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Day 45

Your P.O.V.

You finished curling your last piece of hair and looked into the mirror.

'Not bad, (Y/N)'

Your hair turned out well. You checked ypur outfit and ready to go out. You grabbed your mask, deciding that you wanted to wear one today.

On the way to the door, Taehyung came out of his room and walked beside you with a wide smile. Happy that you wore the sweatshirt he told you to wear.

You were wearing a pastel pink sweater that says 'queen' in sparkling alphabets while he wore the same except his was blue and it says 'king'. Both of you were wearing a black ripped jeans and converse.

You giggled and rolled your eyes. That Alien forced you to wear a couple outfit with him that he bought the other day to the mall because he found out that Gucci released a new belt and he wanted it as it was a limited edition.

Typical V.

Going to your garage, you picked your grey Lamborgini Veneo car key. Both of you entered the car and rode the car to the nearest mall.


You parked your car and turned off the engine. The overly excited male next to you immediately grabbed the door handle but you stopped him instantly by grabbing his wrist. He looked back questionably.

"Your mask."

"Ah!" He quickly put his mask on and looked back at you. You can tell he was smiling as his eyes turned small.

You smiled slightly and went out the car. "Pabo." You said under your breath.

Entering the mall, you received some stares from people and whispers about how cute that 'couple' was. You tried to ignore them but that didn't stop you from being flustered.

Once Taehyung eyes caught the sight of his favourite boutique, he rushed over there, leaving you walking and shaking your head.

'Such a child.'

While he was hunting his item, you began checking out their purses. You lifted a maroon one and opened up the zipper to make sure it work. You began doing the same to all that you were attracted to.

Suddenly, you felt something on your neck and a presence behind you.

Before you could judo-flip the person, you realised it was just Taehyung with his beloved belt, acting like he was strangling you with it. It was gentle but enough to make you alert.

You pushed him off playfully. "Yah! Quit that. I could have broken your arm, you know?"

He just laughed and walked towards the cashier to pay for the belt. You continued scanning the purses.

Your eyes stopped at the person beside you. It was a girl. More like a frozen girl. She was standing there, not moving a muscle and her face was in a complete shock. You followed her eyes and noticed she was staring at Taehyung's figure who was lending his credit card to the cashier.

You started to panic. You panicked even more when you saw her hands pulling out her phone.

'Oh shit.'

'Better move fast.'

Taehyung was talking to the cashier about something while looking his phone. You thought of a plan to pull him out of there without looking suspicious. An idea came up and you had no time to think again so you just winged it. You hugged him from behind. He stiffened.

"Jagiya, what's taking you so long? We have places to be, remember?"

He looked at you from his shoulders with his eyes wide as saucers.

You smiled at the male cashier who was internally fan-boying about how cute the both of you were being. "I'm sorry. Here you go. Listen to your girlfriend over here. Better not upset her. Have a nice day ahead!" You took Taehyung's hand and carried the paper bag for him. You walked out but not before nodding at the cashier in gratitude.

You peeked over the girl earlier who put her phone back into her bag while muttering something.

"Why did..?" He didn't finished his sentence.

"Let's just head home." You swung your hands together and laughed at his red ears.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

Taehyung face flushed more while looking at your wide smile on your face with your hair blowing in the air. Not to mention the matching outfit and you holding his hand like an official couple.

'What did I do to have such an angel beside me?'

'A sweet and beautiful angel with a weird job.'

'Killing people is not what she supposed to do.'

'She's better at something else.'


His heart beat faster than Usain Bolt when he thought what he was going to think.

'Like a wife.'

I'm sorry it's really short than the others. I just have no idea left. Hopefully that satisfy you guys.

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