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60 days ✔️

Opening the wardrobe, you scanned everything inside, trying to find the right bikini. You didn't have much but you did settled on one that actually looked decent. You lifted it up.

'This will do.'

After that, you gather all of the things you'll need like, sunscreen, umbrella, a mat and snacks incase the boys get hungry. You put on your bikini and wore a cover-up above it. While walking downstairs, you quickly grabbed your sunglasses before skipping down the stairs.

Voices were heard in the living room. You stepped in the living room and- Jisoos. Your eyes were blessed.

Every one of them were wearing swimming trunks. Only. With a tiny towel rested on their shoulders. Abs showing. Flawless skin. Legs.

'Too much beauty.'

You started imagining things. How they would look when they get in water. All wet and dripping. Shivers went down your body.

"(Y/N)!" Hoseok was the first to greet you. He came to you and hugged you. You gulped at the contact. His naked abs were against your thin fabric. You pulled an awkward smile and patted his back two times.

"Aye..." Not to be mean but you sounded so stupid that time. "So... ready?"

He nodded vigorously which made you smiled at him adoringly.

'Such a cutie.'

"Let's hit the beach!" Namjoon yelled in English as he lifted up his bag.

"Bitch?" Taehyung said which made you nearly choked on your own saliva.

"What did you..?"

"Beach!" Jimin corrected him but Tae was still  confused.

"Bitch?" You just stared at him in disbelief.

"Let's just go." You pulled Taehyung by his hand to the car.


You parked the car and everyone exited the vehicle.

"Wahhh!!" Jungkook awed.

The beach was indeed gorgeous. It was empty as it was a private beach. The water was crystal clear and sand was warm.

You found a perfect spot and began to undress to your bikini.

You put your clothes into the basket

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You put your clothes into the basket. Looking up, all of the boys' eyes were on you before they realised you noticed and looked away. Faces red and Adam's apple bobbing up and down. You blushed too while looking away to untie your hair.

Jimin was there, beside you, staring at your uhh... private area. Okay, chest. Wait no, boobs. Jin noticed and elbowed him on the ribs which snapped him out of his trance. Jin gave him a warning look but he, himself can't help but look too. What can they say? They're men.

(A/N but not Kookie. He will forever be a fetus.)

You started to lay down the mat and stick the umbrella.

"You boys go take a swim. I can do this by my own." They thanked you and raced to the water.

"Are you sure?" Jin was the only one who hadn't move yet. He was trying so hard to keep his eyes on yours, making sure they didn't go... lower. You nodded at him with a smile which he returned it and went to the water.

After setting up the snacks, you lay down on the sand. You glanced at the boys and watched them as they have fun. Laughing, teasing and splashing water at each other. A sad smile made its way to you face. How you wish that was you with your family.

At least you still have the chance to feel it. That thought made your sad smile turn into a happy and grateful one.

Yoongi's P.O.V

Yoongi was just smiling at the sight of the boys playing in the water. He glanced at everyone, trying to capture this amazing moment. But he realised that something was missing.


He looked around and spotted you at the land. Staring up at the sky with your shades on and a soft smile. Your hair was blowing gently behind you. And the sight of your bare skin showing and glowing under the sun added more to the already breathtaking scenery.

To him, it was the most perfect view he had ever seen. He had never thought he would even talk to a gorgeous person like you. Beautiful, fierce, savage, kind, funny, humble and a badass.

His type.

He looked around again and saw Jungkook standing a few feet away from him, also staring at you. There's something in his eyes that Yoongi didn't really like.


The rapper's eyebrows furrowed in dissatisfaction because he had also held that same affection towards you. Is it possible for a lot of people to fall in love with one single person?

His thoughts were cut off by a splash of water that hit his face. The laughter that were going on non-stop finally came to an end.

He looked at the direction that the water came from and saw Taehyung stared at him for awhile before scrambling to hide behind Namjoon who scolded him for using him as a shield.

Namjoon began to back up from Yoongi was just standing there which worry them more.

Then, Yoongi flashed a playful smirk and splashed water at them too. Everyone was shocked at his reaction but continued to play anyway. This time, with Yoongi in it.

Another huge wave of water came in contact to his pale face. This time, it was Jungkook. Yoongi laughed and splashed back at him.

'Looks like I have a competition.'


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