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-This is a very short chap. Please comment! Love you!

"Hyung!" Everyone's eyes watered at the sight of Yoongi getting beat up while coughing blood and bruise all over his face and body.

Mr. Lee was enjoying the scene of the boys calling out for their dying friend.

"Yoongi-hyung..." Jimin started sobbing.

'Please... stop.' Jimin shut his eyes and tried to block the sound of his hyung screaming in agony.

"STOP! PLEASE!" Namjoon yelled out loud. "Fucking hell, just stop. Isn't that enough?!" Veins popped out of his neck and forehead.

Mr. Lee put an uninterested gaze on the other rapper. He stood up.

"You're right," they started to cower in fear, knowing that something bad was going to happen. "It's not enough."

Without a heartbeat, he walked up to Namjoon and pulled out his gun, shooting Namjoon's left knee. His scream filled the room.

"NO!" Hoseok cried out.

"You should know better than speak to me like that." Mr. Lee said lowly, ignoring Namjoon's cries and screams. "What were you trying to do? Proving that you were a functioning leader? Tch." The man stared at his badly injured knee and 'hm'ed. He walked back to his spot.

Jin silently cried as he was next to Namjoon. He glanced at Namjoon who gave him a forced smiled, trying to tell him that he was okay. Jin shooked his head with tears falling down his face and cried again.

'What did we do to deserve this?'

'I have failed to protect them.'

He looked around and scanned his teammates. Everyone was crying like there were no tomorrow. He couldn't stand watching his brothers like this. He stared at Yoongi's limp body on the ground, blood starting to pool around him.

'I have failed to save Yoongi.'

He would do anything to save his roommate and friends that was in a critical condition.

"Hey!" The four guys that were beating up Yoongi turned to look at him.

Even if it means sacrificing his handsome face.

"How about a fresh meat to beat up?" He gestured to himself. Mr. Lee lifted a brow at him. He laughed a bit and nodded at his minions.

They cut Jin's ropes.

"Jin... Jin? JIN!!" Jungkook yelled at his hyung with tears streaming down. "JIN!!" He started to trash around in his chair.

"Jin..." Taehyung whispered to himself as the guards pulled the eldest hyung to where Yoongi was. Taehyung was drained of energy and he had lost his glow. Not the Taehyung that we know anymore.

Jin looked down as he walked. One of the men harshly pulled up Yoongi from the ground. Yoongi immediately latched onto Jin, spreading his blood around Jin's clothes. "No, Jin... d-don't-" He stopped when Jin flashed him a handsome grin.

"You've done enough." He whispered. "You always had."

Somehow, his grin reached his eyes.

He was pushed to the ground and Yoongi tried to run to him but got pulled back into a chair, tied up again.

Yoongi's slumped back as his eyes never left his hyung who was getting hit like he got before. There were barely any sound coming from Jin which was making the rest worry to death.

It felt like hours.

Jin didn't really feel the pain of getting hit as the pain of seeing the look on his brothers' face was already overwhelming.

They kept screaming his name over and over again but his hearing and vision started to blur. He tried to keep his eyes open but it was too hard.

'I am not a weak eomma.'

'I promised to take care of you.'

'And I never break promises.'

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