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"No. No. No. No. No. NO!" You repeated as you trashed around the beachhouse.

'This is a dream...'

'This is a dream...'


"My boys... My precious boys..." Tears poured out of your eyes. "They're gone..." You slumped into a chair and closed your eyes as if that would stop your tears from falling.

'Especially right after I found out that they all like me?'

"GODDAMNIT! What are you doing, (Y/N)!" You yelled at yourself and stood up from the couch. "I'm going crazy!" Your breath turned uneven as you ruffled your hair, making it become a mess. "I'm wasting time! What the fuck am I doing?!"

You thought about what to do. Your mind was blank. "I need to go back to Seoul..." You nodded at your plan. "Quickly. B-but HOW?! I need to buy tickets but that would take forever and-and..." You stopped and catch your breath. "Bloody hell, I don't have to go with a public plane."

You ran back into your room and crawled down to grab the suitcase under your bed. You opened and indeed, the money was in there. 2 million.

'I'm coming for you, Mr. Lee.'


"Hello, welcome to Jeju International Airport." The speaker spoke as you entered the airtport.

"I heard your son got into that football competition the other day." A guard said to his partner and he sipped his black coffee.

"Yeah, couldn't be more proud. He's growing up just like his father." The other joked.

"Psshh. As if." They laughed. A whistle caught their attention. "What's up, Rob?"

"Look at that honey over there." Rob stared into the screen. The other two walked up to him.

It was you in the security camera, walking into the airport with style.

"Damn. Ain't that th- Woah, woah, woah. Why is she going to-" He stopped as he watched you knocked out some guards that was by the door, guarding the restricted area to where all the planes were.

"Call backup!" They panicked and called reinforcements. The trio ran to where you were. They pushed the door opened and saw a private jet departing.

"That's her! Get the plane's registration number!" They ran around the area, not really knowing what to do.

"Joe!" A guard called out, making Joe walked to him. He saw Todd holding a suitcase. "There's a note." Joe snatched it from the case.

Take the money and separate it to the three of you. It should be more than enough for you. I wouldn't really care if cops are chasing me but not this time. I have something else to finish and I wish to be unbothered. If I find out you report this to anyone, I will find you and it won't be pretty.

-Your worst nightmare

They opened it to see the money that Mr. Lee gave you. They shared a look at each other.

Rob, who was holding the phone that connected to the reinforcements nodded. "It's nothing, chief. Just... a small pick-pocketing problem but we got it."


The jet cut through the air to Seoul. It wouldn't even reach 30 minutes to get there.

'Maybe I'll consider about being a pilot once I quit this job.'


BTS's P.O.V.

"Huh. Looks like your knight in shining armour is nowhere to be seen." Mr. Lee chuckled evilly as he stared at the 7 trembling figures that was tied to a chair. "Look at you," he spat. "Weak and pathetic."

"What did we ever do to you?" Namjoon spoke up. Trying to be brave but fear in his eyes was obvious.

"Oh? The leader spoke. What did you ever to me? Well, you didn't really do anything, it's just part of my job. Eliminating all of these... K-pop idols. Even the name makes me sick. You should have think twice about being a worldwide known pop stars. Have you realised that more and more celebrities are murdered each year? Guess who did that."

"You asshole," Yoongi spat. "Do you know how many people you hurt?! Their family, their friends, their fans?! How would you feel if your family members were killed?!" Yoongi began to see red.

Mr. Lee scoffed at his reaction. He glared at him sharply. "Nothing," he answered Yoongi's question. "Because they're all dead."

All of the members' eyes widened. No matter how bad someone is, losing their family will always be hard and they couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Doesn't... doesn't that hurt?" Yoongi's voice softened. "Killing other people won't make up for it. They wouldn't want this. Think about it." He tried to reason.

Mr. Lee shut up for awhile before glaring back. "Don't speak about my family. You fucking talk too much. You can say that because your fellow team members care for you. If you're me, you would probably do the same thing. Every criminal has something that triggered them to be who they are. They're hurt and damaged. Their happiness were taken away from them and they are taking away other's."

The boys pondered at what he said.

'(Y/N)'s happiness were taken away?'

"Wait, so-" Yoongi started again.

"FUCKING SHUT UP!" Mr. Lee roared. "I'm done with you. Congratulations, you just make yourself a volunteer. Now let's see how your beloved teammates handle seeing their loved one getting beat up."

As soon as he said that, a few guys came into view and kicked Yoongi's chair, making him fall off.


They began to kick and hit him which earned a few groans and yells from the pale rapper.


I'm sorry, I'm having a real writer's block at the moment and I just realised that this fic is way too long than I planned. Sorry if it's getting boring.

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