1K 68 12

Day 40

Your P.O.V

Walking to the kitchen, you started your daily routine, making breakfast for the boys. The first thing you were about to fetch was the pan but it was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is it?" You said to yourself as you opened each cabinet.

'Jin must have misplaced it.'

You started to open the top cabinets and finally, you found it. But it was far high up. You sighed.

'Maybe I can still reach it.'

You thought and stood on the tip of your toes to get it. You stuck your tongue out in concentration. But no luck.

Finally you gave up and was about to get a chair when you felt a hard chest pressed against your back. Your eyes almost bulged out from the contact. A hand came into sight and grabbed the pan that you were reaching for.

When the figure stepped back, you turned and saw Jungkook with a shy bunny smile.He handed the frying pan.

"Oh! Ah, thanks." You gave him a small bow and took it. "I don't know who put it there. Haha." You let out an awkward laugh as he was still standing in front of you.

Realizing he was not responding nor moving, you cleared your throat. "You're up early." Right after you said that, your eyes travelled to the clock on the wall. "Oh. They're the ones that's late."

You took a look at him again.

'Why is he just standing there?'

'Bruh, move.'

'You're making me nervous.'

'Is this your way of communicating?'

'Well, it's shitty.'

"Sit." You gestured to the chair in the dining room. He nodded and obeyed.

'Is he seriously going to stand there in that very spot if I didn't say anything?'

You shrugged at yourself and started making breakfast. After a few moments, one by one, the others came to the kitchen and took a seat while chatted with you cooking, waiting for the food. You let your mind wandered.

'His chest was damn hard.'

'I wonder what he's hiding under that shirt.'

'He must have that hot chocolate abs there.'



'(Y/N) (L/N), control your hormones!'

'I'm disgusted by myself.'

'But then again, who wouldn't think about it?'

'(Y/N).... just shut up.'

You immediately turned off the stove before it'll burn the food. Placing the stack of food on the table, the boys thanked you in gratitude and digged in.

You sat on your spot and pretended to eat. You were busy staring at Jungkook who was eating quietly. It was rude to stare but it's his fault for being so damn attractive.

Why is he so scared of girls anyway? He should know how to cope with those kind of situations if he was going to be an international playboy. You heard about his liking towards IU, though. You couldn't help but feel....


She has no idea how lucky she is to be having Jeon Jeongguk as an admirer.

'I can't blame him, though.'

'I mean, she's nice, funny, talented, have a great body, kind, rich, have a nice voice, sweet, gorgeous-'

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Your train of thoughts were cut off by Hoseok.


"You have been playing with your food the whole time. We'd even finished our meals." He looked concerned. That's nice to know.

"Yeah. Just thinking about stuff."

"Okay. If you want to talk about it just come to me, alright?" The sunshine stood up to put the dish in the sink while pushing the corner of your lips upwards with two of his fingers to make it look like an awkward wide smile.

You laughed in amusement and pushed his hand away while slapping his chest playfully. You looked back at you food with the smile still lingering. He really does know how to cheer someone up.

When you looked up, you saw Jungkook also staring his meal but his eyebrows were scrunched up. He looked dissatisfied. He was the only one on the table.

"Kookie?" His head snapped up as he heard your voice saying his nickname. He blushed at how good the name rolled off your tongue. "All good?"

"Uh-huh!" He said energetically while flashing his infamous bunny grin.

'Ugh. How can someone smile so perfectly?'

'What are you doing to my poor heart?'

When you think about it. You noticed that you began having these feelings near the boys. Your heart, no matter how cheesy it sounds, but it's like going to popped out of your chest when you gaze into their eyes. You stomach all fuzzy. Face heated. Knees wobbly. And your mind became blank.

Could it be...?


Out of reflexes, you stood up abruptly from your chair, the chair flying backwards but you caught it on time. Your eyes scanned around and see 7 pair of eyes on you. You laughed it off to tell them nothing was wrong. After finishing the dishes. You walked to your room.

'No. No. No.'

'NOT happening.'

'Nu-uh. Nada. Never. Nope.'

'I am NOT falling for them.'


Their company.


Their humour.


Their silliness.


Their charms.



"GODDAMN IT!" You rolled on your bed sheets until you're in some kind of a burrito wrap. "Why do god hate me so much. I can't handle this. I can't keep them here. Forget your feelings (Y/N). Forget it. Forget it...."

"I CAN'T!" You groaned for the umpteenth time.

"I can't live like this."

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