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Day 31

Your P.O.V

"Ugh." You groaned and sat up. Your rubbed your eyes and looked around. You were on the floor and your face was wet from the tears.

'Huh. Must have fell asleep when I cried.'

You tried to stand up but that was a bad idea. Your whole body aches from lying on the hard floor. You groaned again. Quickly, you jumped on your bed and sighed in pleasure, burying your face in the comfy pillow. Eyes closed, you slowly started to drift into a deep slumber again but was startled awake when there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Uhh... Noona?" A voice was heard from the other side.


"Are you awake? The hyungs and I are worry about you. Come out when you feel like it, okay?" You can sense the care and worry in his voice. You smiled softly.

'Why are they up so early, anyway?'

You thought and reached out your hand to find your alarm clock. Once you felt the solid object, you opened one of your closed eyes to see the red numbers.

12:14 p.m.

Closing your eyes again, you mumbled, "12:14". Then, realisation hit you. "12:14!!" You scrambled off the bed and stood up to go to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

'I slept like... a day!'

'The boys must be starving!'

'What the hell was I doing?!'

'(Y/N), you idiot!'

Without washing your face, you pinned your unwashed hair into a messy bun. Then, you sprinted out of the room to the living room. Entering the living area, you stopped when you saw Jin cooking and the boys watching TV. You sighed loudly. The sound made the boys looked up.

Jin was the first to spoke. "Good morning, (Y/N)!" He beamed with his bright smile. He took the plate that was on the kitchen cabinet and set it on the table. "I made breakfast!" He sang. You gave him a tired and thankful smile as you sat on your usual spot.

"It's the afternoon." You took a bite of the eggs and bacon and hummed happily. It was really good.

Jin shrugged. "Eh. Still breakfast for us." He said and took a seat himself. Silence filled the room. Jin cleared his throat. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you cry yesterday?"

You froze. Jin noticed and quickly added, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. No pressure." He smiled, giving assurance. "Just... tell me when you're ready. I'm worrying about you."

You smiled back and nodded your head.

"So, uhh... any siblings?" He started asking random questions as he could sense that you were uncomfortable.

"Nope. I'm the only child." You answered, shrugging.

"Anyone close?"

You pulled your lips into a thin line and shooked your head side to side. Jin was suprised.

"So this whole time, you've been alone? Don't you feel... lonely?" You looked up to him and turned your gaze to the boys that were sitting on the couch, chatting and playing board games. The atmosphere was very different than usual.

"Yeah." You quietly said. "All the time." The loneliness in your eyes was very visible to Jin. He couldn't help but feel bad.

"And... how long have you been doing this... this job?" His question made you blush in embarrassment. It must have been awkward for him to ask these kind of things.

"4." It came out as a squeak so you quickly cleared your throat. "4 years."

"How old are you now?"

"23 this year."

"Oh. Still young, I see." He chuckled. You laughed with him. "You're the same age as ChimChim and TaeTae."

"How about you?" He hummed in response. "Anyone close to you? Other than the boys?"

"Oh, yes I do. Friends from university, family, of course but they are the closest." He replied with a wide grin. "Like my children. I don't know what they would do without me. Without me, there's no BTS. No world-wide handsome." He continued and flipped his hair with a dazzling smile. You giggled in amusement.

Then, he sighed. "Actually, I don't know what I would do without them. They make my life more... exciting, you know? Makes me look forward for the next day. It's nice to hear that they see me as their eomma. Well actually, I'd never thought I would be labeled as an 'eomma' but," He chuckled. "It's good to know that I'm like the head of the family." His smile faltered as he watched the other members. "They need someone to take care of them here. To be their mother figure. And I'm glad I was chosen for the job." He joked.

What he said melted your heart. A sad smile unconsciously grew on your face. How you wish you have someone like that in your life. A mother figure. Yeah, they're like a family to you now but... not for long.

"Hey, I have a joke for you." An excited Jin said.

"Oh! Alright."

"What did the dog said to the wall?"

Before you could even think the answer, Taehyung shouted from the living room. "Wolwol!"

Jin's mischievous face turned blank as he stared at the younger from the kitchen. Taehyung just gave him a cheeky box smile and continued with his board game. You laughed.

"Okay. Another one." He shifted in his seat. "Hamburgers. What colour are hamburgers?" He asked as you took a bite of your almost finished dish.

"Hamburgers?" You asked questionably while chewing the food.

"Burgundy! Burgundy!" He loudly said and laugh his windshield laugh. You almost spat out the eggs and bacon in your mouth as you laugh. You covered you face with one hand and looked down to laugh.

'It wasn't even funny!'

'But his laugh, though!'

'God, I'm crying.'

Your laugh finally died down so you looked up again, to see Jin still laughing. You can't stand it so you laugh again. "Okay, okay! That's enough." You struggled to speak as you were laughing so hard too.

Jin breathed in deeply to calm himself down. He laughed harder than you did and it was his own joke. "We should be with the others. You done?" He asked, referring to your breakfast. You nodded your head.

"Yes." You stood up and put the plate in the sink. Then, you walked through the living room to your room.

"(Y/N)-ah!" Hoseok called out. "Come and play with us!" He invited.

"Nah. I'm good. I haven't even showered, yet."

"Oh, okay. Go ahead then." He giggled like a child.

Everyone looked happy and normal. Playing and joking like there's no worries in this world. You frowned when you realised they won't be here forever. You don't want the two months to end.

You don't want to let them go.

Hello! Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile. But to all of you guys that had been voting, adding this fic to their reading list, THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH. So anyway, it was examination week last week. It was hard but since when exams are easy, huh?

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