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Day 35

Your P.O.V.

'Don't move.'

You kept repeating the word over and over again in your head. You know that one move would affect everything and you would lose.

Concentrating, you narrow your eyes the slightest bit. You blocked out all of the sound and surrounding and just focus on the person that is sitting in front of you who has the same intensity in his eyes.

Your eyes started to water a bit and you prayed that he would just give up.

You are not going to lose. Never. You were going to prove that you are better than him. The tension was so thick, it's starting to mess with your mind.

'Hold it.'

His dark brown eyes twitched and you smirked just a bit. Then, finally...

He blinked.

"YES!!" You jumped in victory while Jungkook groaned. "How long was it?"

Taehyung looked at his watch. "A full 6 minutes." He said in awe.

You rubbed your eyes. "Gah. My eyes burn."

"This is the first time I lost to someone." Jungkook mumbled. Apparently you heard it.

"Well, you gotta deal with it because you ain't winning when you're against me." You stucked out your tongue and stood up.

"Hey. Where are you going?" Jungkook asked as he blinked his red eyes over and over again to clear his view.

"Where my feet takes me." You entered the elevator and pressed the third floor button.

You were bored and asked Jungkook and Taehyung to 'entertain' you and Jungkook's idea was to have a staring contest which, obviously, you won. The elevator let out a 'ding' and you stepped out. The sports area. Your favourite place to visit when you're bored. A noise came from the gym part which made you stopped and walked there to check it out.


He was so sweaty and he looked very tired yet, he continued his workout. Once he was done with whatever he was doing, he lowered his head and panted. His hands were shaking from all the work. He raised his head upwards again to look at himself on the big mirror in front of him but he spotted you standing behind him from the reflection. Out of reflexes, he turned around so fast that he almost tripped over his own feet. He stumbled a bit but quickly regained his posture.

"Oh! I didn't see you there." He chuckled nervously.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." You made your way to him and when you're close he looked down again, still panting. He began to stand up while huffing tiredly to resume his exercise.

"Hey, Chim?" You stopped him before he could even lift the dumbbells. He hummed questionably. "You should take a break. I mean, you shouldn't overdo yourself. It's not good for your body."

"Nah. I'm fine."

"Jimin." You warned him while gripping his arm and looking at him dead in the eye. He stared back. He sighed in surrender when you shooked your head at him. Your grip loosened and Jimin suddenly slumped on the floor. He ran his hands through his hair frustratingly. Jimin's face was downcasted so you can't really see him. He let out a shaky breath.

"No..." He trailed off. "I just... I just want to be the best for the fans. For the rest of the gang. For everyone. I don't want to disappoint anyone."

Your heart cracked at the sight of a broken Park Jimin.

"I just feel like... I'm not good enough." He looked up to you with his beautiful pair of eyes. "Am I good enough?"

You knelt down in front of him and placed your hand on his slumped shoulder. "Jimin, you're the most perfect human being I have ever met. I'm sure your fans think the same." You then, put your palm on his chubby cheek while he leaned into and held it with his own hand.

"I think Jiminie got the worst. People actually threatened to kill him. I feel so bad for him. He doesn't deserve that. He's our angel. But either way, we, Bangtan Boys will protect him in any cost. As well as the A.R.M.Ys."

"I'm sorry."

He looked up when you said those two words. "Why are you apologising?"

Your eyes sting a bit. "I'm sorry for taking your life away. I can't imagine how hard it is for you to go through all of this. I don't know..." You chuckled softly. "I don't know why you guys are being nice to me and all... Not that I'm complaining or anything. But, that just shows that you guys treat everyone equally. You don't care about their dark background..."

"Will you protect him, too?"

Your breathing became shallow. "You treat me like no else ever did. You made me feel that I'm somone important... someone special to you. Thank you for that."

"As if it's my own life."

This whole time, Jimin had been staring at you as you let out everything. You were just as vulnerable as he was. But that never stopped him from liking you. In fact, he likes you even more now. Yes, the Park Jimin had developed a crush on his kidnapper. This is Stockholm Syndrome all over again. From the very beginning, he thought you were the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on. He didn't think of it first as you were abducting them. But when you started to show your fun side, he began to have these feelings that gave him butterflies everytime you're close.

"You are special, (Y/N)." He smiled sweetly. Your gaze met with his. Your hand was still on his cheeks. Unconsciously, the both of you started to lean in. Neither of you was in your right mind. Your noses were almost touching when a loud, muffled voice interrupted from below.


Jin's yelling snapped you out of your trance. You blinked twice and back away from Jimin who got back to reality too. Pulling back your hand, you rubbed your arm with it while Jimin cleared his throat and scratched his head a bit.

'Did I just nearly kissed him?'

'Get ahold of yourself, (Y/N). Jesus Christ.'

"I-uhh... I should check out what's all that about." You smile awkwardly.


You stood up and cracked your neck. "Yup. Okay. Uhh... see you." You started to walk away but turned around again when you recalled something. "And Jimin. Listen to what I just said. Stop all of these hard workouts and diets. Just do you. People will love you either way. At least..." He quietly stared at you, waiting you to finish your sentence. You smiled softly. "At least do it for me."

His charming smile appeared on his adorable face. He nodded and agreed, looking down shyly. Your heart skipped a beat at this. He's an angel in your eyes so you said the one sentence that you were told to once.

"Just know that you are too good for this cruel world."

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