1.5K 101 16

Day 1

You sat on the bed and stretched like a cat. You rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes and climbed out of bed. You stood up next to the bed and fluttered your eyes closed. You inhale and exhale. You did this every morning to make sure you're ready for the day. You opened your eyes once again and stepped into the bathroom.

You did your business in there and walked out of your bedroom to the kitchen. Opening the cabinets, you thought;

'What to cook?'

You decided to just make some pancakes for them. Who doesn't like pancakes? Everyone loves pancakes especially the fluffy ones and you are a pro at it. It's what you eat almost every morning. You started doing the batter when you felt a presence behind you.

"Hey." A masculine voice startled you almost making you dropped the spatula. Your head snapped towards the direction.

It was Jin.

He was standing there with a small smile. You stood there, in shock.

'Is he.... Is he smiling at me?'


'Did I just stuttered? Keep it professional, (L/N)!'

You continued your work and you heard his footsteps coming towards you. "Making food for us?"

You shrugged. "Yup."

"Need any help?" He offered.

You gave him a smile. "No but thanks." He nodded and sent another smile at you. It was quite for awhile. A comfortable one, actually. You stole glances at him in suspicion.

'Why is he being nice to me, anyway?'

'Shouldn't he be locking himself in his room rather than coming here and try to talk to me?'

'Is he planning on stabbing me with that butter knife that is laying on the counter?'

'Is he distracting me for the others to creep up on me from behind and break my neck?'

'Why is he not freaking out that he is talking to his fucking KIDNAPPER?!'

You shooked the thoughts out of your head as you looked at him from the corner of your eyes.
You studied him for awhile. Somehow, you felt his motherly aura from him. You heard that he is considered as the 'mother' of the band. He eats a lot and cooks well. You thought about how much he must have cared for the other members. Just the thought about it made your heart fluttered. He's quite tall, though, with those broad shoulders.

You took a look at his face. You couldn't help but stared.

'He's really handsome.'

His eyes met yours and you quickly looked away. You felt the blush that was creeping up from your neck to your ears. You mentally scolded yourself.

'Did I just-? Ugh!'

'Great, now he's gonna think that I'm creepy.'

"You okay?" He asked, making you looked up at him.

"Huh?" You asked. You must have looked dumb when you did that.

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