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"Aww.. What..?!"

"HAH! IN! YOUR! FACE! HAHAAA!" Jungkook did a silly victory dance and kept repeating 'I won' and 'you lost'

"Ughhh... Okay, okay. I lost. Now, could you stop moving your butt around like that? Hurts my innocent eyes." You said while looking at his butt that was close to your face.

Jungkook turned around and faced you. "No." You lifted a brow.


"I will not stop unless you say tha-" You cut him off before he continued his evil plan.

"No. No. No. I ain't saying anything." You waved your hand in a 'no' motion and stood up to walk away.

"Oh, come on! You're no fun! Just say 'Jungkook is the best Overwatch player ever and he is also the most handsome one.'" He finished with a hum and crossed his arms, waiting for you to repeat. "It's not that hard. You just gotta tell the truth."

"The truth, my ass." You mumbled under your breath. "Okay," You inhaled. "Jungkook is the best Overwatch player ever!" You said in an over-dramatic voice and a wide fake smile.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to your face, his hot breath fanning your face that was already warm from the close gap. "And...?" He pulled the word with mischief. Your fake smile disappeared.

"I am not goi-"

"And....?" He repeated. Louder this time. You growled in dissatisfaction but did it anyways.

"And he is also the most handsome one! Yeayyy!!! Happy?" You continued, using a sarcastic tone.

"Eh. That'll do."

"Good. Now move away." You pushed him gently and went to open the door but his hand grabbed yours that was turning the knob.

"Wait, (Y/N)." His voice turned serious. The playful tone was gone which made you looked at him immediately. His head was casted down, looking at the floor. "I-uhh... wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?" Your body was fully turned to him, all ears to what he was about to say.

"You love us, right? Love... me?"

Your eyebrows scrunched up. "Of course I do." You replied as if it was the dumbest question ever. Which it kind of was.

"Do you love me like a family or... something more?" He finally looked at you. You were shocked that his eyes were glassy.

"Jungkook... What..?"

"(Y/N)... I-I like you... okay? I r-really, really, really like you. M-More like... more like, I love you." He became a stuttering mess. "A-and the other guys do, too. I just... just... I just don't think that I can win. Especially against t-the other guys." He really sounded like he was going to burst into tears.

'Kookie, don't cry...'


'The others do too?'

'Wait WHAT?'

'You mean, ALL?'

"I-I don't want to because it h-hurts. It hurts s-so much but I can't control it. I can't control my heart. It wants what it wants. It w-wants you, (Y/N). My heart wants y-you. It wants you to... to be by its side. Always. To l-laugh with you. To grow o-old with you. Just... just to be with you forever. I-I'd fight but they're m-my brothers so I won't. But, I'll t-try to win your heart. I'll try. J-just like how you won mine." He finished with a tear on his cheek and a small smile.

Hearing his words made your eyes stung too. "Oh, Kookie..." You went to wipe his tear. "All of you already won my heart. It's hard for me too, you know? But I'll give you a chance. I can't promise anything but all I can say is that there is a 'maybe' that I'll choose you. Okay, my precious muscle baby?" You kissed his cheeks that lit his face on fire.

Jungkook grabbed one of your hand that was on his cheek and closed his eyes while nodding. He was still sniffling. "Now, stop crying. You're a man now, Kook. Act like one, would you?" You joked that made Jungkook chuckled.

"Alright, alright. Of course, (Y/N). That was just for extra effects." He rubbed his eyes.

"That's noona to you." You squished his cheeks. "Remember that I'm older than you."

He looked at you up and down. "You sure don't look like it." He teased with a smirk.

"I know, I look flawless like a teenager, am I right?" You poofed your hair before realising something. "Wait. You were talking about my height, weren't you?" You glared at him. He looked up to the ceiling innocently.

"Aishh... You bunny-looking-fetus. Just because I'm short, doesn't mean that I can't beat you up in seconds," You smirked. "Or... in Overwatch!" You ran to the controller. "Whoever loses this time have to do the dishes for the whole week."

"What! No way!" Jungkook protested but grabbed the contoller anyway.

You faked a gasp. "Are you scared, Jeon Jungkook? The best Overwatch player ever? Ooh! And not to mention the most handsome one too?!" You pushed.

"Okay, get ready to be drowned in soap and water for the next week. Noona." He accepted the challenge.

Both of you started the game but it wasn't such a serious one either. You were talking and joking around most of the time.

"Noona?" Jungkook called out. You hummed in respond. "Thank for not making us awkward. I would definitely regret everything if you do. You're so chill, you know that?"

You giggled. "Of course I am. 'Chill' is my middle name. It's all about finding the peace in the chaos."

Jungkook side-glanced you with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"I love you so freaking much."

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