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"We ran out of food." You announced as you closed the cupboard and fridge. "Someone in this house..." You pointed an index finger around the boys. "Had been eating all of the food."

Two boys began snickering and laughing silently.

"Taehyung. Hoseok." You called out.

Jungkook was a tad bit suprised. "Oh? I thought it was Jin-hyung."

"Yah! I don't eat that much." He smacked Jungkook on the back.

"Yes, you do!" Namjoon butted in. Jimin was chuckling beside him. Jin stared to argue back.

"Pig..." Jimin mumbled under his breath. Luckily no one heard him. We don't want an angry eomma, do we?

"Ugh. Just buy food, then. Quiet down, would you?"

For the first time in a bazillion years, the ancient sleepy turtle had finally spoke. You thought of a plan to hang out with him.

"Great idea! You're coming with me, Yoongs." You dragged him off the sofa with your strength. He was light enough for you to pull him on his feet and continuing dragging him by pulling his hand.

He groaned and walked lazily but didn't object. You grabbed two coats and masks for each of you and waved at the other boys who were whining at you for not taking them instead.

"Bye! See you when I see you!" You sang.


You decided to go to the supermarket by foot with Yoongi. You were trying to get him to do some physical activities. He had been sleeping most of the time at the beach house. Walking there, you quietly sang the song 'The Truth Untold'. You have heard it a couple days ago again and fell in love with it. The meaning behind tge song was so deep. It touched your heart.

Yoongi glanced at you ever so often when he heard the familiar song. He smiled slightly at your soft voice singing their song. We got an incoming A.R.M.Y.

He tried to steal a glance at you again but something else caught his eye. He looked at the store beside you.

A piano. He hadn't played the piano in awhile now. The last time he played was when he tutored you and that was like a month ago. He didn't realised he stopped walking but you did. Your eyes follow his gaze and saw what he was looking at.

You smiled to yourself

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You smiled to yourself.

"Do you want it?" The question you asked made him snapped into reality.

"Huh?" He was confused at first and then caught on what you were referring to. "Oh? Oh no. I was just looking. Let's just go."

He began to speed-walked after that. You smirked in amusement and skipped over to his side.


"What should we get?" You excitedly asked Yoongi. You never spent time with him like this before.

"Meat." He replied. No emotion. No tone. Just motionless.

"Okay... And?" You asked again.


You sighed in annoyance. "Anything else?"


"Fine. It's meat then, I guess." You huffed in defeat. Walking to the meat section of the market, you grabbed some lamb, chicken, meat and fish. You know, the basic things. A couple of dishes had already entered your mind as you grabbed some random vegetables.

Japchae, Bulgogi, Bibimbap, Kimchi friend rice, Ddukbokki, Samgyeopsal and... LAMB SKEWER!

You automatically snapped your fingers at the realisation. You just remembered that the boys loved lamb skewers. Gathering and buying everything you needed, you headed home with Yoongi who, actually didn't helped at all but he did carry some bags so yeah. If not, you would have to buy a three dollar fly swatter and smack him with it.


"We're home!!" You yelled as you opened the door. The boys were sprawled on the floor, sleeping soundly.

'Huh. What did they do?'

You thought as you placed all the paper bags on the table.

"Anything else?" Yoongi asked suddenly.

"Uhh... No. Why?" You asked, confused.

"I'm just going to join the rest. Bye." He walked to the couch which, suprisingly, no one was on and slept almost immediately. You sighed.

'Getting him to talk really needs some effort.'

Shaking the thought off, you started cooking the boys' lamb skewers. Quietly while humming 'Spring Day'.

You didn't know why but your mind pictured you, cooking for your own children. Like a mother. You had always loved kids. But you never been close to any kids. It was for their own good.

Will you ever have kids?

That was a question you had been asking yourself from time to time. Seeing a kid. With parents. But after thinking about kids. You thought about another thing.

With who are you going to have a kid?

That was the real question. Were there any guy that even liked you. That way?

Maybe some of them would like you but after they got to know you, they'll run away like a turkey on Thanksgiving.

Even seeing a couple walked passed, you feel insecure. Like what teenagers nowadays say.

Loner for life.

"What's that smell?" Hoseok spoke, still on the floor but sitting upright. Then, all of then began to wake up life corpse turning into zombies.

"It smells so good." You giggled at Taehyung's comment.

"Come on and eat, boys." You didn't have to tell them twice. They entered the kitchen and sat down, waiting for the food eagerly. You fixed each of them a plate and placed them on the table. They thanked you in unison and digged in.

You looked at them for awhile before taking a seat yourself. A smile unconsciously made its way to your face. You ate too. The smile on your face still on.

They looked like kids. They were the only people that were the closest to kids. Their behaviour, their humour, their personality and dumbness.

'What if I married one of them?'

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