Something wrong?" Hoseok noticed the look on your face.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing." You smiled up to him. Then, you asked. "How can you manage to stay cheerful after all of this? Don't you miss your old life?"

"Oh, haha... There's nothing to be that sad about, I guess. It's not that bad here. Yeah, I miss being J-hope but I need some rest too once in awhile." He answered truthfully.

"I heard that you are the dancing machine in the group." He blushed at this.

"A-ah. Yeah." He set the remote he was currently holding next to him.

"Mind showing me a bit?" You gave him your puppy eyes and tilted your head a bit. He glanced at you and had to restrain himself from squealing at how cute you look.

"Y-yah! Stop it. Come on. I'll show you." He took your hand and it was your turn to turn red. You smiled a bit at the contact and followed his foorsteps to his room. He plugged his phone on the television and scrolled down on his gallery.

"I think you'll like 'Run'." You 'Ooh'ed and sat down on a couch next to his bed. You've heard the song but not the dance.

Then, colours filled the screen and he took a seat next to you. The familiar beat filled your ears. Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok were on the floor while the rest were standing.

The dance started and it was amazing. You were so interested in it that you made sure to check other dances when you had the time. Hoseok saw the sparkle in your eyes when you looked at the video. He smiled softly, feeling so lucky to have such a beautiful girl next to him.

You were so amazed by how a human body can create that masterpiece. Your body was fit and flexible enough to do these kind of stuff. You shuddered in excitement.

'Okay, new goal. Learn how to dance.'

"Please teach me how to do that!" You placed both of your hands on his thigh while looking at him in the eyes.

"What? Dancing?" You nodded vigorously. "Now?" He asked again.

"YES!" You jumped in front of him while flinging your hands around, unable to stay calm. He laughed and nodded his head.

"Come on." He escorted you to a big empty space somewhere in his huge room. "You sure you wanna do this?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." You hopped at every 'yes' you said.

He clasped his hand. "Okay! So today, Ms. (L/N) I will be your dance instructor. So you better pay attention."

"Yes, Mr. Hope!"

Your dancing class started.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

"Don't forget to lower the jacket!" He heard a voice down the hallway.

"Hobi-hyung?" He mumbled to himself. He can hear music coming from his room. The door was slightly ajar. Then, he recognised the song.

'What is he doing?'

He could help but peeked to see what was going on. Shock covered his face when he saw you moving around in the centre of the room with a black jacket.

'Is she... dancing to 'Run'?'

'No way.'

The chorus part came up and you broke into the dance. You did it perfectly even just after a couple of hours practice. When you turned around and lowered your jacket, showing your shoulders, Jungkook immediately slammed the door with a face that looked as if it was dipped in red paint. He prayed that your didn't hear anything but you probably didn't because the song was loud. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped.

You were wearing a lavender tank top which shows a lot of your back and shoulders. And the tights you had on. Damn those tights. He banged his head slowly on the wall.

'Stop it, Kook.'

'Forget about it.'

'Forget about it.'

He can't. He sprinted into his room and jumped on the bed. Taking a pillow, he buried his face in it and started screaming which was muffled by the pillow. At least he can let it go somewhow.

Your P.O.V.

"Whoo!" Hoseok passed me a bottle of water which I thanked him for.

"That was amazing! You got it under a day. Even I couldn't do that." He complimented.

"Haha... Yeah, but it's still all over the place."

"Hey, still, you remember the steps well and it wasn't bad at all. I'm impressed."

You smiled at him in gratitude and took a sip of your water.

"Is it fun being a celebrity? You know, known for something... nice?" You were curious. You had fame but not a good kind of fame. So you wanted to know.

"It's good, yeah, it's great. Especially when you're doing what you love. Some celebrities were forced to do it. I'm glad that I was blessed with dancing and rapping or I wouldn't be in Bangtan. Can't imagine how life would be, though. Without A.R.M.Ys. They are a huge part of BTS." He smiled. "But then, you will also have haters. People who actually despise us. I think Jiminie got the worst. People actually threatened to kill him. I feel so bad for him. He doesn't deserve that. He's our angel. But either way, we, Bangtan Boys will protect him in any cost. As well as the A.R.M.Ys. I don't know how he's holding up, though. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it but who knows. He looks happy. Nothing unusual but I do have my doubts. He's good at hiding things like this. He doesn't want anyone involve in his problems. And that worries me... a lot."

His face turned into a frown. He is so worried about the younger. You're worried too. After some moments of silence, he asked you. "Will you protect him, too?" He looked deep into your eyes. You stared back and nodded slowly.

"As if it's my own life."

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