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Day 10

"I'm bored!" You whined from the couch. You had been flipping the channel for hours and still haven't stumble upon anything interesting. You heard Jin chuckled from the kitchen. You let him be in charge of the kitchen as he wanted to so bad. Well, less work for you. He was fixing some snacks for the maknaes who were playing video games next to you.

"HA! I won! AGAIN!" Jungkook jumped in victory. The other two groaned in frustration.

"Yah! Why are you so good at this, Jungkook-ah?" Jimin said as he stared at the giant 'YOU LOSE' words that was displayed on the screen like it was trying to rub it in his face.

All of you were getting closer, thankfully. It required some hard work but you made it. It's all worth it.

"I don't wanna play anymore!" Taehyung said as he threw the controller on the couch next to him and pouted his lips while crossing his arms like a kid who just got his toy taken away from him.

"It's not that bad!" Jungkook tried to convince his hyung.

"You're just saying that because you're winning!" Jimin said back and they started to argue about the game. It ended when Taehyung got his head hit by a pillow.

"Yah! Do you have any idea how loud you guys are?! My eardrums are gonna explode if you keep this up! Can't you just be quite for a minute?!" Yoongi yelled at them making them shut up. They respect Yoongi so they kept quite.

For a minute.

"It's not my fault that you chose the weak one!" Jungkook started.

"It's because you're always the first one to choose! How was I supposed to pick the best one?!" Taehyung whined.

They continue their debate while you were sitting there, facepalming and laughing at their childish behavior. Yoongi groaned and buried his face into the couch pillow, trying to block the sound out.

"Snacks are ready!" Jin beamed and places a big plate of nachos on the coffee table.

"Ooh!" Hoseok immediately reached out to have some. Namjoom took some, too, without looking away from his phone like those social media-obsessed teenagers.

(A/N In other words; me)

"How about we go out today?" You asked while dipping a nacho into a the guacamole that Jin made.

"Out?" Jin raised an a eyebrow. You nodded and munched on the snacks. "We can go out?"

You swallowed. "Well, yeah. I don't want you guys to be so locked up in here."

"You're not afraid that we would, I don't know, run away?" Hoseok asked next to you.

"I know you guys won't run away. Even if you did, I'll always find a way to get you back." You gave him a blank smile which creeped him out a bit.

Hoseok touched the tracker on his neck. "Right."

The four of you were joined by the three youngest that had finished their rambling session. All of you sat around the table and started eating the nachos excluding Yoongi, of course. It was quite. Again.

'Nu-uh. I'm done with this kind of silence.'

"So!" You took another chip. "How about the mall?"


You dressed up for the mall. You wore something that was warm and comfortable and waited for the others in the living room.

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