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You were drinking your iced lemonade when you noticed Hoseok on the balcony, staring at the sea. You were bored so you approached him.

"Hey, Hobi." You greeted.

He was pretty suprised seeing you there.

'Must be really deep into his thoughts.'

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)." He smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh. Just..." He trailed off and sighed, continuing staring into space. "I don't know." You were worried so you leaned against the railing too like he did. "I can't believe this is all happening right now. It felt like we were performing on stage yesterday, you know? The next thing we know, we're friends with our kidnapper and running away from... someone." He chuckled.

You laughed too. "Yeah. Things happen." You joined him staring at the sea.



"Why are you so kind?"

His question kind of caught you off guard. You just looked down shyly.

"You're just... so kind. And here you are, a kidnapper. You gave us so much. And from my observation, it looked like you really love being surrounded by people. Family. But yet, you live alone in a huge house. Don't you feel... lonely?"

"Of course I do. But I guess I got used to it." You shrugged it off like it was not a big deal.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are your parents?"

'Where are my parents?'

"Dead. A long time ago. I'm not sure how but yeah... They're gone."

'Are they?'

Guilt and sympathy were written on Hoseok's face. "I'm sorry." He apologised for asking such question.

You waved him off. "Nah. It's fine. I don't really remember them, anyway."

"Since when did you started this kidnapping business?"

Your heart started to drop when they only know you as a kidnapper who just kidnaps people instead of someone that kills people. What you really do.

"Hobi..." You gulped nervously.

'What if they will never see me the same way again after this?'

"I'm a killer."

He stared at you shocked.

"I just so happen to kidnap you because my client told me so. If he just told me to kill you guys... you would already be dead." You confessed.

'What if Mr. Lee didn't tell me to just kidnap them?'

'I would have killed them right on the spot.'

"I'm sorry. I'm trying to change." You looked down. Afraid of how he would react. Afraid that it would be like Yoongi all over again.

A hand was placed on your shoulders. "Hey. Everyone has a dark past." He smiled convincingly.

"But not like this one."

His other hand reached your cheek. He stared at you right in the eye. "Like you said. Things happen. Even if you try to avoid it, it still happens. Because that's just how our life is going. What matters the most is that your changing. I can feel it. Your effort to make yourself a better person. For us. For Bangtan. And I thank you for that. Seeing that we are helping you in a way makes us happy. In exchange, you keep us safe. Just remember that you are changing. For the good. Just keep hoping okay. Your hope is here." He held both of your hands and gave you a gentle smile.

You smiled back at him. Touched by what he just said. "If you say so. You sure you okay with me being a killer?"

Hoseok laughed. "Well, of course I'm not exactly okay with it but I'm happy that you told me. It's a start."

"Thank you for understanding."

"Hey, it's not a problem. It's the least I could do."


"Do you guys wish to go back to your old life? Being idols?" You asked the boys as they were gathering in the living room, chilling with each other. They thought about it for awhile.

"I don't know," Namjoon pondered. You can sensed that he just acted like he didn't know. He wanted to go home, you can feel it. "Do you?" He asked the others.

"It's hard to compare at this time. Let's just enjoy living here at the time being." Jin spoke.

"Actually, I do miss doing performances. Going to fan meetings. Doing Bangtan Bombs and Runs. All the fun activites we did." Jimin commented. "A.R.M.Ys. I miss them too."

You felt guilty. They missed their old life. How long has it been? About three months now. The news were still talking about their disappearance. They thought some sasaeng fans kidnapped them or something.

But if you let them go, you'll be alone again. You know it was very selfish of you to keep them to yourself but people have their needs, right? And you need them. You love them.

But surely, you can't keep them in the house with you all the time. That's just cruel. It's like keeping them as your pets. You can't do that.

'But they look happy here.'

'You dumb bitch. Of course they do, but not for long.'

'Geez. You don't have to curse at me, you know?'

'I can do whatever the fuck I want. You can't touch me.'

'Shut up, self-conscious.'

'Oi, bitc-'

You block her out and sighed. She was right. Their happiness won't stay for too long. One day, they'll feel trapped in the house.

'Think, (Y/N).'

'What is more important? Their freedom or your needs?'

You stared at them for awhile. Seeing them laughing with each other. You were happy seeing them happy here. You would be heartbroken if they leave you. But will they be hurt when they leave you?

Do they even love you or was it all just an act?

'What the hell are you thinking, (Y/N)?'

'They're not evil like you.'

They're just sweethearts. Innocent (A/N Pffft. Innocent.) boys. They didn't deserved any of this. They were happier before.

They were happier before they even met you.

With that sentence, you made up your mind.

'I'm going to find a way to get them home.'


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